Thematic team Pole Proofs, programs and systems Proofs and programs Head Alexis Saurin Research themes Our methodology is based on the Curry-Howard correspondence between proofs and programs, where rewriting plays a central role, describing both cut-elimination in proof theory and operational semantics of programs. The basic object is the lambda-calculus, which is a pure theory of functional programming and of its extensions: by type systems, linear or differential refinements, pattern-matching mechanisms, or various kinds of non-purely functional computational effects, including nondeterministic, probabilistic or quantum choice, continuations, local or nonlocal internal states, etc. We thus obtain formalisms that are interesting for their logical properties, giving for example a computational interpretation of standard concepts in logic (like the choice or reductio ad absurdum). We also get abstract representations of real programming languages, in a framework that is as implementation-independent as possible, that allows semantics analysis. Among these extensions, the calculus of inductive constructions is both a logic and a programming language, on which the Coq proof assistant is based. We also study the theoretical foundations for probabilistic programming languages (here), and for quantum programming languages (here). Seminar and working groups Proofs, programs and systems Semantics Type theory and realisability Permanent members Name@PhoneOfficePositionPoleTeam Amadio Roberto @ 01 57 27 92 47 4020 Professor PPS preuves Baudart Guillaume @ 4026 Research Scientist - INRIA ISFP PPS picube , preuves , programmes Behr Nicolas @ 01 57 27 90 85 3030 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , preuves Bernardi Giovanni @ 01 57 27 93 38 4021 Associate Professor PPS , ASV preuves , verif , programmes Bucciarelli Antonio @ 01 57 27 94 33 3045 Associate Professor PPS algebre , preuves Castagna Giuseppe @ 01 57 27 93 40 3039 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS PPS preuves , programmes Curien Pierre-Louis @ 01 57 27 92 23 3013 Senior Research Scientist Emeritus - CNRS PPS picube , algebre , preuves Douteau Sylvain @ 3030 Associate Professor PPS algebre , preuves Ehrhard Thomas @ 01 57 27 92 17 4014a Senior Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , programmes , preuves , picube Faggian Claudia @ 01 57 27 90 86 3032 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , preuves Férée Hugo @ 01 57 27 94 05 4011 Associate Professor PPS programmes , preuves Geoffroy Guillaume @ 01 57 27 94 15 3019 Associate Professor PPS algebre , preuves Guatto Adrien @ 01 57 27 94 15 3019 Associate Professor PPS algebre , programmes , preuves Herbelin Hugo @ 01 57 27 90 87 3029 Senior Research Scientist - INRIA PPS algebre , picube , preuves , programmes Joly Thierry @ 01 57 27 92 55 3049 Associate Professor PPS preuves Kesner Delia @ 01 57 27 92 38 3020 Professor PPS algebre , preuves Krivine Jean-Louis @ 01 57 27 92 39 3008 Professor Emeritus PPS algebre , preuves Letouzey Pierre @ 01 57 27 93 37 3040 Associate Professor PPS picube , programmes , preuves Lévy Jean-Jacques @ 01 57 27 92 68 4032 Senior Research Scientist Emeritus - INRIA PPS preuves , picube , programmes Manzonetto Giulio @ 01 57 27 93 54 4015 Professor PPS algebre , preuves Melliès Paul-André @ 01 57 27 92 48 3023 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASV , PPS automates , algebre , preuves , picube Narboux Julien @ 01 57 27 92 58 3022 Associate Professor PPS programmes , preuves Padovani Vincent @ 01 57 27 93 39 3045 Associate Professor PPS preuves Rozière Paul @ Pensioner - MCF Université Paris Cité PPS preuves Saurin Alexis @ 01 57 27 93 37 3040 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , programmes , preuves , picube Scherer Gabriel @ 4032 Research Scientist - INRIA PPS algebre , programmes , preuves , picube Non-permanent members Name@PhoneOfficePositionPoleTeam Arambillete Santiago @ 3033 PhD Student PPS preuves Arrial Victor @ 3018 PhD Student PPS preuves Barszezak Yoann @ Teaching and Research Assistant PPS preuves , algebre Bauer Esaie @ 3028 PhD Student PPS preuves , picube Catz Manu @ 4055 PhD Student PPS preuves Cerda Remy @ 3057 Post-Doc PPS algebre , preuves Cherradi El-Mehdi @ 4054 PhD Student ASV , PPS automates , algebre , preuves De Faveri Arturo @ 4033 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves Di Donna Raffaele @ 3010 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves Gallego Emilio @ 01 57 27 92 24 4030 Starting research position - INRIA PPS picube , algebre , preuves , programmes Giusti Giulia @ 4055 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves Huang Xuejing @ 3018 Post-Doc PPS programmes , preuves Jafar-Rhamani Farzad @ 01 57 27 92 92 3026 Post-Doc PPS algebre , programmes , preuves , picube Jubert Moana @ 3034 PhD Student PPS picube , algebre , preuves Kirst Dominik @ 4053 Post-Doc PPS preuves , picube , programmes Lancelot Adrienne @ 3026 PhD Student PPS preuves Laurent Mickael @ 3033 PhD Student PPS programmes , preuves Manara Giulia @ 3014 PhD Student PPS preuves Mangel Eleonore @ PhD Student PPS preuves Martinez Thierry @ 01 57 27 90 87 3029 Research ingenior - INRIA PPS preuves , picube Marzaioli Miriam @ 4055 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves Milicich Mariana @ 3026 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves Pasquale Valentin @ PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves Ramos Miguel @ 3033 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves Reboullet Sarah @ 3034 PhD Student PPS preuves , picube Salibra Antonino @ Associated Member PPS algebre , preuves Vanoni Gabriele @ 4053 Post-Doc PPS algebre , preuves Vienot Ada @ 3044 PhD Student PPS algebre , programmes , preuves