
Galène, the videconferencing server developed by Juliusz Chroboczek (IRIF), is now free and open source software. Talk and demonstration during the IRILL seminar on March 11th, 4pm.


A group of researchers from Chennai, Paris, and Uppsala, including Ahmed Bouajjani from IRIF, will publish at POPL 2021 the first decidability result for verifying concurrent programs over Persistent Memories. Another contribution of the article is a new formal model for the persistent Intel x86 architecture.

Ugo Dal Lago (Univ. Bologna), Claudia Faggian (IRIF), and Simona Ronchi Della Rocca (Univ. Torino) will present at POPL 2021 a type system to characterize probabilistic termination and (exact) expected runtime of programs in the context of higher-order probabilistic computation.

Damiano Mazza (LIPN) and Michele Pagani (IRIF) will present at POPL 2021 the first proof of the almost everywhere correctness of automatic differentiation in the context of a higher-order, Turing-complete programming language.


December 10-11, IRIF is co-organizing SOCS2020, a workshop on Species and Operads in Combinatorics and Semantics. This event will gather two very active communities in Paris area and beyond, the combinatorics and semantics communities, around a common tool: species and operads theory.

Pierre-Louis Curien

Pierre-Louis Curien (IRIF) is awarded with this year's Grand prix Inria – Académie des sciences. To learn more about Pierre-Louis Curien's contributions to theoretical computer science, read the portrayal published by Inria, and the interviews published by FSMP and La Recherche, or watch the interview by Université de Paris.

Delia Kesner

Delia Kesner (IRIF) has been elected corresponding member for information sciences of the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino.

Three papers co-authored by IRIF members will be presented at POPL2021, the main conference on programming languages and programming systems. The papers' study randomized computation, including machine learning, and verification for programs over persistent memory.

Geoffroy Couteau

A paper by G. Couteau (IRIF CNRS researcher) and D. Hartmann has been presented at the conference CRYPTO2020 and describes new, more compact constructions of non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs in elliptic curves equipped with a bilinear map.

Claire Mathieu

A paper by C. Mathieu (IRIF CNRS member) with R. Rajaraman, N. Young, and A. Yousefi will be presented at SODA2021 on dynamization policies in the competitive analysis framework for log-structured merge trees underpinning industrial NoSQL databases.

Nicolas Behr

IRIF has the great pleasure to welcome a new research scientist (CNRS): Nicolas Behr, an expert in stochastic rewriting theory.

Geoffroy Couteau

A paper by E. Boyle, G. Couteau (IRIF CNRS researcher), N. Gilboa, Y. Ishai, L. Kohl and P. Scholl has been resented at the conference CRYPTO2020 on how to securely generate bounded amounts of correlated randomness.

Miklós Santha

A paper by Troy Lee, Miklós Santha (IRIF CNRS member), and Shengyu Zhang on quantum algorithms for graph problems with cut queries will be presented at SODA2021.

Liat Peterfreund

Liat Peterfreund (former IRIF postdoc, 2019-20) is one of the recipients of the L'Oréal-Unesco award for women in science. Liat is studying the science of data processing: how to extract data, how to classify it and, above all, how to make it meaningful.


IRIF is seeking excellent candidates for about 10 postdoctoral positions in all areas of the foundations of Computer Science. Deadline for applications: Nov. 2, 2020.

Adrian Vladu

IRIF has the great pleasure to welcome a new research scientist (CNRS): Adrian Vladu, an expert in continuous optimization, which he uses to develop improved algorithms for combinatorial problems and methods for machine learning.

Preuves, Programmes et Systèmes

This year's PPS days will take place online on October 1, 8, and 15, each time between 10:20 and 12:30.


Via DIMs of Math and Infos, IRIF is one of the lab of the Paris Region Fellowship Program, a project aimed at strengthening the research capacity and international influence of Paris region, attracting excellent researcher and fostering innovation.

Mikael Rabie

IRIF has the great pleasure to welcome a new associate professor (Université de Paris): Mikael Rabie, an expert in Distributed Computing, in particular on population protocols and distributed models on graphs.

Thomas Vidick

Thomas Vidick will give a series of lectures on Interactive proofs with quantum devices during his stay at IRIF funded by an FSMP chair, starting on Sep. 22 at IHP.

Baptiste Louf

Baptiste Louf (just graduated from IRIF) has a paper co-authored with Thomas Budzinski published in Inventiones Mathematicae that proves a conjecture of Benjamini & Curien in discrete random geometry.

Numeration - OWNS

The One World Numeration Seminar is an international online seminar on numeration systems and related topics organised by Wolfgang Steiner (IRIF). It has been well accepted by the community, and the second season starts with a talk by Bill Mance on September 1st.


Delia Kesner (IRIF) will be on the panel of a debate on the future of the conference system in theoretical computer science, and organized as a special event as part of the Online Worldwide Seminar on Logic and Semantics (OWLS). The event will take place September 2, 5pm on Zoom.

