Victor Arrial

About me

I am a third year PhD student working on Meaningfulness in the $\lambda!$-calculus under the direction of Delia Kesner (Université Paris Cité, CNRS, IRIF, France) and Giulio Guerrieri (University of Sussex, United Kingdom).

My research interests lie in $\lambda$-calculus$^?\!\!$, $\lambda_!$-calculus$^?\!\!$, $\lambda\mu$-calculus$^?\!\!$, explicit substitutions$^?\!\!$, reduction strategies$^?\!\!$, quantitative typing$^?\!\!$, inhabitation$^?\!\!$, Böhm$^?$ approximants and trees$^?\!\!$, Taylor expansion$^?\!\!$

Publications and Preprints

See my DBLP page for a complete list.

(Credits: Delia Kesner)

Talks and Public Events


Past projects


A few friends doing wonderful work:
Klara Nosan, Roman Kniazev, Lucie Guillou, Alexandre Moine, Martin Pépin, Loïc Peyrot, Vincent Moreau, Clément Ducros, Adrienne Lancelot


Mail : $(\lambda x. \; \text{arrial} \: x \; \text{irif}.\text{fr})\;@$
Office : $3018$