Eugene Asarin's home page
Short resume:
I was born in 1962 in Moscow. In 1984 I graduated from the Dept. of Mathematics and mechanics of Moscow State University, my specialization was the mathematical logic. In 1988 I made my Ph.D. "Individual random signals: an approach based on complexity", directed by A.Kolmogorov. In 1984-1988 I worked in M.Krasnosel'skii's team at the Institute for Control Science in Moscow. In 1990-1999 I was at the
Institute for Information Transmission Problems
in Moscow. Till 2022 I was an external member of that institute.
Since 1999 I was working as professor of computer science at the Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble, France). My research work was done at
laboratory (I cooperated with it since 1994).
In September 2003 I moved to Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 and LIAFA. In 2016 LIAFA was reorganized to become part of
institute (see contact information below); since 2020 my university became part of
Université Paris Cité
. I am member of the
Modeling and Verification
team (within
Automata, structures and verification
Research interests (chronological)
- Kolmogorov Complexity (almost forgotten)
- Desynchronized Linear Systems (forgotten)
- Cyber-physical, Hybrid, Timed Systems (main research interest now)
- Verification
- Information and entropy (hot!)
In November 2011 – May 2016 I coordinated
project (Entropy and quantity of information in computational systems) financed by
. Concluding
EQINOCS workshop
was organized in Paris on 9-11 May 2016.
Since fall 2020 I am involved in three new projects
(Formal Analysis and Design of AI-intensive Cyber-Physical Systems) – Franco-Japanese ANR-JST project
(Methods of Analysis for VERIfication of Quantitative properties)
(Complexity Theory with Discrete Differential/Difference Equations)
Steering Committee member:
Program Committee member:
- ATVA'22
- LFCS'16 and 18
- HSCC (several times)
- FORMATS (several times)
- LATA'14
Subjects for master theses
The internships marked by (*) have been realized in summer 2021, but can be continued. I will update the descriptions soon.
They are related to starting research projects and can be continued with PhD theses.
Somewhat simpler versions for L3-ENS or M1 level
Teaching activity:
These pages are in French
I am member of and mostly teaching at
UFR d'Informatique de l'Université Paris Cité.
I am also strongly involved at
École d'Ingénieur Denis Diderot (EIDD)
Most of my recent teaching-related pages are on
See also:
Old teaching-related pages
Also in French
Paris 7:
Grenoble 1 (very old):
PhD thesis "Individual random signals: an approach based on complexity" (1988, in Russian) [
List of publications before 1994
Journal papers
E. Asarin, O. Maler, A. Pnueli,
Reachability analysis of dynamical systems having piecewise-constant derivatives,
Theoretical Computer Science
, 35-65, 1995
E. Asarin, O. Maler,
Discrete-continuous systems: an algorithmic aspect
(in Russian) Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 1995, No 5, 124-137.
E .Asarin, O. Maler,
Achilles and the Tortoise Climbing Up the Arithmetical Hierarchy
J. of Computer and System Sciences
, 389-398, 1998.
