Accepted paper POPL 2022

Paul-André Melliès (IRIF), Arthur Vale, Zhong Shao, Jérémie Koenig (Yale) and Léo Stefanesco (MPI) will present a layered concurrent object-based game semantics for the purpose of compositional software specification and certification at annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, POPL2022 :

IFIP nomination fellow

Jacques Sakarovitch (IRIF) was elected new IFIP Fellow. IFIP Fellow is the most most prestigious IFIP's technical distinction which is conferred by the IFIP General Assembly on a current or past member of an IFIP body in recognition of outstanding contributions in the field of information processing, in the role of a Technical Leader, Scientist, Engineer, or Educator.

Accepted paper POPL 2022

Delia Kesner (IRIF) will present her paper A Fine-Grained Computational Interpretation of Girard’s Intuitionistic Proof-Nets at annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, POPL2022. The paper introduces a functional term calculus that captures the essence of the operational semantics of Intuitionistic Linear Logic Proof-Nets with a faithful degree of granularity, both statically and dynamically.


IRIF is very pleased to host for two months Serge Massar, Professor at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) as part of the FSMP Distinguished Professor Fellowship. Serge Massar is the director of the Laboratoire d'Information Quantique (LIQ), of the Physics Department, Science Faculty, ULB. His research interests are quantum information theory, experimental quantum and non linear optics, machine learning.

hpcqs project

We are excited to be part of the “High-Performance Computer and Quantum Simulator hybrid” (HPCQS) aiming at creating a world-class supercomputing ecosystem. Learn more about the project here.


Prochaine conférence dans le cadre des 75 ans d’informatique : L’informatique dans le 7ème art : fiction ou réalité ? Rendez-vous avec Fabrice Kordon le jeudi 9 décembre-18h00 sur le campus Pierre et Marie Curie de Sorbonne Université (tour 25.26, 1er étage – salle 105).

Portrait Matej Stehlik

IRIF has the great pleasure to welcome a new professor in computer science at Université de Paris: Matěj Stehlík, an expert in graph theory. Learn more about him and his work here.

Giuseppe Castagna (IRIF), Mickaël Laurent (Université de Paris), Kim Nguyen (Université Paris Saclay) and Matthew Lutze (Université de Paris) will present their paper that shows a nifty way to use classic deduction rules to define a formal framework in which dynamic languages such as JavaScript can statically and precisely typed. Check the proof-of-concept implementation available at

Accepted paper FOCS 2021

Adrian Vladu's paper Faster Sparse Minimum Cost Flow by Electrical Flow Localization, jointly written with Kyriakos Axiotis and Aleksander Madry, will be presented at FOCS 2021.

Accepted papers POPL 2022

Three accepted papers coauthored by IRIF members will be presented at POPL 2022, the main conference on programming languages and programming systems, January 16-22.

Accepted paper NeurIPS 2021

One accepted paper coauthored by Adrian Vladu (IRIF), Alexandra Peste (IST Austria), Eugenia Iofinova (Institute of Science and Technology Austria) and Dan Alistarh (IST Austria & NeuralMagic) will be presented at the 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 6-14 December 2021 : AC/DC: Alternating Compressed/DeCompressed Training of Deep Neural Networks.

Journée du pôle ASD 2021

On November 16th, afternoon, the pole ASD organizes an event. Short introduction talks by the four new ASD permanent members will be presented. There will also be an informal introduction of PhD students and postdocs. Schedule and details of the talks here.

Journée pôle ASV 2021

The Automata, Structures, and Verification (ASV) day is scheduled this year on Friday November 19th. This will be the opportunity to meet again and learn about some of the work done in our pole, in particular by the new comers. Schedule and details of the talks here.

PGSM Master 2022

IRIF will finance one or two additional Master scholarships in Foundations of Computer Science within the PGSM program of FSMP for female students who have completed a bachelor’s degree or the first year masters in one of the universities of the FSMP network. Apply online by February 24th, 2022.

Stage d'observation-3eme

Tous les ans, l’IRIF accueille des élèves dans le cadre de leur stage d’observation de 3ème. Les stages proposés constituent une découverte de l’informatique et des métiers académiques correspondants, qu’ils soient au CNRS ou à l’université de Paris. Toutes les informations pour envoyer sa candidature ici.

