Research themes

The research of the team Theory and Algorithms of Graphs are concerned with structural properties of graphs, and the conception of efficient algorithms for these structures.

More specifically, the team has a strong expertise on the structural properties of hereditary classes of graphs (with respect to the partial order of induced subgraphs as well as minor or homomorphism). A frequent approach for these questions is to look for so-called decomposition theorems for such classes. In this setting, it is relevant to find efficient algorithms for such decompositions, to get good recognition algorithms but also to get polynomial algorithms for problems that would be in general NP-Hard. Another topic the team is strongly attached to is the notion of graph colouring. More recently, the team has been involved in projects related to applications of graph algorithms to biology and biochemistry, and also to the topic of Graphs Limits (and limits of strucutres in general).

The domains of applications of the team researchs are mainly related to the conception of new protocols for P2P networks and the analysis of various type of social networks (web graph, small world graphs, etc.). Several members of the team are thus members of INRIA project GANG whose objective is to develop algorithmic methods for the conception and the control of large scale networks.


Permanent members

Chapuy Guillaume @ 01 57 27 94 04 4012 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASD combi , graphes
Charbit Pierre @ 01 57 27 92 41 4008b Associate Professor ASD graphes
Csikos Monika @ 3036 Associate Professor ASD graphes
De Montgolfier Fabien @ 01 57 27 92 41 4008b Associate Professor ASD graphes
Habib Michel @ 01 57 27 94 42 3042a Professor Emeritus ASD graphes
Mitsou Valia @ 01 57 27 94 45 4034a Associate Professor ASD graphes
Naserasr Reza @ 01 57 27 92 24 4030 Research Scientist - CNRS ASD graphes
Rabie Mikael @ 01 57 27 93 38 4021 Associate Professor ASD graphes , distribue
Ravelomanana Vlady @ 01 57 27 94 44 3025 Professor ASD combi , graphes
Robin Cléophée @ 3032 Associate Professor ASD graphes
Stehlik Matej @ 01 57 27 93 36 4008 Professor ASD graphes

Non-permanent members

Arana Carmen @ PhD Student ASD graphes
Aubian Guillaume @ 4057 Teaching and Research Assistant ASD graphes
Buffiere Hector @ 4055 PhD Student ASV , ASD automates , graphes
Nguyen Minh-Hang @ 4031 PhD Student ASD graphes , distribue
Objois Etienne @ 3033 PhD Student ASD combi , graphes
Passos-Ibiapina Allen-Roossim @ 4053 Post-Doc ASD graphes
Pujol Cyril @ 4060 PhD Student ASD graphes
Sorondo Amalia @ 4031 PhD Student ASD graphes
Torfs Renaud @ 4031 PhD Student ASD graphes
Viennot Laurent @ 01 57 27 92 50 3042a Associated Member - Directeur de recherche INRIA ASD graphes , distribue
Zhou Huan @ 4057 PhD Student ASD graphes