E. Asarin, O. Bournez, T. Dang, O. Maler, A. Pnueli,
Effective Synthesis of Switching Controllers for Linear Systems
Proceedings of the IEEE
, No. 7, 2000, 1011-1025
E. Asarin, P. Caspi, O. Maler,
Timed Regular Expressions,
Journal of the ACM
, No.2, 2002, 172-206
E. Asarin,
Challenges in Timed Languages: From Applied Theory to Basic Theory,
The Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science,
Number 83, June, 2004
Y. Abdeddaïm, E. Asarin, O. Maler
Scheduling with Timed Automata,
Theoretical Computer Science
:2, 2006, 272-300,
E. Asarin, T. Dang, A. Girard
, Hybridization methods for the analysis of nonlinear systems,
Acta Informatica
7, 2007, 451-476 ,
E. Asarin, G. Schneider, S. Yovine,
Algorithmic Analysis of Polygonal Hybrid Systems, Part I: Reachability,
Theoretical Computer Science
:1-2, 2007, 231-265
E. Asarin, G. Pace, G. Schneider, S. Yovine,
Algorithmic Analysis of Polygonal Hybrid Systems, Part II: Phase Portrait and Tools,
Theoretical Computer Science
, 2008, 1-26
E. Asarin, C. Dima,
On the Computation of Covert Channel Capacity
, 44, 2010, 37-58,
E. Asarin, V. Mysore, A. Pnueli, G. Schneider,
Low dimensional hybrid systems - decidable, undecidable, don't know,
Information and Computation,
, 2012, 138-159,
E. Asarin, N. Basset, A. Degorre,
Entropy of timed regular languages,
Information and Computation
, 241, 2015, 142-176,
D. Ulus, Th. Ferrère, E.Asarin, D. Nickovic, O. Maler:
Elements of Timed Pattern Matching
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2024,
DOI: 10.1145/3645114
Conference proceedings (editor)
Eugene Asarin, Oded Maler and Sergio Yovine,
Theory and Practice of Timed Systems
(Satellite Event of ETAPS 2002)
Grenoble, France, 6 - 7 April 2002, ENTCS, Volume 65, Issue 6, Pages 1-31 (June 2002),
Eugene Asarin, Patricia Bouyer
, Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems
, 4th International Conference, FORMATS 2006, Paris, France, September 25-27, 2006. Proceedings LNCS 4202, © Springer,
Conference proceedings
LNCS Homepage
E. Asarin,
O. Maler
On some Relations between Dynamical Systems and Transition Systems
, in S. Abiteboul and E. Shamir (Eds.),
Proc. of ICALP'94
, 59-72, LNCS 820, © Springer-Verlag , 1994.
E. Asarin, O. Maler and A.Pnueli,
Symbolic Controller Synthesis for Discrete and Timed Systems
, in P. Antsaklis, W. Kohn, A. Nerode and S. Sastry (Eds.),
Hybrid Systems II
, LNCS 999, © Springer-Verlag, 1995.
E. Asarin, M. Bozga, A. Kerbrat, O. Maler, A. Pnueli, A. Rasse,
Data-Structures for the Verification of Timed Automata
, in O. Maler (Ed.),
Proc. HART'97
, 346-360, LNCS 1201, © Springer-Verlag, 1997.
E. Asarin, O. Maler, P. Caspi,
A Kleene Theorem for Timed Automata
, in G. Winskel (Ed.)
Proc. LICS'97
, 1997.
E. Asarin,
Equations on Timed Languages,
in T.Henzinger and S. Sastry (Eds.),
Hybrid Systems
: Computation and Control
, LNCS 1386, © Springer-Verlag, 1998.
E. Asarin, O. Maler, A.Pnueli, J. Sifakis,
Controller Synthesis for Timed Automata
, in
Proc. IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control
, 469-474, Elsevier, 1998.
E. Asarin, O. Maler, A. Pnueli,
On Discretization of Delays in Timed Automata and Digital Circuits
in R. de Simone and D. Sangiorgi (Eds),
Proc. Concur'98
, 470-484, LNCS 1466, © Springer-Verlag, 1998.
E. Asarin, O. Maler,
As Soon as Possible: Time Optimal Control for Timed Automata.
in F. Vaandrager and J. van Schuppen (Eds.),
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
, 19-30, LNCS 1569, © Springer-Verlag, 1999.
E. Asarin, O. Bournez, T. Dang, O. Maler,
Approximate Reachability Analysis of Piecewise-Linear Dynamical Systems.
in B. Krogh and N. Lynch (Eds.)
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
, 20-31 LNCS 1790, © Springer-Verlag, 2000.
A. Annichini, E. Asarin, A. Bouajjani ,
Symbolic Techniques for Parametric Reasoning about Counter and Clock Systems
, in
Proc. 12th Intern. Conf. on Computer Aided Verification
(CAV'00), LNCS 1855, Chicago (Il, USA), July 2000.
E. Asarin, G. Schneider, S.Yovine.
On the Decidability of the Reachability Problem for Planar Differential Inclusions.
in M. Di Benedetto and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli (Eds.)
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
, 89-104, LNCS 2034, © Springer-Verlag, 2001.
