Masters of ceremonies: G. Bernardi, C. Faggian, G. Baudart, A. Lancelot

Where: Amphi Turing, basement floor of Sophie Germain


Monday 24th June

9:15 — Opening

9:20 · Gabriel Scherer · The free bifibration: proof theory for categories

9:40 · Victor Arrial · Genericity Through Stratification

10:00 · Adrien Guatto · Guarded Reduction

10:20 · Astyax Nourel · A first-order synchronous language with modular recursion

10:40 — Coffee break (30min)

11:10 · Hugo Férée · Metaprogramming for functional complexity analysis

11:30 · Mariana Milicich · Intersection Types as Evaluation Types

11:50 · Sylvain Douteau · Gluing and categories

12:20 — Lunch

14:00 · Jean Krivine · Reversible semantics of computations as semantics of reversible computations

14:20 · Sam van Gool · Unification for temporal logic via duality

14:40 · Léopold Brasseur · An attempt at identifying a coherent fragment of differential lambda calculus

14:55 · Nicolas Behr · Tracelet Decomposition Spaces

15:15 · Jérémy Ledent · Higher Dimensional Automata

15:35 · Guillaume Baudart · Static analysis for semi-symbolic probabilistic inference.

15:55 — End of first day

16:15 Gouter UFR

Tuesday 25th June

9:15 — Opening

9:20 · Pierre-Louis Curien · Cut admissibility for a classical sequent calculus based on a single « if then else » connective

9:40 · Adrienne Lancelot · Towards a Quantitative Contextual Equivalence

10:00 · Aymeric Walch · Coherent differentiation and Taylor expansion

10:20 · Hugo Herbelin · Langages et métalangages à PPS

10:40 — Coffee break (30min)

11:10 · Guillaume Geoffroy · Non-sequentiality in denotational models of probabilistic languages

11:30 · Pierre Letouzey · A family of Hofstadter's recursive functions : more on G and beyond

11:50 · Alexis Saurin · On the computational interpretation of interpolation theorems: Craig-Lyndon interpolation as cut-introduction in sequent calculus.

12:20 — Lunch

14:00 — AG PPS

18:00 Apero PPS. Like last year, we propose to close the Journées PPS by all moving to Le Limousin. We will leave IRIF after the AG/around 17:30, please feel free to join us.