Test of Time Award – RV’21

Eugene Asarin (IRIF), Alexandre Donzé, Oded Maler, and Dejan Nickovic receive the Test of Time Award at the 21st International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV’21) for their paper Parametric Identification of Temporal Properties. Watch the RV’21 Award Announcement here.

Journée de rentrée PPS 2021

PPS is holding its journée de rentrée on October 13-14, 2021. This year PPS has 13 new members. The aim of this get-together is to know them and their research topic. Schedule and details of the talks here.

Ateliers-FDSL 2021

IRIF researchers are participating to the 30th edition of Fête de la Science. In different schools in Paris, they will be presenting workshops and games related to computer science.

Fête de la Science 2021 - Conference learning about cryptography

From ancient history to quantum, learn about cryptography at Fête de la science in an entertaining talk by Sylvain Perifel (IRIF). Save the date, Monday October 4th, 10am at Amphitheater 1A, Halle aux farines - Campus Grands Moulins.

Oded Maler Best Paper Award

Eugene Asarin (IRIF), Thomas Ferrère, Dejan Ničković and Dogan Ulus receive the Oded Maler best paper award in Timed Systems at the conference Formats’2021 for their paper On the complexity of timed pattern matching.

Sergio Rajsbaum - visitor at IRIF

IRIF is very pleased to host for three months Sergio Rajsbaum, full time Researcher at the Instituto de Matemáticas of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. This collaboration focuses on the use of algebraic topology to study the complexity of distributed algorithms. Algebraic topology tools have been mainly used for shared memory models. The purpose of the visit is to extend this research to distributed memory models. Professor Rajsbaum is partially funded by an invitational program from École Polytechnique. Meet him in office 4028a.

Accepted paper Scientific Reports

Amos Korman et Robin Vacus (IRIF) publient On the Role of Hypocrisy in Escaping the Tragedy of the Commons dans la revue Scientific Reports. Dans cet article, ils étudient l'émergence de la coopération dans le cadre formel de la théorie des jeux. Ils considèrent 3 comportements stéréotypés : “tricheur”, “hypocrite” et “coopératif”, et un modèle de pression sociale.

Accepted paper Eurocomb 2021 - Naserasr-Wang

Reza Naserasr and Zhouningxin Wang (IRIF) will present the notion of circular coloring of signed graphs, as a common extension of the circular coloring of graphs and the 0-free coloring of signed graphs. In this work, they consider the problem of finding the best upper bound of the circular chromatic number of restricted families of signed graphs. In particular, they show that every signed bipartite planar graph of negative-girth 6 admits a circular 3-coloring.


Reza Naserasr (IRIF) is an invited speaker at the 29th Workshop on Cycles and Colourings. He will present a joint work with Lan Anh Pham (IRIF), Zhouningxin Wang PhD student (IRIF) and Xuding Zhu (University Jinchua): Density of C –4 -critical signed graphs. There is a classic one-to-one correspondence between (2k+1)-colorability of a graph and mapping of a specific subdivision of it to the (2k+1)-cycle. In this work they present an extension of this to 2k-coloring using homomorphisms of signed graphs.

Accepted paper Eurocomb 2021 - Yiting Jiang

Yiting Jiang (IRIF) and Jaroslav Nešetřil will present a result that there are infinitely many minimal asymmetric k-uniform hypergraphs.

Accepted paper Eurocomb 2021 - Aubian-Charbit

Guillaume Aubian, Pierre Charbit (IRIF) and Pierre Aboulker study the class of oriented graphs such that the out-neighbourhood of any vertex induces a transitive tournament and prove for it a decomposition theorem. As a consequence, they obtain that oriented graphs in this class have dichromatic number at most $2$ and satisfy Caccetta-Häggkvist conjecture.

EUROCOMB 2021 - Three papers coauthored by IRIF PhD students

Three papers coauthored by IRIF Ph.D students will be presented at the European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications. Topics include oriented graphs, asymmetric hypergraphs and bipartite planar graphs.

Presentation Category Theory Conference

El Mehdi Cherradi (IRIF) and Paul-André Melliès (IRIF) will present at Category Theory Conference 2021 their work on derivators, a clever tool introduced by Grothendieck to compute homotopy limits and colimits of spaces, exploring the idea that derivators should be understood as generalised categories.

