
Workshop 2023

Toward merging with some new developments, there will be a joint meeting with the group from Temporal graph where we will try to exchange ideas and see what are interesting problems on signed temporal graphs.

This meeting will take place 3-5 Julyat

List of confirmed participants is as follows.

Stefan BalevLITIS
Thomas BellittoLIP6
Vincent BridonneauLITIS
Filippo BrunelliIRIF
Binh-Minh Bui-XuanLIP6
Daniele CarnevaleLaBRI
Arnaud CasteigtsLaBRI
Timothée CorsiniLaBRI
Pierluigi CrescenziL'Aquila
Monika CsikosIRIF
Fabien de MontgolfierIRIF
Laurent FeuilloleyLIRIS
Frédéric GuinandLITIS
Michel HabibIRIF
Nicolas HanusseLaBRI
David IlcinkasLaBRI
Ralf KlasingLaBRI
Frédéric MazoitLaBRI
Reza NaserasrIRIF
Minh-Hang NguyenIRIF
Théo MorelLITIS
Yoann PignéLITIS
Cyril PujolIRIF
Mikaël RabieIRIF
Michael RaskinLaBRI
Eric SanlavilleLITIS
Jason SchoetersCambridge
Antoine ToullalanLITIS
Mathilde VernetLIA
Laurent ViennotIRIF