David Peleg

IRIF is very pleased to host for 4 months starting on March 2021, David Peleg, professor at the Weitzmann Institute of Science whose research focuses on algorithms, communication networks, complex and distributed systems on a chair funded by FSMP.

Thomas Vidick

IRIF is very pleased to host for 12 months starting in September 2020, Thomas Vidick, professor of computer science and mathematics at the California Institute of Technology. His research is at the interface of theoretical computer science, quantum information and cryptography. The invitation is funded by an FSMP chair together with DIENS, Inria and IRIF. Meet him in office 4024.

Iordanis Kerenidis

Iordanis Kerenidis (IRIF) was an invited speaker at International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) in July 2020 for a talk on Quantum Machine Learning: prospects and challenges followed by a discussion with other experts in the field. Watch him online.

Enka Blanchard

Enka Blanchard, Ph.D. student at IRIF supervised by Nicolas Schabanel and Ted Selker, was awarded the PSL prize in the category “interfaces between humanities and sciences” for her Ph.D. work entitled “Usability low tech, high security”.

The members of the CS department and the laboratory IRIF of Université de Paris voted in favor of a motion requesting the withdrawal of the LPPR project.

Tommaso Petrucciani

Tommaso Petrucciani is awarded the GPL PhD Thesis Prize (Software Engineering and Programming) for his thesis“ “Polymorphic set-theoretic types for functional languages” prepared at IRIF co-supervised by Giuseppe Castagna (IRIF) and Elena Zucca (Università di Genova).
Polymorphism and set-theoretic types

A function is polymorphic when it can be applied to arguments of different types. For instance, the identity function fun x = x is polymorphic since it can be applied, say, to integers and Boolean arguments, while the successor function fun x = x+1 is not, since it can be applied only to integers. The latter function has type Int→Int, while the former has type ∀α.α→α, that is, it has type α→α for all possibles types α. The last type is a polymorphic type. Set theoretic types are types with union, intersection, and negation connectives: again fun x = x has both type Int→Int and Bool→Bool and, thus, it has the intersection type (Int→Int)∩(Bool→Bool).
Sylvain Schmitz

Sylvain Schmitz (IRIF) co-organizes the 14th International Conference on Reachability Problems (RP'20), that is planned to take place either online or at IRIF on October 19-20.

Amos Korman

Amos Korman (IRIF) will give a talk for receiving the 2020 prize of innovations in distributed computing. It will be broadcast live on Tuesday, June 30, at 7-8 pm (CET). Watching the talk is free of charge, but registration is required.


Members of IRIF organize the fifth International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD) and its affiliated workshops. The event was planned in Paris, due to the pandemic, it is now an online conference held from 06-29 to 07-06.

Sciences POP

Jean Krivine (IRIF) discusses how to model an epidemy with Samuel Alizon (MIVEGEC) in a video for Sciences Pop’ Saint-Denis, an association for popular education.

Amos Korman

Amos Korman (IRIF) has been awarded the 2020 Prize for Innovation in Distributed Computing. The prize will be given during the SIROCCO 2020 conference in July.

Theoretical Computer Scientists for Future

Thomas Colcombet and Hugo Férée (IRIF) together with Antoine Amarilli and Thomas Schwentick administrate the website for the TCS4F Manifesto, an initiative to reduce the carbon footprint related to Theoretical Computer Science research activities.

Simon Mauras

IRIF PhD student Simon Mauras had a paper accepted at the EC 2020 conference, “Two-Sided Random Matching Markets: Ex-Ante Equivalence of the Deferred Acceptance Procedures”

An online ANR-HOSIGRA 2020 meeting will be held on Tuesday May 12, 14:00-17:00 with a possibility of further discussions on the following days. If interested in joining the meeting, please contact Reza Naserasr.

Numeration - OWNS

The One World Numeration Seminar, a new international online seminar on numeration systems and related topics, is organised by Wolfgang Steiner (IRIF) and hosted at IRIF. It starts on May 5 with a talk by Narad Rampersad.

Raphaëlle Crubillé

At ICALP'20, Raphaëlle Crubillé (IMDEA Software Institute and IRIF), with Boaz Barak and Ugo Dal Lago take a look at how higher-order cryptography could look like, giving both positive and negative results on higher-order generalizations of pseudorandomness constructions.

Claire Mathieu

Claire Mathieu (IRIF) has been interviewed by the online news site of CNRS about using graphs to devise a lockdown exit strategy.

Frédéric Magniez

In the context of quantum cloud computing, Frédéric Magniez (IRIF) with Ashwin Nayak (U. Waterloo) will introduce at ICALP'20 a fundamentally new and more efficient solution than classical ones to decide if there is inconsistency between 2 or more remote quantum databases.