E. Asarin, S. Bansal, B. Espiau, T. Dang, Oded Maler.
On Hybrid Control of Under-actuated Mechanical Systems.
in M. Di Benedetto and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli (Eds.)
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
, 77-88, LNCS 2034, © Springer-Verlag, 2001.
E. Asarin, A. Bouajjani,
Perturbed Turing Machines and Hybrid Systems,
E. Asarin, G. Schneider, S.Yovine.
Towards Computing Phase Portraits of Polygonal Differential Inclusions.
in C.J. Tomlin and M.R. Greenstreet (Eds.)
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
, 49-61, LNCS 2289, © Springer-Verlag, 2002.
E. Asarin, G. Pace, G. Schneider and S. Yovine.
SPeeDI - a Verification Tool for Polygonal Hybrid Systems.
In: CAV'2002, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2002, 354-358, LNCS 2404 © Springer-Verlag
E. Asarin, T. Dang, O. Maler.
The d/dt Tool for Verification of Hybrid Systems.
In: CAV'2002, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2002, 365-370, LNCS 2404 © Springer-Verlag
E. Asarin and G. Schneider.
Widening the boundary between decidable and undecidable hybrid systems.
In: CONCUR'2002, Brno, Czech Republic, August 2002, 193-208, LNCS 2421. © Springer-Verlag
E. Asarin, C. Dima:
Balanced timed regular expressions.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science,Volume 68, Issue 5 , May 2003, Pages 1-18,
P. Niebert, M. Mahfoudh, E. Asarin, M. Bozga, N. Jain, O. Maler,
Verification of Timed Automata via Satisfiability Checking
. In: FTRTFT'2002, Oldenburg, Germany, September 2002, 225-243, LNCS 2469, © Springer-Verlag,
Y. Abdeddaïm, E. Asarin, O. Maler,
On Optimal Scheduling under Uncertainty
TACAS 2003
240-255, LNCS 2619, © Springer-Verlag, 2003
E. Asarin, T. Dang, and A. Girard.
Reachability Analysis of Nonlinear Systems Using Conservative Approximation.
HSCC'03 - Hybrid Systems: Control and Computation, 20-35, LNCS 2623, © Springer-Verlag, April 2003.
E. Asarin and T. Dang,
Abstraction by projection and application to multi-affine systems.
HSCC'04 - Hybrid Systems: Control and Computation, 32-47, LNCS 2993, © Springer-Verlag March 2004.
S. Cotton, E. Asarin, O. Maler, P. Niebert,
Some Progress in Satisfiability Checking for Difference Logic
, FORMATS/FTRTFT 2004, 63-76, LNCS 3253. © Springer-Verlag
E. Asarin, P. Collins,
Noisy Turing Machines
, in.
Proc. of ICALP'05
, 1031-1042 LNCS 3580, © Springer-Verlag , 2005.
E. Asarin, Th. Cachat, A. Seliverstov, T. Touili, V. Lyubetsky.
Attenuation Regulation as a Term Rewriting System
Algebraic Biology,
LNCS 4545, © Springer-Verlag, 2007, p.81-94.
Y. Abdeddaïm
, E. Asarin,
M. Gallien
F. Ingrand
Ch. Lesire
M. Sighireanu
Planning Robust Temporal Plans: A Comparison Between CBTP and TGA Approaches
ICAPS 2007
: 2-9
Y. Abdeddaïm
, E. Asarin,
M. Sighireanu
Simple strategies for simple timed games
, Int. Symp on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, IEEE Computer Society, 2009, p.99-106
E. Asarin, A. Degorre,
Volume and Entropy of Regular Timed Languages: Discretization Approach.
, LNCS 5710, © Springer-Verlag, 2009, p.69-83. See preprint
E. Asarin, A. Degorre,
Volume and Entropy of Regular Timed Languages: Analytic Approach
, LNCS 5813, © Springer-Verlag, 2009, p.13-27.
