Finite Automata

Bruno Guillon

Je suis maintenant en postdoc à l’université de Varsovie: voyez!

À propos de moi

Je viens de terminer mon doctorat sous les directions cotutellesques de Christian Choffrut et Giovanni Pighizzini, respectivement à l’IRIF (anciennement LIAFA), Université Paris-Diderot, Paris 7 et au Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli studi di Milano. Je vais prochainement démarrer un post-doctorat à Varsovie avec Mikołaj Bojańczyk.

Mon CV est disponible en français et en anglais .

J’ai soutenu ma thèse le 30 mai dernier. Voici le mémoire , les remerciements et voici mes planches pour la présentation .


En ce moment je suis à Paris.



  • DLT 2016, 25 au 28 juillet 2016, Montréal —

    Both ways rational functions

    Bruno Guillon (IRIF, Université Paris Diderot − Paris 7, DI, Università degli studi di Milano) Christian Choffrut (IRIF, Université Paris Diderot − Paris 7)

    We consider binary relations on words which can be recognized by finite two-tape devices in two different ways: the traditional way where the two tapes are scanned in the same direction and a new one where they are scanned in different directions. The devices of the former type define the family of rational relations, while those of the latter define an a priori really different family. We characterize the partial functions that are in the intersection of the two families. We state a conjecture for the intersection for general, nonfunctional, relations.


  • École Jeunes Chercheurs en Informatique Mathématique, 4-8 avril, Strasbourg −
  • GT ALGA − Annual Meeting 2016, 11 & 12 avril, LIF, Marseille
  • Colloque en l’honneur de Marcel-Paul Schützenberger au LaBRI, 21-25 mars, Bordeaux −
  • Séminaire Automate à l’Irif, 12 février 2016, Paris −

    On two-way transducers

    Bruno Guillon (IRIF, Université Paris Diderot − Paris 7, DI, Università degli studi di Milano)

    A transducer is a finite automaton equipped with an output tape, scanned in one direction by a write-only output head. At each step of the computation, a word associated with the chosen transition is appended on to the output tape. Such a device accepts a relation on words, i.e., a subset of Σ* × Γ* where Σ (resp. Γ) is the input (resp. output) alphabet. The model admits different variants, namely one-way deterministic (1DT), one-way nondeterministic (1NT), two-way deterministic (2DT), and two-way nondeterministic (2NT). Contrary to the case of finite automaton, each version accepts a distinct family of relations. Until now and despite the simplicity of the model, no characterization of the most general variant, namely the 2NT, has been established.

    I will introduce all these devices, and additional operations on relations. Then I will give an algebraic characterization of the relations accepted by 2NT, in the particular case of unary input and output alphabets, that is, when both Σ and Γ are reduced to a single letter. Then I will show with some provable examples that these strong assumptions are required. Finally, I will give some general remarks and corollaries.

  • MFCS 2015, Milan
  • NCMA 2015, Porto —
  • Journée MDSC, 11 juin 2015, Nice-Sophia-Antipolis:

    Caractérisation algébrique des relations acceptées par transducteurs bidirectionnels unaires

    Bruno Guillon (LIAFA, Université Paris Diderot − Paris 7, DI, Università degli studi di Milano)

    Les transducteurs sont des extensions d’automates finis qui sont capable d’écrire des mots sur un ruban de sortie en écriture seule durant leur calcul. Ils reconnaissent donc des relations sur les mots. Les transducteurs unidirectionnels unaires acceptent exactement la classe des relations rationnelles. Cependant, les transducteurs bidirectionnels étendent strictement la puissance calculatoire des transducteurs unidirectionnel, même dans le cas d’alphabets (d’entrée et de sortie) unaires (c’est à dire ne contenant qu’une seule lettre).

    Après avoir introduit le modèle par des exemples simples, je présenterai les grandes lignes d’une construction, basée sur les crossing sequences, qui permet d’obtenir une caractérisation des relations acceptées par des transducteurs bidirectionnels dans le cas particulier d’alphabets d’entrée et de sortie unaires. Je discuterai ensuite des extensions et des conséquences de ce résultat.