Thomas Colcombet (IRIF) with David Barozzini, Lorenzo Clemente and Paweł Parys (Univ Warsaw) will virtually present at ICALP'20 how to compute downward closures of safe recursion schemes, objects that give meaningful information about the behavior of higher order programs. This paper got the best paper award of ICALP/Tack-B.

Pierre Fraigniaud

Pierre Fraigniaud (IRIF) and Ami Paz (U. Vienna, Austria) will virtually present at ICALP'20 how to model distributed computing in networks in the framework of algebraic topology, where algorithms are characterized as simplicial maps between complexes.


Six papers coauthored by IRIF members will be presented at the prestigious conference LICS'20 this summer. Topics include the semantics of probabilistic and nondeterministic programming languages, as well as extensions of the proof-program correspondence to classical logic.


Four papers coauthored by IRIF members will be presented at the prestigious conference ICALP'20 this summer. Topics include automata, cryptography, networks, and quantum computing.

John Horton Conway

John Horton Conway passed away at 82 on 04-11 from COVID. Mathematician with an impressive spectrum of expertise, his influence on theoretical computer science is decisive from cellular automata to paving. Valérie Berthé (IRIF) wrote a note for La Recherche.
John Conway's Game of Life


The OCaml MOOC developed by Ralf Treinen, Roberto Di Cosmo and Yann Régis-Gianas from IRIF is reopened during COVID19 sheltering. Use this time at home to learn functional programming!


The first virtual workshop co-organized by a member of IRIF, Valérie Berthé, took place March 23-27 on Multidimensional Continued Fractions and Euclidean Dynamics. All talks have been recorded and are publicly accessible.


All seminars of IRIF are now active again through BigBlueButton, an open source solution installed on our local servers thanks to our amazing staff support. Check out our page about seminars for more information.

IRIF Distinguished Talks

We are delighted to host Joseph Mitchell (Stony Brook University) as part of our IRIF Distinguished Talks Series on March 20, 10:30 for a talk entitled “Approximation Algorithms for Some Geometric Packing/Covering/Routing Problems”.

PLDI 2020

Two papers co-authored by IRIF members will be presented at PLDI'20, the main conference on implementations of programming languages. The papers propose new methodologies for verifying distributed protocols and smart contracts running on top of blockchains, respectively.

IRIF will finance one or two additional Master scholarships in Foundations of Computer Science within the PGSM program of FSMP for female students who have completed a bachelor’s degree or the first year masters in one of the universities of the FSMP network. Apply by May 8th.


Sylvain Périfel from IRIF, together with Damiano Mazza and Thomas Seiller, organize the Caleidoscope Research School in Computational Complexity, to be held in Paris (postponed to 2021).

JFLA 2020

Yann Régis-Gianas (IRIF) is the vice-president of the “Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs” that will take place at Gruissan from the 29th of January to the 1st of February.

The ANR PPS kick-off meeting will take place from Feb 26 to Feb 28, 2020 at IRIF (Paris) and will be joined with the 3rd edition of the PIHOC workshop series initiated by Ugo Dal Lago in 2018 and with Dal Lago's DIAPASoN ERC project kick-off meeting. Register by Jan 31: registration is free but mandatory.

The ASD day of « Algorithms and discrete structures » pole will take place in room 3052 on January 27th.

Emilio J. Gallego Arias

IRIF has the great pleasure to welcome a new starting researcher (Inria): Emilio J. Gallego Arias, an expert in interactive theorem proving and the Coq proof assistant.

Report about Quantum Technologies

Iordanis Kerenidis, CNRS senior researcher (IRIF) and director of the Paris Centre for Quantum Computing, is one of the three authors of the report about Quantum Technologies requested by the French government.

Matthieu Josuat-Vergès

IRIF has the great pleasure to welcome a new research scientist (CNRS): Matthieu Josuat-Vergès, an expert in enumerative combinatorics and algebraic combinatorics.

Université de Paris

Université de Paris has opened one permanent associate professor position in Computer Science. Recruited researcher will join IRIF. Apply by April 9th, 4pm (Paris time).


Guillaume Ducoffe (Bucarest Univ. and ICI) will present at SODA’20 a result obtained with Michel Habib (IRIF) and Laurent Viennot (IRIF and Inria) showing that diameter can be computed in truly sub-quadratic time in any H-minor free graph. This extends a recent breakthrough on planar graphs.


Claire Mathieu and Simon Mauras (IRIF) will present at SODA’20 several approximation algorithms for top-list aggregation, an optimization problem from the field of information retrieval: compute the output full-ranking which is closest to a collection of input top-lists.

IRIF Distinguished Talks Series

We are delighted to host as part of our IRIF Distinguished Talks Series Martin Grohe (RWTH Aachen University) on Friday January 24, 2020, 10:30am for a talk entitled “Symmetry and Similarity”.