Publication dans PLOS Computational Biology

Claire Mathieu (IRIF) et ses collaborateurs publient les résultats de leur recherche Mitigating COVID-19 outbreaks in workplaces and schools by hybrid telecommuting dans le journal PLOS Computational Biology. Cet article l'impact de deux stratégies, dites de rotation et d’alternance, pour freiner l’épidémie de Covid-19 que ce soit dans une école ou un bureau. Lire l'article complet ici et le communiqué de presse du CNRS ici.

CONCUR Test-of-Time Award

Ahmed Bouajjani (IRIF), Javier Esparza, and Oded Maler have received the Concur Test-of-Time Award (period 1996-1999) for their article Reachability Analysis of Pushdown Automata: Application to Model-checking published at CONCUR 1997. Read the interview.

86th séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire

Dans le cadre d’un mini-cours donné au 86ème séminaire Lotharingien de combinatoire, Guillaume Chapuy (IRIF) parlera d'un nouveau point de vue sur la correspondance entre cartes et tableaux de Young, qui joue un rôle fondamental en combinatoire algébrique. Ce nouveau point de vue, développé dans le cadre des polynômes de Jack et des surfaces non-orientables, est issu de ses travaux avec Maciek Dołęga (ancien postdoctorant à l'IRIF/LIAFA).

Talk SIAM 2021

Sander Gribling and Sven Polak (CWI) will present their ongoing work about the mutually unbiased bases problem. “What is the largest number of mutually unbiased bases in dimension d? We make progress on answering this fundamental question in quantum information theory using semidefinite programs and representation theory”.

Réalisation d'une Synthèse Nationale des Mathématiques

Le Hcéres lance la réalisation d’une synthèse disciplinaire nationale consacrée aux mathématiques. Valérie Berthé (IRIF) fait partie du comité des 16 personnalités chargées de rédiger un rapport de synthèse sur les mathématiques françaises. Lire le communiqué de presse.

Project The step towards optical computers

Simona Etinski, PhD student at IRIF is jointly in charge of one of the projects of The International Research School (IRS). In the project “The step towards optical computers”, the goal is to simulate a work of a device that is based on the laws of optics. Simona’s role, as a co-tutor in this project, is to help the students to finish their task and successfully present it at the end of the school. Watch here the video explaining the project.

Accepted paper ISSAC 2021

Sylvain Périfel and Mahsa Shirmohammadi (IRIF), Nikhil Balaji and James Worrell (University of Oxford) will present at ISSAC 2021 an article about Cyclotomic Identity Testing and Applications.

Colloque on Quantum Computing

Le colloque « Recent Advances on Quantum Computing » organisé par Frédéric Magniez (IRIF) et qui s'est tenu les 17 et 18 juin au Collège de France, est désormais disponible en ligne.

Accepted paper ICALP 2021

Antonio Casares & Thomas Colcombet (IRIF) and Nathanaël Fijalkow (Labri) will present at ICALP 2021 their research about optimal transformations of Muller conditions.

Accepted paper ICALP 2021

Thomas Colcombet and Arthur Jaquard (IRIF) will present at ICALP 2021 their paper about a complexity approach to tree algebras.

Accepted paper ICALP 2021

Claire Mathieu (IRIF), Chien-chung Huang, Mathieu Mari and Jens Vygen will present at ICALP‘2021 an article about approximating maximum integral multiflows on bounded genus graphs.

Accepted paper ICALP 2021

Sander Gribling (IRIF), Joran van Apeldoorn (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Yinan Li (Nagoya University) Harold Nieuwboer (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Michael Walter (University of Amsterdam) and Ronald de Wolf (University of Amsterdam) will present at ICALP'21 an article about quantum algorithms for matrix scaling and matrix balancing.

Prix de thèse SIF - Gilles Kahn

Appel à candidatures | Prix de thèse Gilles Kahn patronné par l'Académie des Sciences et décerné par la Société informatique de France (SIF). Ce prix a pour objectif de promouvoir les jeunes talents les plus prometteurs de l'informatique fondamentale. Date limite de dépôt des candidatures : 14 septembre 2021.

Séminaire de la chaire annuelle Informatique et sciences numériques du Collège de France

En relation avec le sujet du cours Information quantique, premières utilisations calculatoires : superposition, mesure, transformation, non-clonage, distribution quantique de clés, téléportation, Miklos Santha (IRIF) a donné un séminaire intitulé Le problème du sous-groupe caché. La rediffusion de ce séminaire (1h) est désormais disponible pour téléchargement.


