Childcare program For a more inclusive and more equal chances of doing research for parents, IRIF commits to support a childcare program. This program aims at supporting childcare solutions which will enable researchers to attend international conferences, meetings, and work travels without worrying about their children. This program is proposed at IRIF because we want to support equality for every woman and man, regardless their familial situation, and we believe that having children should not prevent anyone from carrying out their work as a researcher. This project is funded by IRIF and proposed in partnership with FSMP, the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris. Who can apply ? All members of IRIF who have to take care of their children while attending to an event or making a visit that matters for their research work. How to benefit from it ? Contact us by specifying what you need (evaluation of the financial help you need), Give us the name and country of the conference you want to attend or the program of your visit, Tell us how long you need this support. Fill this form to complete your application and send it to You can apply all year long. Your application will be reviewed by the IRIF executive committee extended with a FSMP representative. In principle at most two applications per family per year will be accepted, but exceptions are possible. The reimbursement will be made by the FSMP upon presentation of the invoices for the various expenses approved by the executive committee. As examples, this can financially help you to : bring your baby/child with you to an event and ask for a childcare service in the country, bring your partner to take care of the child, make a relative come to take care of the children at home during your leave. Please, note that applications to this program cannot be done retrospectively.