Best Paper Award
. See preprint
E.Asarin, R. Chane-Yack-Fa, D. Varacca,
Fair adversaries and randomization in two-player games
, LNCS 6014, © Springer-Verlag, 2010, p.64-78,
E. Asarin, T. Dang, O. Maler, R. Testylier,
Using Redundant Constraints for Refinement,
, LNCS 6252, © Springer-Verlag, 2010, p. 37-51,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-15643-4_5
E. Asarin, A. Degorre,
Two size measures for timed languages
, LIPICS vol. 8,
. A long version :
N. Basset, E. Asarin,
Thin and thick timed regular languages
, LNCS 6919, © Springer-Verlag, 2011, p.113-128,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24310-3_9
E. Asarin, A. Donzé,
O. Maler
and D. Nickovic.
Parametric Identification of Temporal Properties
, LNCS 7186, p. 147-160, © Springer-Verlag, 2012,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-29860-8_12
E. Asarin, N. Basset, A. Degorre, D. Perrin,
Generating functions of timed languages
, LNCS 7464, p. 124-135, © Springer-Verlag, 2012, a preprint version
E. Asarin, N. Basset, M.-P. Béal, A. Degorre, D. Perrin,
Toward a timed theory of channel coding
, LNCS 7595, 27-42, p. 124-135, © Springer-Verlag, 2012,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33365-1_4
E. Asarin, N. Basset, A. Degorre:
Spectral Gap in Timed Automata
. FORMATS'13, LNCS 8053, p.16-30, © Springer-Verlag, 2012,
E. Asarin, M. Blockelet, A.Degorre, C.Dima, C.Mu,
Asymptotic behaviour in temporal logic
D. Ulus, Th. Ferrère, E.Asarin, O. Maler:
Timed Pattern Matching
. FORMATS 2014: 222-236
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10512-3_16
E. Asarin, J. Cervelle, A. Degorre, C. Dima, F. Horn, V. Kozyakin, Entropy Games and Matrix Multiplication Games. STACS 2016, LIPICS vol. 47,
DOI: 10.4230/LIPIcs.STACS.2016.11
. A longer version with proof details:
D. Ulus, Th. Ferrère, E.Asarin, O. Maler:
Online Timed Pattern Matching Using Derivatives
. TACAS 2016, LNCS 9636, p.736-751, © Springer-Verlag,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-49674-9_47
E. Asarin, O. Maler, D.Nickovic, D. Ulus:
Combining the Temporal and Epistemic Dimensions for MTL Monitoring
: 207-223, LNCS 10419,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-65765-3_12
E. Asarin, N. Basset, A. Degorre:
Distance on timed words and applications,
FORMATS 2018, LNCS 11022, p. 199-214. Best paper award
A. Bakhirkin, Th. Ferrère, D. Nickovic, O. Maler, E. Asarin:
Online Timed Pattern Matching using Automata,
FORMATS 2018, LNCS 11022, p. 215-232,
E. Asarin, Th. Ferrère, D. Nickovic, D. Ulus:
On the Complexity of Timed Pattern Matching,
FORMATS 2021, LNCS 12860, p. 1-17, "Oded Maler best paper award ",
B. Jacobo Inclán, E. Asarin, A.Degorre:
Bounded delay timed channel coding
, FORMATS 2022, LNCS 13465, p.65-79,
Akshay Mambakam, Eugene Asarin, Nicolas Basset, and Thao Dang. 2023.
Pattern Matching and Parameter Identification for Parametric Timed Regular Expressions.
HSCC '23
E. Asarin, A. Degorre, C. Dima, B. Jacobo Inclán, Bandwidth of Timed Automata: 3 Classes. FSTTCS 2023, LIPIcs vol. 284
DOI: 10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2023.10
. A longer version with proof details:
Manuscripts and preprints:
Chaos and Undecidability (Based on invited talk at the workshop on Hybrid Systems at Grenoble, 1995)
Contact information
Mailing address:
Eugene Asarin
CNRS and Université Paris Cité, Case 7014
75205 Paris Cedex 13
Physical address:
8 place Aurélie Nemours, 75013 Paris, France
Sophie Germain building, office 4040
Phone: +33 (0) 1 57 27 92 34
Fax : +33 (0) 1 57 27 94 09