Un projet de vulgarisation scientifique, financé par l’IRIF, qui a pour but de fabriquer des objets interactifs pédagogiques et ludiques pour expliquer les bases de l'ordinateur quantique ? C'est le principe du projet QuBobs pensé par Sophie Laplante (IRIF) et Lou Vettier, designer indépendante.

Offre de thèse sur la décomposition modulaire de graphes en vue de leur compression

As part of the ANR Coregraphie project, a financed PhD thesis is proposed at IRIF on the modular decomposition of graphs with a view to their compression. More details here.

Distinguished presentation at ACT 2021

Nicolas Behr (IRIF) and Joachim Kock (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), will present “Tracelet Hopf algebras and decomposition spaces”, selected paper for a distinguished presentation at the prestigious conference ACT 2021.

Colloque au Collège de France

Colloquium « Recent Advances on Quantum Computing » at Collège de France, June 17-18. This is a joint event between the Chaire Quantum Algorithms (2020-21) at Collège de France and the series of workshops Quantum In Paris. The goal of this colloquium is to bring together at College de France the research community in quantum computing.

Accepted paper CCC'21

Troy Lee (CQT), Tongyang Li (University of Maryland), Miklos Santha (IRIF), Shengyu Zhang (CUHK) will present at CCC 2021 the paper « On the Cut dimension of a graph ».

Accepted paper LICS'21

Claudia Faggian (IRIF) and Francesco Gavazzo (U. Bologna) will present at LICS21 a foundation for monadic rewriting, and its application to calculi with algebric effects.

Accepted paper LICS'21

Paul-André Melliès (IRIF) will present at LICS 2021 an asynchronous template game semantics where the shuffle tensor product of asynchronous games is formulated for the first time as the Gray tensor product of 2-categories, with appropriate scheduling template.

Entretien quantique - Collège de France

Invité sur la chaire annuelle Informatique et sciences numériques du Collège de France 2020-2021, le Professeur Frédéric Magniez discute de la naissance de l'écosystème de l'informatique quantique. Lisez son interview !

LICS 2021 - Accepted papers

Antoine Allioux (IRIF), Eric Finster (Cambridge University), and Matthieu Sozeau (Inria) will present at LICS 2021 a proof that types are infinity-groupoids internal to an extension of homotopy type theory allowing for the formalization of higher algebraic structures.

LICS 2021- Accepted paper

Thomas Ehrhard (IRIF) and Farzad Jafarrahmani (Université de Paris) will present at LICS2021 the first categorical semantics of Linear Logic with induction and coinduction.

Portrait de Pierre-Evariste Dagand

IRIF has the great pleasure to welcome a new research scientist (CNRS) : Pierre-Evariste Dagand, an expert in language programming. Learn more about him and his work.

CanaDAM conference 2021

Three papers coauthored by IRIF members will be presented at the CanaDAM conference 2021, May 25-28.

On the logical structure of choice and bar induction principles

Nuria Brede (University of Potsdam) and Hugo Herbelin (IRIF) will present at LICS21 a unified classification of choice and bar induction principles.

Parametricity and Semi-Cubical Types

Hugo Moeneclaey (IRIF) will present at LICS 2021 a construction semi-cubical models of type theory as cofree parametric models.

Accepted papers LAGOS'21

Two papers coauthored by IRIF members will be presented at the Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS), May 17-21.

Logic in Computer Science

Ralph Sarkis (IRIF), Matteo Mio (LIP, ENS Lyon) and Valeria Vignudelli (LIP, ENS Lyon) will present at LICS2021 equational and metric reasoning tools for programs combining nondeterminism, probability and termination.

Conférence Maths en Mouvement

L'édition 2021 de Mathématiques en mouvement, organisée par la FSMP, aura lieu le mercredi 19 mai de 14h à 17h15 en visioconférence. Elle aura pour thème Maths et sport.

ICALP'21-Accepted papers

Six papers coauthored by IRIF members will be presented at the prestigious conference ICALP’21 this summer.

Online Annual Meeting 3-5 May 2021

The Annual meeting of ANR-HOSIGRA, in collaboration with teams from India and China, will take place online May 3-6. The schedule of the talks is available here. Find abstracts and the zoom link here.

PGSM program of FSMP

IRIF will finance one or two additional Master scholarships in Foundations of Computer Science within the PGSM program of FSMP for female students who have completed a bachelor’s degree or the first year masters in one of the universities of the FSMP network. Apply online by May 8th.

