Library OracleLanguages.Imp.ImpDifferenceLanguage

A difference language for IMP.

Require Import DifferenceLanguage.
Require Import ReductionTrace.
Require Import ReductionTracesRelation.
Require Import Common.
Require Import Imp.Syntax.
Require Import Imp.Lang.

Require Import OracleLanguage.

Require Imp.Oracles.OracleHelpers.

Require Imp.Oracles.SwapAssign.
Require Imp.Oracles.SwapBranches.
Require Imp.Oracles.SeqAssoc.
Require Imp.Oracles.RefactorCommonBranchRemainder.
Require Imp.Oracles.Renaming.
Require Imp.Oracles.CrashFix.
Require Imp.Oracles.CrashFixWhile.
Require Imp.Oracles.ValueChange.
Require Imp.Oracles.CoreRHLSC.
Require Imp.Oracles.AbstractEquiv.

Module Make (Var_as_DT : UsualDecidableTypeOrig)
       (Import Imp : ImpProgrammingLanguage Var_as_DT).

  Definition imp := Imp.imp_language.

  Import ProgrammingLanguage.
  Import Imp.

  Inductive imp_ctx :=
  | CtxHole : imp_ctx
  | CtxSeqL : imp_ctx cmd imp_ctx
  | CtxSeqR : cmd imp_ctx imp_ctx
  | CtxIfThen : bexp imp_ctx cmd imp_ctx
  | CtxIfElse : bexp cmd imp_ctx imp_ctx
  | CtxWhile : bexp imp_ctx imp_ctx.

  Module OracleHelpers := Imp.Oracles.OracleHelpers.Make Var_as_DT Imp.
  Import OracleHelpers.

  Fixpoint cmd_mod_from_imp_ctx
           (A : Type) (f : prog imp prog imp option A)
           (P₁ P₂ : prog imp) (ctx : imp_ctx)
    : option (cmd_mod A) :=
    match ctx, P₁, P₂ with
    | CtxHole, _, _
      f P₁ P₂ >>= λ m,
      Some (LeafMod m)
    | CtxSeqL ctx' c, Seq c₁₁ c₁₂, Seq c₂₁ c₂₂
      if beq_cmd c₁₂ c && beq_cmd c₂₂ c then
        cmd_mod_from_imp_ctx A f c₁₁ c₂₁ ctx' >>= λ m',
        Some (RecMod m' Id)
    | CtxSeqR c ctx', Seq c₁₁ c₁₂, Seq c₂₁ c₂₂
      if beq_cmd c₁₁ c && beq_cmd c₂₁ c then
        cmd_mod_from_imp_ctx A f c₁₂ c₂₂ ctx' >>= λ m',
        Some (RecMod Id m')
    | CtxIfThen b ctx' c, ITE b₁ c₁₁ c₁₂, ITE b₂ c₂₁ c₂₂
      if beq_bexp b₁ b && beq_bexp b₂ b && beq_cmd c₁₂ c && beq_cmd c₂₂ c then
        cmd_mod_from_imp_ctx A f c₁₁ c₂₁ ctx' >>= λ m',
        Some (RecMod m' Id)
    | CtxIfElse b c ctx', ITE b₁ c₁₁ c₁₂, ITE b₂ c₂₁ c₂₂
      if beq_bexp b₁ b && beq_bexp b₂ b && beq_cmd c₁₁ c && beq_cmd c₂₁ c then
        cmd_mod_from_imp_ctx A f c₁₂ c₂₂ ctx' >>= λ m',
        Some (RecMod Id m')
    | CtxWhile b ctx', While b₁ c₁, While b₂ c₂
      if beq_bexp b₁ b && beq_bexp b₂ b then
        cmd_mod_from_imp_ctx A f c₁ c₂ ctx' >>= λ m',
        Some (RecMod m' Id)
    | _, _, _

  Module AbstractEquiv := Imp.Oracles.AbstractEquiv.Make Var_as_DT Imp OracleHelpers.
  Module SwapAssign := Imp.Oracles.SwapAssign.Make Var_as_DT Imp OracleHelpers.
  Module SwapBranches := Imp.Oracles.SwapBranches.Make Var_as_DT Imp OracleHelpers.
  Module SeqAssoc := Imp.Oracles.SeqAssoc.Make Var_as_DT Imp OracleHelpers.
  Module RefactorCommonBranchRemainder :=
    Imp.Oracles.RefactorCommonBranchRemainder.Make Var_as_DT Imp OracleHelpers.
  Module CrashFix := Imp.Oracles.CrashFix.Make Var_as_DT Imp OracleHelpers.
  Module CrashFixWhile :=
    Imp.Oracles.CrashFixWhile.Make Var_as_DT Imp OracleHelpers.
  Module Renaming := Imp.Oracles.Renaming.Make Var_as_DT Imp.
  Module ValueChange := Imp.Oracles.ValueChange.Make Var_as_DT Imp.
  Module CoreRHLSC := Imp.Oracles.CoreRHLSC.Make Var_as_DT Imp.

  Import CoreRHLSC.RHL.

  Inductive primitive_difference : Type :=
  | SwapAssign : imp_ctx primitive_difference
  | SeqAssoc : imp_ctx primitive_difference
  | RefactorCommonBranchRemainder : imp_ctx primitive_difference
  | SwapBranches : imp_ctx primitive_difference
  | Renaming : Renaming.bijection varid varid primitive_difference
  | CrashFixWhile :
       (body : cmd) (e : exp) (bound : Z) (f : store nat),
        ( s, eval_exp s e = Some bound
                nsteps υ (f s) (body::k', s) = None)
  | ValueChange : list varid primitive_difference
  | RHLProof : {P c₁ c₂ Q}, core_rhl_sc_proof P c₁ c₂ Q primitive_difference
  | Optimize : primitive_difference
  | FixCrash : primitive_difference
  | Refactor :
      (configuration imp configuration imp Prop)

  Record oracle :=
      OT: oracle_language imp imp;
      genv: oracle_genv OT;
      state: oracle_state OT

  Definition oracle_step (o : oracle) : option oracle :=
    OracleLanguage.oracle_step (OT o) (genv o) (state o) >>= λ os',
    Some {| OT := OT o; genv := genv o; state := os' |}.

