
Thematic team Algebra and computation
Thematic team Analysis and conception of systems
Inria project-team Picube (Inria)
Thematic team Proofs and programs

Research themes

The pole Proofs, programs and systems (PPS) aims at advancing the state of the art in the fields of theoretical foundations of programming languages, of interactive proof assistants, and more generally of computational formalisms. We investigate these subjects by combining three different approaches:

  • a syntactic approach, developing theoretical languages based on logical formalisms,
  • an algebraic approach, studying the mathematical structures underlying computation,
  • a practical approach, modeling and analyzing actual computational systems.

The pole is structured into three thematic teams, according to the three different approaches. These teams use their specific methods to contribute to the common scientific goals:

The PPS pole hosts the project-team $\pi r^2$ which is joined between INRIA, CNRS and Université Paris-Diderot — Paris 7. We also host several members of IRILL, the Center for Research and Innovation on Free Software which is a joined structure of INRIA, Université Paris-Diderot — Paris 7 and Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie — Paris 6.


Permanent members

Abbes Samy @ 01 57 27 92 37 3046 Associate Professor PPS systemes
Amadio Roberto @ 01 57 27 92 47 4020 Professor PPS systemes , preuves
Baudart Guillaume @ 4026 Research Scientist - INRIA ISFP PPS systemes , preuves , picube
Behr Nicolas @ 01 57 27 90 85 3030 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , preuves
Bernardi Giovanni @ 01 57 27 93 38 4021 Associate Professor ASV , PPS verif , systemes , preuves
Bucciarelli Antonio @ 01 57 27 94 33 3045 Associate Professor PPS algebre , preuves
Castagna Giuseppe @ 01 57 27 93 40 3039 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS PPS preuves , systemes
Chroboczek Juliusz @ 01 57 27 92 37 3046 Associate Professor PPS systemes
Curien Pierre-Louis @ 01 57 27 92 23 3013 Senior Research Scientist Emeritus - CNRS PPS picube , algebre , preuves
Dagand Pierre-Evariste @ 01 57 27 94 29 3012 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS systemes
Di Cosmo Roberto @ Professor - (en détachement à l'INRIA) PPS systemes
Douteau Sylvain @ 3030 Associate Professor PPS algebre , preuves
Ehrhard Thomas @ 01 57 27 92 17 4014a Senior Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , systemes , preuves , picube
Faggian Claudia @ 01 57 27 90 86 3032 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , preuves
Férée Hugo @ 01 57 27 94 05 4011 Associate Professor PPS systemes , preuves
Gaucher Philippe @ 01 57 27 92 55 3049 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre
Geoffroy Guillaume @ 01 57 27 94 15 3019 Associate Professor PPS algebre , preuves
Guatto Adrien @ 01 57 27 94 15 3019 Associate Professor PPS algebre , systemes , preuves
Herbelin Hugo @ 01 57 27 90 87 3029 Senior Research Scientist - INRIA PPS algebre , picube , preuves , systemes
Joly Thierry @ 01 57 27 92 55 3049 Associate Professor PPS preuves
Kesner Delia @ 01 57 27 92 38 3020 Professor PPS algebre , preuves
Krivine Jean-Louis @ 01 57 27 92 39 3008 Professor Emeritus PPS algebre , preuves
Krivine Jean @ Research Scientist - CNRS - Currently on leave PPS systemes
Ledent Jeremy @ 3022 Associate Professor PPS algebre
Letouzey Pierre @ 01 57 27 93 37 3040 Associate Professor PPS picube , systemes , preuves
Lévy Jean-Jacques @ 01 57 27 92 68 3009 Senior Research Scientist Emeritus - INRIA PPS systemes , preuves , picube
Manzonetto Giulio @ 01 57 27 93 54 4015 Professor PPS algebre , preuves
Melliès Paul-André @ 01 57 27 92 48 3023 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASV , PPS automates , algebre , preuves , picube
Métayer François @ 01 57 27 94 29 3012 Associate Professor Emeritus - Université Paris Nanterre PPS algebre
Padovani Vincent @ 01 57 27 93 39 3045 Associate Professor PPS preuves
Petrisan Daniela @ 01 57 27 94 00 4016 Associate Professor ASV , PPS automates , algebre , picube
Picantin Matthieu @ 01 57 27 94 49 4043 Associate Professor PPS , ASV algebre , automates
Rozière Paul @ 01 57 27 92 57 3057 Pensioner - MCF Université Paris Cité PPS preuves
Ruet Paul @ 01 57 27 92 48 3023 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , systemes
Saurin Alexis @ 01 57 27 93 37 3040 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , systemes , preuves , picube
Scherer Gabriel @ 4032 Research Scientist - INRIA PPS algebre , systemes , preuves , picube
Treinen Ralf @ 01 57 27 92 44 3021 Professor PPS , ASV systemes , verif
van Gool Sam @ 01 57 27 94 05 4011 Associate Professor ASV , PPS automates , algebre

