Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique
Lambda-calculs et catégories
Cours M1.20
Cours Magistral
Lecture one : general presentation, simply-typed lambda-calculus, elements of rewriting theory
Lecture two : categories and functors, natural transformations, the 2-category of categories, string diagrams
Lecture four : finite developments, algebraic Church-Rosser theorem, event structures, asynchronous graphs
Lecture five : simply-typed lambda-calculus, cartesian closed categories, lambda-calculus with computational effects
Lecture six : limits and colimits, Kan extensions, monoids and mnemoids, semantics of local states, presheaf categories
Travaux Dirigés
Références bibliographiques du cours
Quelques pointeurs utiles sur la théorie des catégories
If you want to know more on the unifying role of category theory in various fields
of mathematics and computer science, you are welcome to visit this dedicated blog:
If you are interested in the recent connection between homotopy theory and type theory,
a natural place to have a look at is this website:
You may also have a look at these books.
John Baez. Lectures on n-categories and cohomology.
[fichier pdf]
Audun Holme. Basic Modern Algebraic Geometry -- Introduction to Grothendieck's Theory of Schemes.
[fichier pdf]
Peter May. A concise course in algebraic topology.
[fichier pdf]
Articles et pointeurs
A selection (always in development) of papers and surveys on the topic:
Samson Abramsky, Guy McCusker: game semantics.
[fichier pdf]
Samson Abramsky, Guy McCusker: linearity, sharing and state: a fully abstract game semantics for Idealized Algol with active expressions.
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R. D. Arthan: a traced monoidal category of relations.
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Patrick Cousot: types as abstract interpretations.
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Pierre-Louis Curien: substitutions up to isomorphisms.
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Pierre-Louis Curien: category theory, a programming-language introduction.
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Olivier Danvy, Jürgen Koslowski, Karoline Malmkjær: compiling monads.
[fichier pdf]
Marcelo Fiore, Nicola Gambino, Martin Hyland, Glynn Winskel:
[fichier pdf]
Daniel P. Friedman: from direct style to monadic style through
continuation passing style.
[fichier pdf]
Daniel P. Friedman: direct style from monadic style and back.
[fichier pdf]
Greg Friedman: an elementary illustrated introduction to simplicial sets.
[fichier pdf]
Carsten Fuhrmann: direct models of the computational lambda-calculus.
[fichier pdf]
Nicola Gambino, Martin Hyland: well-founded trees and dependent polynomial functors.
[fichier pdf]
Richard Garner: two-dimensional models of type theory.
[fichier pdf]
Dan Ghica: geometry of synthesis.
[fichier pdf]
Thérèse Hardin, Luc Maranget, Bruno Pagano:
functional runtime systems within the lambda-sigma calculus.
[fichier pdf]
Russ Harmer, Martin Hyland, Paul-André Melliès:
categorical combinatorics for innocent strategies.
[fichier pdf]
Barnaby Hilken: towards a proof-theory of rewriting: the simply-typed
[fichier pdf]
Peter Hines, Philip Scott: conditional quantum iteration from categorical traces.
[fichier pdf]
Martin Hofmann:
Syntax and Semantics of Dependent Types
[fichier pdf]
Martin Hyland: the effective topos.
[fichier pdf]
Martin Hyland and John Power: the category theoretic understanding of universal algebra: Lawvere theories and monads.
[fichier pdf]
Martin Hyland, Paul Blain Levy, Gordon Plotkin, John Power:
combining algebraic effects with continuations.
[fichier pdf]
André Joyal. Une théorie combinatoire des séries formelles.
Advances in Mathematics, 42(1) :1 1981.
[fichier pdf]
André Joyal, Ross Street, Dominic Verity: traced monoidal categories.
[fichier pdf]
Joachim Kock: notes on polynomial functors.
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Jean-Louis Krivine: Typed lambda-calculus in classical Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory.
[fichier pdf]
Yves Lafont, Alain Prouté:
Church-Rosser property and homology of monoids.
[fichier pdf]
Paul-André Melliès: functorial boxes in string diagrams.
[fichier pdf]
Paul-André Melliès: the true concurrency of innocence.
[fichier pdf]
Eugenio Moggi: computational lambda-calculus and monads.
[fichier pdf]
Luke Ong: on model-checking trees generated by higher-order recursion schemes.