  Definition oracle_from_primitive_diff (p : primitive_difference) (P₁ P₂ : prog imp)
    : option oracle :=
    let '(genv₁, S₁) := initial_state imp P₁ in
    let '(genv₂, S₂) := initial_state imp P₂ in
    match p with
    | SwapAssign ctx
      cmd_mod_from_imp_ctx _ (λ _ _, Some SwapAssign.Swap) P₁ P₂ ctx >>= λ m,
      let os := SwapAssign.State S₁ S₂ [CmdMod m] in
      Some {| OT := SwapAssign.swapassign_oracle; genv := tt; state := os |}
    | SeqAssoc ctx
      let f := SeqAssoc.leaf_mod_of_cmds in
      cmd_mod_from_imp_ctx _ f P₁ P₂ ctx >>= λ m,
      let os := SeqAssoc.State S₁ S₂ [CmdMod m] in
      Some {| OT := SeqAssoc.seqassoc_oracle; genv := tt; state := os |}
    | SwapBranches ctx
      let f := SwapBranches.leaf_mod_of_cmds in
      cmd_mod_from_imp_ctx _ f P₁ P₂ ctx >>= λ m,
      let os := SwapBranches.State S₁ S₂ [CmdMod m] in
      Some {| OT := SwapBranches.swapbranches_oracle; genv := tt; state := os |}
    | RefactorCommonBranchRemainder ctx
      let f := λ (_ _ : prog imp), Some RefactorCommonBranchRemainder.Refactor in
      cmd_mod_from_imp_ctx _ f P₁ P₂ ctx >>= λ m,
      let os := RefactorCommonBranchRemainder.State S₁ S₂ [CmdMod m] in
      Some {| OT := RefactorCommonBranchRemainder.refactor_common_branch_trailer_oracle;
              genv := tt;
              state := os |}
    | ValueChange modified_vars
      Some {| OT := ValueChange.valuechange_oracle;
              genv := modified_vars;
              state := ValueChange.State S₁ S₂ |}
    | Renaming bij
      Some {| OT := Renaming.renaming_oracle;
              genv := bij;
              state := Renaming.State S₁ S₂ |}
    | CrashFixWhile ctx c e b f H
      let m := {| CrashFixWhile.expression := e;
                  CrashFixWhile.bound := b;
                  CrashFixWhile.body := c;
                  CrashFixWhile.crash_bound := f;
                  CrashFixWhile.crash_avoided_1 := H |} in
      let f := λ (_ _ : prog imp), Some m in
      cmd_mod_from_imp_ctx _ f P₁ P₂ ctx >>= λ m,
      let os := CrashFixWhile.State S₁ S₂ [CmdMod m] in
      Some {| OT := CrashFixWhile.crashfixwhile_oracle;
              genv := tt;
              state := os |}
    | @RHLProof P c₁ c₂ Q H
      if beq_cmd P₁ c₁ && beq_cmd P₂ c₂ then
        let os := CoreRHLSC.State S₁ S₂
                                  (M.empty Z) P
                                  [@CoreRHLSC.HoareProof P Q c₁ c₂ H] in
        Some {| OT := CoreRHLSC.core_rhl_oracle;
                genv := Q;
                state := os |}
    | _

  Definition interpret_primitive_difference (p : primitive_difference)
    : trace_relation imp imp :=
    match p with
    | SwapAssign _ | SeqAssoc _ | SwapBranches _ | RefactorCommonBranchRemainder _
    | ValueChange _ | RHLProof _ | Renaming _
    | CrashFixWhile _ _ _ _ _ _
      λ tr₁ tr₂,
       P₁ P₂ oracle,
        oracle_from_primitive_diff p P₁ P₂ = Some oracle
         oracle_correlation_relation (OT oracle) (genv oracle) (state oracle) tr₁ tr₂
    | Optimize
      λ tr₁ tr₂, n₁ n₂,
          trace' imp tr₁ trace' imp tr₂
           nsteps_converging_trace n₁ tr₁
           nsteps_converging_trace n₂ tr₂
           n₁ > n₂
    | FixCrash
      λ tr₁ tr₂, n₁,
          trace' imp tr₁ trace' imp tr₂
           nsteps_crashing_trace n₁ tr₁
           ¬ ( n₂, nsteps_crashing_trace n₂ tr₂)
    | Refactor γ
      λ tr₁ tr₂,
      ( x, γ x x) ( x y, γ x y γ y x) ( x y z, γ x y γ y z γ x z)
      trace' imp tr₁ trace' imp tr₂
       gamma_correlated γ tr₁ tr₂

  Inductive t :=
  | Compose : t t t
  | Superpose : t t t
  | Compare : primitive_difference t.

  Fixpoint interpret_difference (δ : t) : trace_relation imp imp :=
    match δ with
    | Compose δ₁ δ₂
      compose_trace_relations_externally _ _ _
                                         (interpret_difference δ₁)
                                         (interpret_difference δ₂)
    | Superpose δ₁ δ₂
      λ tr₁ tr₂, interpret_difference δ₁ tr₁ tr₂ interpret_difference δ₂ tr₁ tr₂
    | Compare δprim
      interpret_primitive_difference δprim

  Definition imp_difference_language :=
      difference := t;
      interpret := interpret_difference
End Make.