LICS 2021

Six papers coauthored by IRIF members will be presented at the prestigious conference LICS'21 this summer. Topics include game semantics, linear logic, categorical models, type theory and rewriting systems.

Blog binaire

Sylvain Perifel (IRIF) and Guillaume Lagarde (Université de Bordeaux) publish on the Blog Binaire the first article of a series about algorithmic complexity. The series aims be easy-to-understand and accessible to everyone.


We are happy to welcome Mirna DŽAMONJA, winner of an individual grant Marie CURIE part of the H2020 European program. Learn more about her and her work here

Stephen Wolfram

Stephen Wolfram, pioneer in the development and application of computational thinking, will be speaking on Wednesday April 28, 18:00 CET at GReTA special event co-organized by IRIF.

The ANR projet MAVeriQ will be having its second kickoff meeting on Friday March 26th. It will be starting with 4 short scientific talks: Eugene Asarin (IRIF), Loïc Helouet (IRISA), Nicolas Basset (VERIMAG), Benoît Barbot (LACL). Anybody who is interested is kindly invited to attend.

This year's PPS days will take place online on the afternoons of March 22, 23, 29 and April 1. There will be also two guest lectures on the mornings of March 23 and April 1 by Chantal Keller (LRI) and Pierre-Évariste Dagand (moving from LIP6 to IRIF).

The GDR-IM days will take place (online) from March 23rd to 26th. 2 IRIF members are participating this year: Claire Mathieu (Tuesday, March 23-9:00 am) and Michele Pagani (Wednesday, March 24-10:15 am).

Mélodie Lapointe, Simona Etinsky and Zeinab Nehaï, doctoral and post-doctoral students at IRIF took part in a Q&A session with Eva Ryckelynck (Head of administration at IRIF) and Valérie Berthé (Senior Research Scientist-CNRS). They talked about their career as women in the field of computer science.

We (IRIF) are proud to announce that we collectively finalised our Charter/Code of conduct for a secure professional environment open to diversity.


A new experimental demonstration of quantum advantage, co-authored by Iordanis Kerenidis (IRIF, CNRS), is published in Nature Communications. To learn more (in French): the CNRS press release, an article in CNRS journal, an article in L'usine nouvelle, an article in Industrie & Technologies, a radio interview of Iordanis Kerenidis on France Info.

The ANR Probabilistic Programming Semantics (PPS) meeting will take place online from Feb 16 to Feb 18, 2021 and will be joined with the 4th edition of the PIHOC workshop series and with a Dal Lago's DIAPASoN ERC project meeting. More on the program and connexion details at

Université de Paris

Three tenured positions in theoretical computer science in Paris: two associate professorships and one full professorship are open; teaching at the CS dept. of Université de Paris, research at IRIF; deadline for applications Feb. 26, 2021.

Université de Paris

Juliusz Chroboczek, Sophie Laplante and Sylvain Perifel (IRIF) are grant recipients for a project aiming to enhance the students' experience in virtual classrooms.

IRIF is associated to two projects selected under the call “Émergence en Recherche” of Université de Paris: IDiLL, co-instigated by Michele Pagani with LIPN, and SPECTRANS by Jean-Baptiste Yunès with CLILLAC-ARP and LIPADE.

French president Emmanuel Macron has presented a national plan for quantum technologies, including some aspects of quantum computing and communications. This is based on a parliamentary report co-written by Iordanis Kerenidis. More from CNRS including a special edition on the quantum revolution.

Valérie Berthé

V. Berthé (IRIF) & J. Barral spearhead the creation of 𝘎𝘋𝘙 Multifractal analysis and self-similarity as a renewal of `GDR Multifractal analysis' with a move towards symbolic dynamic systems.


Geoffroy Couteau (IRIF), Pooya Farshim (University of York), and Mohammad Mahmoody (University of Virginia) will present at ITCS 2021 a new framework for proving black-box separations in cryptography in a composable way.

Collège de France

Frédéric Magniez (IRIF CNRS member) holds the 2020–2021 chair on Computer Science at Collège de France (in partnership with Inria), where he will present a course on Quantum Algorithms starting April 7th with an Inaugural lecture on April 1st. Poster with full program.


P. Fraigniaud (IRIF), F. Le Gall (Nagoya University), H. Nishimura (Nagoya University), and A. Paz (Universität Wien) will present at ITCS 2021 a quantum approach of distributed certification, for checking the consistency of large data sets replicated at several nodes of a network.