Seminars & Meetings



  • January 10th 2020, 1:30pm, IRIF, room 3014, Kickoff meeting.
  • March 2nd 2020, 2pm, Jussieu, 26-00 428, Stable marriage study group, followed by 6 more meetings. participants: IRIF: Simon Mauras, Michel de Rougemont, DIENS: Pierre Aboulker, LIP6: Euripide Bampis, Thomas Bellitto, Spyros Angelopoulos, Bruno Escoffier.
  • January 2020 to September 2021: 12 meetings, mostly in Jussieu, redistricting for elections in France, participants: Thomas Ehrhard, Solal Attias, LIP6: Evripidis Bampis, Vincent Cohen-Addad, Bruno Escoffier, Fanny Pascual, Adèle Pass-Lanneau, David Saulpic, IRIF: Claire Mathieu.
  • October 20, 2020, zoom. Computing shortest paths with uncertainty, Feder et al 2007.
  • May 4th, 2021. 9-11am. Zoom.
  • Sep 23rd, 2021. 9:15-12, Jussieu, 26-00 428. C Dürr local sort with value queries, G Bathie testing regular languages in streaming, M de Rougemont finding very dense subgraphs in streaming