    Collaboration avec Christian Choffrut.


  • ÉJCIM, Orléans, 2 Avril 2015 —
  • ICTCS, Pérouse, 17 Septembre 2015 —
  • MFCS, Budapest, 15 Août 2015 —
  • Séminaire au DI, Milan, 2 Juillet 2014 —
  • Séminaire Thésards (LIAFA & PPS), Paris, 22 Janvier 2014
  • Séminaire à Rouen, 28 Novembre 2013 —
  • Journée de rentrée de l’équipe Automate (LIAFA), Paris, 11 Octobre 2013 —
  • Journée des entrants (LIAFA), Paris, 10 Octobre 2012 —
  • ÉJCIM, Rennes, 19 Mars 2012 —


Je m’intéresse principalement aux extensions d’automates finis bidirectionnels. Je joue sur cette capacité à déplacer la tête de lecture en avant et en arrière, mais aussi sur le non-déterminisme, le nombre de ruban, le nombre de tête de lecture, la présence d’une pile ou d’un compteur, la taille de l’alphabet. Ma recherche est principalement orienté dans deux directions:


Jetez un coup d’œil à ma page dblp .


  • Viliam Geffert Bruno Guillon Giovanni Pighizzini

    The question of the state-size cost for simulation of two-way nondeterministic automata (2nfas) by two-way deterministic automata (2dfas) was raised in 1978 and, despite many attempts, it is still open. Subsequently, the problem was attacked by restricting the power of 2dfas (e.g., using a restricted input head movement) to the degree for which it was already possible to derive some exponential gaps between the weaker model and the standard 2nfas. Here we use an opposite approach, increasing the power of 2dfas to the degree for which it is still possible to obtain a subexponential conversion from the stronger model to the standard 2dfas. In particular, it turns out that subexponential conversion is possible for two-way automata that make nondeterministic choices only when the input head scans one of the input tape endmarkers. However, there is no restriction on the input head movement. This implies that an exponential gap between 2nfas and 2dfas can be obtained only for unrestricted 2nfas using capabilities beyond the proposed new model.

    As an additional bonus, conversion into a machine for the complement of the original language is polynomial in this model. The same holds for making such machines self-verifying, halting, or unambiguous. Finally, any superpolynomial lower bound for the simulation of such machines by standard 2dfas would imply L≠NLL≠NL. In the same way, the alternating version of these machines is related to L ≟ NL ≟ P, the classical computational complexity problems.

    Inf. Comput. 239 71–86 2014


  • Christian Choffrut Bruno Guillon

    We consider binary relations on words which can be recognized by finite two-tape devices in two different ways: the traditional way where the two tapes are scanned in the same direction and a new one where they are scanned in different directions. The devices of the former type define the family of rational relations, while those of the latter define an a priori really different family. We characterize the partial functions that are in the intersection of the two families. We state a conjecture for the intersection for general, nonfunctional, relations.

    DLT 16 114-124
  • Bruno Guillon

    In a previous paper we showed that the two-way transducers with unary input and output alphabets have the same recognition power as the non-sweeping ones. We show that this no longer holds when the output alphabet is still unary but the input alphabet is arbitrary.

    NCMA 2015 91-108
  • Christian Choffrut Bruno Guillon

    Two-way transducers are ordinary finite two-way automata that are provided with a one-way write-only tape. They perform a word to word transformation. Unlike one-way transducers, no characterization of these objects as such exists so far except for the deterministic case. We study the other particular case where the input and output alphabets are both unary but when the transducer is not necessarily deterministic. This yields a family which extends properly the rational relations in a very natural manner. We show that deterministic two-way unary transducers are no more powerful than one-way transducers.

