IRIF Newsletter of March 1st, 2024


In this week's IRIF letter, the thematics schools campaign for 2025 are now open.
The next queerif meeting in planned for next tuesday.
The focus is on the “Digital Commons” conference organised by UFR thanks to François Laroussinie.
Many calls for tender are open (AAPG, ANR, and so on).

Enjoy reading and have a nice weekend!

Direction's announcements


Equalities comittee

IRIF & Environnement

Focus on the next conference "On éteint, on réfléchit, on discute": Digital Commons

Organized within the Computer Science Department by François Laroussinie, the second french speaking conference « On éteint, on réfléchit, on discute » on «Les communs numériques» (“Digital Commons”) will take place on Tuesday, March 19, from 4 pm to 6 pm in auditorium 10E at La Halle aux Farines.

“While we often talk about the GAFAM, the monopolization of internet users' data, and their commercial exploitation, we also know and use open encyclopedia Wikipedia, the cartographic project OpenStreetMap, or open-source software that, conversely, relies on collaboration among internet users. So, there's a realm of computing that shares, cooperates, that creates 'common' resources. The term 'digital commons' has recently emerged, and we invite Serge Abiteboul and Valérie Peugeot to discuss it.”

Find all the information on the UFR conference page.

Calls for tender and information from partners

Partner newsletter : Newsletters are sent sporadically to IRIF members. They are listed below.

Agenda for the week of March 4 to March 8

Vérification · Lundi 04 mars, 11:00, 3052 and Zoom link ·
Adrian Francalanza (University of Malta), TBA

Formath · Lundi 04 mars, 14:00, 3052 ·
Guillaume Baudart, Schedule Agnostic Semantics for Reactive Probabilistic Programming

Automates · Lundi 04 mars, 16:00, Room 3052 ·
Yann Strozecki (DAVID, UVSQ), A tutorial on enumeration complexity: defining tractability

Combinatoire énumérative et analytique · Mardi 05 mars, 11:00, Room 3058 ·
Eleanor Archer, Limite d'échelle des arbres couvrants aléatoires

Algorithmes et complexité · Mardi 05 mars, 11:00, Room 3052 ·
Julian Wechs (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Subsystem decompositions of quantum circuits and processes with indefinite causal order

Preuves, programmes et systèmes · Jeudi 07 mars, 11:00, Room 3052 ·
Jérôme Feret (École normale supérieure), TBA

Séminaire des membres non-permanents · Jeudi 07 mars, 16:00, Room 3052 ·
Christoph Egger, Proving Negative Results: Oracle Separations

Automates · Vendredi 08 mars, 14:00, Room 3052 ·
Rémi Morvan (LaBRI), Automatic relations through the prism of graph colourability and algebraic language theory

Catégories supérieures, polygraphes et homotopie · Vendredi 08 mars, 14:00, Room 3058 ·
Emile Oléon (Ecole polytechnique), Delooping cyclic groups with lens spaces in homotopy type theory