Fractals and Numeration » Program

For the abstracts, see this Page

Location March 7--11 : Bât. Sophie Germain, Room 3052. See also Building 7 on the map.

Monday March 7

  • 10h00-11h00 : D.-H. Kim Dirichlet uniformly well-approximated numbers Slides
  • 11h30-12h30 : L. Marchese The Lagrange spectrum of some square-tiled surfaces Slides
  • 12h30-14h : Repas. Crous Buffon. 17 rue Hélène Brion. See Building 4 on the map.
  • 14h-15h : C. Frougny Beta-representations of 0 and Pisot numbers
  • 15h30-16h30 : S. Akiyama Rotational beta expansion and self-similar tilings Slides

Tuesday March 8

  • 10h-11h : M. Mori On the discrepancy of random sequences generated by dynamical systems Slides
  • 11h30-12h30 : M.-R. Iaco Multidimensional beta-adic sequences
  • 12h30-14h : Repas. Crous Buffon.
  • 14h-15h : A. Saito Pseudorandom number generators using true orbits of the 2x modulo 1 map on algebraic integers
  • 15h30-16h30 : H. Ei and R. Natsui On absolutely continuous invariant measures for complex continued fraction maps Slides

Wednesday March 9

  • 10h-11h : O. Carton Independence of normal numbers Slides
  • 11h30-12h30 : H. Nakada On a construction of normal series with respect to Artin continued fractions

Thursday March 10

  • 10h-11h : M. Minervino Non-stationary Markov partitions for Pisot cocycles Slides
  • 11h30-12h30 : W. Steiner Tilings with (non-unimodular) S-adic Rauzy fractals
  • 12h30-14h : Repas. Crous Buffon.
  • 14h-15h : Lingmin Liao Some dimension results on multiplicative subshifts
  • 15h30-16h30 : R. Yassawi Dynamical systems over Z_p generated by constant length substitutions Slides

Friday March 11

  • 10h-11h : S.-i. Yasutomi Generation of stepped surfaces via modified Jacobi-Perron algorithm and cubic numbers
  • 11h30-12h30 : J.-i. Tamura Calculi of substitutions over complex-powered symbols, Rauzy fractals, and multidimensional complex continued fractions (I).
  • 12h30-14h : Repas. Crous Buffon.
  • 14h-15h : F. Nakano Generalized carries process and riffle shuffles Slides

Location March 14--16 : Institut Camille Jordan, Université Lyon 1, Salle de Séminaire 2 (basement level).

Monday March 14

  • 10h-11h : S. Puzynina Ergodic infinite permutations
  • 11h30-12h30 : W. Steiner Natural extensions and entropy of alpha-continued fractions
  • 14h-15h : S. Barbieri The domino problem for structures between Z and Z^d.

Tuesday March 15

  • 10h30-11h30 : Seminar H. Nakada On equivalence relations of continued fractions Salle Fokko du Cloux
  • 14h-15h00 : Salle de séminaire 2 P. Arnoux Natural extensions and suspensions for some continued fraction algorithms

Wednesday March 16

  • 10h-11h : J.-i. Tamura Calculi of substitutions over complex-powered symbols, Rauzy fractals, and multidimensional complex continued fractions (II)
  • 11h30-12h30 : V. Berthé Continued fractions and recurrence function