Lettre de l'IRIF du 03 février 2023


Dans la lettre cette semaine, l'ouverture des postes MCF et professeurs, la rentrée de la commission IRIF et environnement et la distribution de livres ayant appartenu à Maurice Nivat.

Côté actualités scientifiques, 5 papiers de membres de l'IRIF sont acceptés à EUROCRYPT 2023, et l'appel à participation à ETAPS et à l'École Jeunes Chercheuses et Chercheurs en Informatique Mathématique (EJCIM).

Le focus de cette semaine présente quelques unes des grandes avancées de l'année 2022 en informatique.

Bonne lecture !

Annonces de la direction


Focus on the biggest discoveries in Computer Science in 2022

For the first time, the Quantamagazine's annual year in review series includes a list of the biggest advances in computer science that was covered this year. This year, many of the most significant computer science results also involved other scientists and mathematicians.

Entangled Answers: Three computer scientists have posted a proof of the NLTS conjecture, showing that systems of entangled particles can remain difficult to analyze even away from extremes.

Transforming How AI Understands: For the past five years, transformers have been revolutionizing how AI processes information. Developed originally to understand and generate language, the transformer processes every element in its input data simultaneously, giving it a big-picture understanding that lends it improved speed and accuracy compared to other language networks, which take a piecemeal approach.

Breaking Down Cryptography: Two researchers have broken an encryption protocol that many saw as a promising defense against the power of quantum computing.

Machines Help Train Machines: By using hypernetworks, researchers can now preemptively fine-tune artificial neural networks, saving some of the time and expense of training.

Improved Algorithms: Inspired by the results of a game-playing neural network, mathematicians have been making unexpected advances on an age-old math problem.

New Avenues for Sharing Information: Mark Braverman, a theoretical computer scientist at Princeton University, has spent more than a quarter of his life working on a new theory of interactive communication. His work allows researchers to quantify terms like “information” and “knowledge,” not just allowing for a greater theoretical understanding of interactions, but also creating new techniques that enable more efficient and accurate communication.

Appels d'offres et informations des partenaires

Newsletter des partenaires : Les lettres arrivent sporadiquement aux membres de l'IRIF. Elles sont donc listées ci-dessous.

Agenda de la semaine du 06 février au 10 février

Vérification · Lundi 06 février, 11:00, 1007 and Zoom link ·
Claudio Gomes (University of Aarhus), Application of formal methods to verification of self-adaptation loops in digital twins

Algorithmes et complexité · Mardi 07 février, 11:00, Room 3052 ·
Pierre Meyer (IRIF / Reichman University), On Low-End Obfuscation and Learning

One world numeration seminar · Mardi 07 février, 14:00, Online ·
Ale Jan Homburg (Universiteit van Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Iterated function systems of linear expanding and contracting maps on the unit interval

Preuves, programmes et systèmes · Jeudi 09 février, 10:30, Room 3052 & online ([Zoom link|https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/84381797685?pwd=WG1ZSnhnYi81MnhsTFB6S2krM0E2Zz09) ·
Clément Blaudeau (INRIA Paris, CAMBIUM Project-Team), Retrofitting OCaml modules

Combinatoire énumérative et analytique · Jeudi 09 février, 14:00, Room 3052 et zoom ·
Groupe De Lecture, Philippe Biane

Analyse et conception de systèmes · Jeudi 09 février, 14:00, Room séminaires au plateau SCAI (Esclangon, 1er étage, campus Jussieu) ·
Catarina Urban (Inria), Interpretability-Aware Verification of Machine Learning Software

Automates · Vendredi 10 février, 14:00, Room 3052 ·
Uli Fahrenberg, An invitation to higher-dimensional automata theory