Alexis Saurin

Introduction / Research interests / News / Publications and drafts / Teaching / Students and post-docs / Contact informations


I am a CNRS researcher working in Informatique Mathématique (mathematical computer science) at IRIF (Institut de Recherche en Informatique fondamentale), member of PPS pole and Picube Inria team.

I am in charge, together with Esaïe Bauer, of the Formath seminar, which is the seminar of Picube INRIA team. I am also responsible, with Pierre Clairambault and Chantal Keller, of chairing the Scalp working group of GDR-IM and organizing its annual meetings. I am the PI of the ANR funded collaborative project RECIPROG.

I am an elected member of the research council and the academic council of the faculty of Science at Université Paris Cité and an appointed member at the research council of the faculty of Society and Humanity.

Research interests

My research interests are at the interplay between structural proof theory and the theory of programming, both from a syntactical and semantical perspective. More precisely, I am currently interested in:


Publications and drafts

Published works

You can find an updated list of my publications on DBLP.

Open-access and drafts

Here are some drafts and open-access publications:


During the fall semester 2023-24, I have been teaching at Master LMFI (second year master in mathematical logic and foundations of computer science) at Université Paris Cité.

During the second semester 2023-24, I am teaching with Thomas Colcombet the course on

In the previous years, I have mostly been teaching in M2 LMFI (Cours fondamental de logique-théorie de la démonstration; Outils classiques pour la corespondance preuves-programmes; logique linéaire; lambda-calcul et preuves) but also in the Programming M2 (computer labs in the course of Adrien Guatto on synchronous programming) or in L1 (IP1, which is the first introductory course on programming for undergraduate studients).

I also taught in Centre pénitentiaire de Fresnes and Maison d'arrêt de Paris la Santé as a member of the teaching staff of Section des étudiants empêchés and I organized some “math club” in the above two prisons well as in Centre pénitentiaire sud-francilien (in the QCD of Réau). Most of my teaching activities were in fact part of voluntary social work as a member of GENEPI (including one year of “civil service” during my PhD studies where I lead this student NGO which does not exist anymore) when I was a student and then as a volunteer in FARAPEJ, in Mathématiques en liberté, and in Champ Libre.

Students and post-docs

Current PhD student:
Former PhD students:
Former Post-doc:
Former Master Students:

Adrien Shalit, Esaïe Bauer, Ikram Cherrigui, Lucien David, Kostia Chardonnet, Rémi Nollet, Pablo Donato, Xavier Onfroy, Paul Fermé, Amina Doumane, Paul Downen, Fanny Hé, Simon Lunel, Luke Maurer

Contact informations

Nom Saurin
Prénom Alexis
Téléphone 01 57 27 93 37
Bureau 3040
Page web