    ICTCS 2014 279-283
  • Christian Choffrut Bruno Guillon

    Two-way transducers are ordinary finite two-way automata that are provided with a one-way write-only tape. They perform a word to word transformation. Unlike one-way transducers, no characterization of these objects as such exists so far except for the deterministic case. We study the other particular case where the input and output alphabets are both unary but when the transducer is not necessarily deterministic. This yields a family which extends properly the rational relations in a very natural manner. We show that deterministic two-way unary transducers are no more powerful than one-way transducers.

    MFCS 2014 196–207
  • Viliam Geffert Bruno Guillon Giovanni Pighizzini

    The question of the state-size cost for simulation of two-way nondeterministic automata (2nfas) by two-way deterministic automata (2dfas) was raised in 1978 and, despite many attempts, it is still open. Subsequently, the problem was attacked by restricting the power of 2dfas (e.g., using a restricted input head movement) to the degree for which it was already possible to derive some exponential gaps between the weaker model and the standard 2nfas. Here we use an opposite approach, increasing the power of 2dfas to the degree for which it is still possible to obtain a subexponential conversion from the stronger model to the standard 2dfas. In particular, it turns out that subexponential conversion is possible for two-way automata that make nondeterministic choices only when the input head scans one of the input tape endmarkers. However, there is no restriction on the input head movement. This implies that an exponential gap between 2nfas and 2dfas can be obtained only for unrestricted 2nfas using capabilities beyond the proposed new model.

    As an additional bonus, conversion into a machine for the complement of the original language is polynomial in this model. The same holds for making such machines self-verifying, halting, or unambiguous. Finally, any superpolynomial lower bound for the simulation of such machines by standard 2dfas would imply L ≠ NL. In the same way, the alternating version of these machines is related to L ≟ NL ≟ P, the classical computational complexity problems.

    LATA 2012 264–276


  • Bruno Guillon

    In a previous paper we showed that two-way (nondeterministic) transducers with unary input and output alphabets have the same recognition power as the sweeping ones. We show that this no longer holds when one of the alphabets has cardinality at least 2.

    Dans un article précédent, nous avons montré que les transducteurs non-déterministes bidirectionnels sur des alphabets d’entrée et de sortie unaires, ont la même puissance de reconnaissance que les transducteurs boustrophédons. Nous prouvons ici que ce résultat n’est plus vrai, lorsque l’un des alphabet est de cardinalité au moins 2.


Autres écrits

  • Viliam Geffert Bruno Guillon Giovanni Pighizzini

    The question of the state-size cost for simulation of two-way nondeterministic automata (2NFAs) by two-way deterministic automata (2DFAs) was raised in 1978 and, despite many attempts, it is still open. Subsequently, the problem was attacked by restricting the power of 2DFAs (e.g., using a restricted input head movement) to the degree for which it was already possible to derive some exponential gaps between the weaker model and the standard 2NFAs. Here we use an opposite approach, increasing the power of 2DFAs to the degree for which it is still possible to obtain a subexponential conversion from the stronger model to the standard 2DFAs. In particular, it turns out that subexponential conversion is possible for two-way automata that make nondeterministic choices only when the input head scans one of the input tape endmarkers. However, there is no restriction on the input head movement. This implies that an exponential gap between 2NFAs and 2DFAs can be obtained only for unrestricted 2NFAs using capabilities beyond the proposed new model. As an additional bonus, conversion into a machine for the complement of the original language is polynomial in this model. The same holds for making such machines self-verifying, halting, or unambiguous. Finally, any superpolynomial lower bound for the simulation of such machines by standard 2DFAs would imply L<>NL. In the same way, the alternating version of these machines is related to L =? NL =? P, the classical computational complexity problems. 2011
  • Communicating Finite Automata System and Tally Languages 2012, Master 2

    rapport (en anglais) et soutenance (en français) .

  • 2-ways outer-nondeterministic finite automata and descriptional complexity 2011, Master 1

    rapport (en anglais) et soutenance (en français) .


Depuis 2012 j’enseigne en Licence d’Informatique (travaux dirigés, travaux pratiques) à l’Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7).