Library OracleLanguages.Imp.BigStep

Big-step semantics of the Imp programming language, not used by the oracles nor the papers, but shows equivalence with the small-step semantics.

Require Import Common.
Require Import Imp.Lang.
Require Import ProgrammingLanguage.

Module Type ImpBigStep
       (Var_as_DT : UsualDecidableTypeOrig)
       (Import Lang : ImpProgrammingLanguage Var_as_DT).

  Reserved Notation "S ⊢ c ⇓ S'" (at level 50, no associativity).
  Inductive big_step : store cmd store Prop :=
    | j_skip: {s},
      s Skip s
    | j_seq: {s₀ s₂ c₁ c₂} (s₁ : store),
      s₀ c₁ s₁
      s₁ c₂ s₂
      s₀ (Seq c₁ c₂) s₂
    | j_assign: {s s' x e} v,
      eval_exp s e = Some v
      M.add x v s = s'
      s (Assign x e) s'
    | j_if_then: {s s' b c₁ c₂},
      eval_bexp s b = Some true
      s c₁ s'
      s ITE b c₁ c₂ s'
    | j_if_else: {s s' b c₁ c₂},
      eval_bexp s b = Some false
      s c₂ s'
      s ITE b c₁ c₂ s'
    | j_while_iter: {s s' b c} s₁,
      eval_bexp s b = Some true
      s c s₁
      s₁ While b c s'
      s While b c s'
    | j_while_end: {s b c},
      eval_bexp s b = Some false
      s While b c s
    | j_assert_true: {s b},
      eval_bexp s b = Some true
      s Assert b s
  where "S ⊢ c ⇓ S'" := (big_step S c S').

  Hint Constructors big_step.

  Reserved Notation "S ⊢ c ⇒ '∞'" (at level 50, no associativity).
  Inductive big_step_div : store cmd Prop :=
    | j_seq₁: {s₀ c₁ c₂},
      s₀ c₁
      s₀ (Seq c₁ c₂)
    | j_seq₂: {s₀ c₁ c₂} (s₁ : store),
      s₀ c₁ s₁
      s₁ c₂
      s₀ (Seq c₁ c₂)
    | j_if_then_inf: {s b c₁ c₂},
      eval_bexp s b = Some true
      s c₁
      s ITE b c₁ c₂
    | j_if_else_inf: {s b c₁ c₂},
      eval_bexp s b = Some false
      s c₂
      s ITE b c₁ c₂
    | j_while₁: {s b c},
      eval_bexp s b = Some true
      s c
      s While b c
    | j_while₂: {s b c} s₁,
      eval_bexp s b = Some true
      s c s₁
      s₁ While b c
      s While b c
  where "S ⊢ c ⇒ '∞'" := (big_step_div S c).

  Hint Constructors big_step_div.

  Theorem big_implies_small:
     c s s',
    s c s'
     n, @nsteps imp_language tt n ([c], s) = Some ([], s').

  Lemma seq_assoc:
     s c₁ c₂ c₃ s',
    s Seq (Seq c₁ c₂) c₃ s'
    s Seq c₁ (Seq c₂ c₃) s'.

  Inductive big_step_cont (S : store) : store cont Prop :=
    | Halted :
      big_step_cont S S []
    | OneBigStep : s c s' k,
      s c s'
      big_step_cont S s' k
      big_step_cont S s (c::k).

  Inductive big_step_cont_div : store cont Prop :=
    | Diverges : s c k,
      s c
      big_step_cont_div s (c::k)
    | OneBigStep' : s c s' k,
      s c s'
      big_step_cont_div s' k
      big_step_cont_div s (c::k).

  Hint Constructors big_step_cont.
  Hint Constructors big_step_cont_div.

  Theorem big_step_determinist:
     c s s' s'',
    s c s'
    s c s''
    s' = s''.

  Theorem big_div_implies_small_div_helper:
     c s,
    s c
     c' k' s', step tt ([c], s) = Some (c'::k', s') big_step_cont_div s' (c'::k').

  Theorem big_implies_small_helper:
     c s s'',
    s c s''
     k' s', step tt ([c], s) = Some (k', s') big_step_cont s'' s' k'.

  Theorem big_div_implies_small_div_helper':
     k s,
    big_step_cont_div s k
     c' k' s', step tt (k, s) = Some (c'::k', s') big_step_cont_div s' (c'::k').
  Theorem big_cont_div_implies_small_div:
     k s,
    big_step_cont_div s k
    infinite_small_step_exec (k, s).

  Theorem big_div_implies_small_div:
     c s,
    s c
    infinite_small_step_exec ([c], s).

  Lemma small_implies_big_helper:
     S s',
    finite_small_step_exec s' S
    big_step_cont s' (snd S) (fst S).

  Lemma small_implies_big:
     c s s',
    ( n, @nsteps imp_language tt n ([c], s) = Some ([], s'))
    s c s'.

  Theorem small_equiv_big:
     c s s',
    ( n, @nsteps imp_language tt n ([c], s) = Some ([], s')) s c s'.
End ImpBigStep.

Module Make (Var_as_DT : UsualDecidableTypeOrig)
       (Import Lang : ImpProgrammingLanguage Var_as_DT)
  : ImpBigStep Var_as_DT Lang.
  Include (ImpBigStep Var_as_DT Lang).
End Make.