IRIF Newsletter of March 29, 2024


In this week's IRIF letter, a new CNRS Senior Research Scientist, Tayssir Touili, has joined the lab. The interns welcome meeting will be held next week. Renovation works are planned for next week. We also remind you that monday 1st of April is a holy day and that the IRIF building will be closed.
Mirna Džamonja, associate member of the lab and Quentin Aristote, PhD student have both won a prize for their work.
To conclude this equality month, we asked 5 questions to the founder of the queerif meetings to understand the importance of such a committee.
The focus of this week is on three 2024 Pint of Science event made by IRIF researchers.
Two collaborations calls, in Singapore and Toronto University, are now open to registration.

Enjoy reading and have a nice weekend!

Direction's announcements


Equalities comittee

“Hence, I have experienced what a difference it can make to actually have a queer meetup for a given social context. […] Also, crucially, the meetup is meant as a safe space, where you can talk about how you feel and be sure that you don't have to justify it or be judged for what you are.”

Read the interview here.

Focus on 2024 Pint of Science: 3 IRIF Researcher have been selected to do a presentation

🎉 Three projects from IRIF researchers have been selected to be presented at the 2024 Pint of Science France event.
This event aims to popularize scientific subjects in a very informal place, a bar. Join them to discover in a new way new aspects of computer science.

🎟 Tickets go on sale on 8 April.

1️⃣ 🔐 Can we use algorithms to stay private?
David FindmyName
Theme of the night: Navigating a digital maze: Trust, bias & privacy

“Most of the systems we use daily collect our #data, from our phones to our Navigo cards. Our activities are tracked and analyzed to improve the performance of the metro or to target better commercial products. Would this be possible “privately”? There is a wide range of options, though not all of them are wise. Looking at some historical failures, we can grasp how powerful computers and big data have changed the privacy game. We will examine together some of the new challenges and possible solutions. As a warm-up: can you discover my name?”

📅 May, 13
📍 Les Marquises , 145 Rue Oberkampf, 75011, Paris
🗣 English speaking

2️⃣ 🗺 Graphs as model for networks
Reza Naserasr
Theme of the night: Infinity's whimsy: A graphical odyssey

“Graphs are like #maps that help us understand connections between different things, like friends in a social network or streets in a city. They are made of dots (nodes) connected by lines (edges), showing how things are linked. Tonight, we will talk about some common problems involving graphs and how they're used to solve everyday issues. And for a bit of fun, we'll try out a classic puzzle from way back in Euler's time (1736): finding a route on a map that crosses every bridge exactly once.”

📅 May, 14
📍 La Ferme, 5 Rue des Petites Écuries 75010, Paris
🗣 English speaking

3️⃣ ⚛ A la découverte du calcul quantique
Sophie Laplante
Theme of the night: Call of Physics

“Comment les ordinateurs quantiques utilisent-ils à leur avantage les propriétés singulières de la mécanique #quantique ? Nous éclaircirons ce mystère à l’aide d'une joyeuse collection d’objets hauts en couleurs qui vous permettront de vous emparer de l’insaisissable état quantique. Nous les manipulerons dans un jeu collectif, à la manière des opérations qui sont au cœur des calculs quantiques.”

📅 May, 15
📍 Bistrot des Artistes, 6 Rue des Anglais 75005, Paris
🗣 French speaking

Calls for tender and information from partners

Partner newsletter : Newsletters are sent sporadically to IRIF members. They are listed below.

Agenda for the week of April 1st to April 05

Algorithmes et complexité · Mardi 02 avril, 11:00, Room 3071 ·
Michael Klooß (Aalto University), Adaptive Special Soundness: Improved Knowledge Extraction by Adaptive Useful Challenge Sampling

Combinatoire énumérative et analytique · Mardi 02 avril, 11:00, Room 3058 ·
Relâche, Séminaire Flajolet le 4 avril

Sémantique · Mercredi 03 avril, 10:45, Room 3052 ·
Thomas Nowak (LMF), Topological Characterization of Task Solvability in General Models of Computation

Algorithmes et complexité · Vendredi 05 avril, 11:00, Room 3052 ·
Yanlin Chen (CWI Amsterdam), A Quantum Speed-Up for Approximating the Top Eigenvectors of a Matrix

Catégories supérieures, polygraphes et homotopie · Vendredi 05 avril, 14:00, Room 3058 ·
Yonatan Harpaz, Lax limits of model categories