IRIF Newsletter of December 22, 2023


In this week's IRIF Newsletter, the minutes of the 19th of December, 2023 lab council is available.
A survey about the PhD wold has been made by the RNCD.
You can read the report about the women representation in the digital sector.
The focus is on Gabriel Scherer, research fellow.
Different call for offer are open. Don't forget to check the list!

The end of the year is here, and it's time to say goodbye.

This has been a challenging year for all of us, not only because of the difficult material conditions for members of the laboratory, but also because of the HCERES evaluation, which demanded a great deal of extra effort from everyone, and above all because of the alarming international geopolitical and environmental news, most recently the vote by the French National Assembly on a new immigration law.

The diversity of the origins of the students, post-docs, lecturers and researchers who make up our unit is our greatest asset and is essential to the successful operation of our research. We will be taking all the necessary steps within the laboratory to ensure that we can continue to invite and welcome students and researchers from all backgrounds under the best possible conditions. We will have an opportunity to discuss the situation at the laboratory's next AGM on 9 January.

In the meantime, we wish you all the very best for the holiday season, and thank you for all your hard work in 2023!

Direction's announcements


Equalities comittee

The University has introduced a new system for reporting situations of violence, harassment and discrimination. If you are a victim or witness of violence, harassment or discrimination, you can report it by sending a message to All informations can be found on this page prepared by the university. See also the harassement page in the intranet of IRIF. We also recall that a similar service is available from CNRS: see this focus in the IRIF letter of February the 10th.

IRIF & Environnement

Focus sur Gabriel Scherer, chargé de recherche

Derrière “l'affreux informaticien qui est tout le temps en retard”, se cache un scientifique au calme olympien. Informaticien autodidacte, il a trouvé son équilibre entre théorie et pratique.. Rencontre avec Gabriel Scherer qui vient de rejoindre l'IRIF en tant que chargé de recherche. Il est dans le pôle Preuves, programmes et systèmes au sein des équipes Algèbre et calcul, Analyse et conception de systèmes et Preuves et programmes

“Tout le jeu est de comprendre comment formaliser des propriétés qui intuitivement sont importantes pour les programmeurs et les programmeuses (quand on utilise mon langage, le problème X ou Y ne va jamais arriver), et réfléchir à comment les rendre vraies et prouver qu'elles sont vraies.“

Pour lire l'intégralité de son portrait, rendez-vous sur cette page.

Calls for tender and information from partners

Partner newsletter : Les lettres arrivent sporadiquement aux membres de l'IRIF. Elles sont donc listées ci-dessous.

Agenda for the week of 25 December to 29 December

No seminar this week.