Non-permanent members

Arambillete Santiago @ 3033 PhD Student PPS preuves
Aristote Quentin @ 3010 PhD Student ASV , PPS automates , picube
Arrial Victor @ 3018 PhD Student PPS preuves
Bauer Esaie @ 3033 PhD Student PPS preuves , picube
Belloundja Abdelkader @ Intern PPS preuves , systemes , algebre , picube
Blanchi Victor @ Intern PPS picube
Blazy Vincent @ 3044 PhD Student PPS picube , algebre , preuves
Bouniard Yoan @ Intern PPS algebre
Brasseur Leopold @ Intern PPS algebre , systemes , preuves , picube
Castro Felix @ 3026 PhD Student PPS picube , algebre , systemes , preuves
Catz Manu @ 4055 Intern PPS preuves
Cherradi El-Mehdi @ 3044 PhD Student ASV , PPS automates , algebre , preuves
Danilkin Anton @ Intern PPS systemes , picube , preuves
De Faveri Arturo @ 4033 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves
Di Donna Raffaele @ 3010 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves
Djuric Alen @ 3033 Post-Doc PPS algebre , picube
Duboc Guillaume @ 3010 PhD Student PPS systemes
Erlich Enzo @ Intern ASV , PPS verif , algebre
Fiorillo Guido @ Intern PPS algebre , systemes , preuves , picube
Gallego Emilio @ 01 57 27 92 24 4030 Starting research position - INRIA PPS picube , algebre , systemes , preuves
Giusti Giulia @ 4055 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves
Gonzalez Colin @ 3044 PhD Student PPS systemes
Jafar-Rhamani Farzad @ 01 57 27 92 92 3026 Post-Doc PPS algebre , systemes , preuves , picube
Jubert Moana @ 3034 PhD Student PPS picube , algebre , preuves
Kniazev Roman @ 3018 Teaching and Research Assistant PPS algebre
Lancelot Adrienne @ 3026 PhD Student PPS preuves
Laurent Mickael @ 3033 PhD Student PPS systemes , preuves
Lopez Gaetan @ Intern PPS algebre
Manara Giulia @ 3014 PhD Student PPS preuves
Martinez Thierry @ 01 57 27 90 87 3029 Research ingenior - INRIA PPS preuves , picube
Marzaioli Miriam @ 4055 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves
Milicich Mariana @ 3026 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves
Moreau Vincent @ 4033 PhD Student ASV , PPS automates , picube , algebre
Ndiaye Yves @ Intern PPS systemes
Nourel Astyax @ 4057 PhD Student PPS systemes
Osorio Daniel @ Intern PPS algebre , systemes , preuves , picube
Pasquale Valentin @ PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves
Peyrot Loïc @ 01 57 27 92 92 3010 Post-Doc PPS algebre , preuves
Ramos Miguel @ 3033 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves
Reboullet Sarah @ 3034 PhD Student PPS preuves , picube
Salibra Antonino @ Associated Member PPS algebre , preuves
Santamaria Marco @ Intern PPS algebre , preuves
Theron Clement @ 4060 PhD Student PPS algebre
Vanoni Gabriele @ 3018 Post-Doc PPS algebre , preuves
Vienot Ada @ 3044 PhD Student PPS algebre , systemes , preuves
Walch Aymeric @ 3026 PhD Student PPS algebre