[fichier pdf]
Andy Pitts: polymorphism is set-theoretic, constructively.
[fichier pdf]
Gordon Plotkin, John Power: computational effects determine monads.
[fichier pdf]
RAG Seely:
categorical semantics for higher order polymorphic lambda calculus.
[fichier pdf]
RAG Seely:
modeling computations: a 2-categorical framework.
[fichier pdf]
Peter Selinger:
Control categories and duality: on the categorical semantics of the lambda-mu calculus.
[fichier pdf]
Julianna Szido: le lambda-calcul vu comme monade initiale.
[fichier pdf]
Glynn Winskel, Mogens Nielsen: models for concurrency.
[fichier pdf]
Calendrier des soutenances de cette année
Les soutenances en ligne ont lieu ici:
Lien Zoom
avec pour mot de passe: pi=314
Le mardi 15 janvier en salle Emmy Noether à partir de 8h30.
8h30 -- 9h Sven Meyer
Grieg Friedman
An elementary illustrated introduction to simplicial sets.
9h10 -- 9h40 Dhrubajyoti Ghosh
Grieg Friedman
An elementary illustrated introduction to simplicial sets.
9h50 -- 10h20 Loïc Chevalier
Barnaby Hilken
Towards a proof-theory of rewriting: the simply-typed 2-lambda-calculus.
Le vendredi 19 janvier en salle Bourbaki à partir de 17h.
17h -- 17h30
Simon Corbard
Phil Wadler
Theorem for free!
18h -- 18h30 Quentin Schroeder
Peter Johnstone
The point of pointless topology
Le mercredi 24 janvier
8h30 -- 9h Djamel Ait-Moussa
Jean-Louis Krivine.
Typed lambda-calculus in classical Zermelo-Frænkel set theory.
9h -- 9h30 Jean Caspar
Paul Blain Levy
Call-by-push-value: a subsuming paradigm
9h30 -- 10h Jonathan Baumann
Martin Hofmann
Syntax and Semantics of Dependent Types
10h -- 10h30 Adrien Mathieu
Pierre-Louis Curien
The Categorical Abstract Machine and Categorical Corbinators
14h -- 14h30 Titouan Quennet
Samson Abramsky et Guy McCusker
Game semantics
14h30 -- 15h Yee-Jian Tan
Martin Hoffman
Syntax and Semantics of Dependent Types
Le vendredi 26 janvier
10h30 -- 11h Léo Buisine
Bojko Bakalov and Alexander Kirillov, Jr.
Lectures on Tensor Categories and Modular Functors
11h -- 11h30 Felix Yvonnet
Fosco Loregian
Coend calculus the book
11h30 -- 12h Nicolas Nelson
A traced monoidal category of relations.
11h -- 12h30 Rémy Kimbrough
Peter Buneman, Shamim Naqvi, Val Tannen, Limsson Wong
Principles of programming with complex objects and collection types
Le lundi 29 janvier
14h -- 14h30 Louis Milhaud
Martin Hoffman
Syntax and Semantics of Dependent Types
14h30 -- 15h Gurvan Debaussart
Thérèse Hardin, Luc Maranget, Bruno Pagano
Functional runtime systems within the Lambda-Sigma calculus
15h -- 15h30 Valeran Maytie
Martin Hoffman
Syntax and Semantics of Dependent Types
Le vendredi 2 février
9h -- 9h30 Hugo Peyraud-Magnin
Yves Lafont et Alain Proutè
Church-Rosser property and homology of monoids.
9h30 -- 10h Alexander Zenkovich
Yves Lafont.
Soft Linear Logic.
Le vendredi 16 février
14h -- 14h30 Simon Dima
RAG Seely
Locally Cartesian Closed Categories and Type Theory
14h30 -- 15h Vladimir Ivanov
Patrick Cousot
Types as Abstract Interpretations
Le lundi 19 février
9h -- 9h30 Edouard Nemery
Paul-André Melliès
The true concurrency of innocence
11h -- 11h30 Teiki Rigaud
Samson Abramsky and Guy McCusker
Game semantics
Le vendredi 22 mars
14h -- 14h30 Marie Tcheng
14h30 -- 15h Joseph Lenormand
15h -- 15h30 Anton Danilkin
15h30-- 16h Nassim Arifette
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