Thematic team

Pole Proofs, programs and systems

Analysis and conception of systems

Research themes

We aim at developing formal or mathematical methods for modeling real natural or man-made systems, and to solve concrete problems. This field of research is connected with IRILL, with which we are working on efficient methods for the correct deployment of large software components. We develop programming languages for specific application domains like data bases and web programming. We also work on probabilistic and graphical systems, based on rewriting or process algebra, for the modeling of concurrent systems.

The pole wishes to develop its inter-disciplinary activities in the field of biological systems and models. Furthermore, our activities are connected to the Software Heritage foundation which was founded by members of IRIF, and which we continue to support.

Seminar and working groups

Proofs, programs and systems
Analysis and conception of systems
Type theory and realisability

Permanent members

Abbes Samy @ 01 57 27 92 37 3046 Associate Professor PPS systemes
Amadio Roberto @ 01 57 27 92 47 4020 Professor PPS systemes , preuves
Baudart Guillaume @ 4026 Research Scientist - INRIA ISFP PPS systemes , preuves , picube
Bernardi Giovanni @ 01 57 27 93 38 4021 Associate Professor ASV , PPS verif , systemes , preuves
Castagna Giuseppe @ 01 57 27 93 40 3039 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS PPS preuves , systemes
Chroboczek Juliusz @ 01 57 27 92 37 3046 Associate Professor PPS systemes
Dagand Pierre-Evariste @ 01 57 27 94 29 3012 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS systemes
Di Cosmo Roberto @ Professor - (en détachement à l'INRIA) PPS systemes
Ehrhard Thomas @ 01 57 27 92 17 4014a Senior Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , systemes , preuves , picube
Férée Hugo @ 01 57 27 94 05 4011 Associate Professor PPS systemes , preuves
Guatto Adrien @ 01 57 27 94 15 3019 Associate Professor PPS algebre , systemes , preuves
Herbelin Hugo @ 01 57 27 90 87 3029 Senior Research Scientist - INRIA PPS algebre , picube , preuves , systemes
Krivine Jean @ Research Scientist - CNRS - Currently on leave PPS systemes
Letouzey Pierre @ 01 57 27 93 37 3040 Associate Professor PPS picube , systemes , preuves
Lévy Jean-Jacques @ 01 57 27 92 68 3009 Senior Research Scientist Emeritus - INRIA PPS systemes , preuves , picube
Ruet Paul @ 01 57 27 92 48 3023 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , systemes
Saurin Alexis @ 01 57 27 93 37 3040 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , systemes , preuves , picube
Scherer Gabriel @ 4032 Research Scientist - INRIA PPS algebre , systemes , preuves , picube
Treinen Ralf @ 01 57 27 92 44 3021 Professor PPS , ASV systemes , verif

Non-permanent members