Abbes Samy @ 01 57 27 92 37 3046 Associate Professor PPS algebre
Ait-El-Manssour Rida @ 4053 Post-Doc ASV verif
Albenque Marie @ 01 57 27 92 63 4025 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASD combi
Amadio Roberto @ 01 57 27 92 47 4020 Professor PPS preuves
Apers Simon @ 01 57 27 94 01 4026 Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp
Arambillete Santiago @ 3033 PhD Student PPS preuves
Arana Carmen @ PhD Student ASD graphes
Aristote Quentin @ 3010 PhD Student ASV , PPS automates , picube
Arrial Victor @ 3018 PhD Student PPS preuves
Asarin Eugène @ 01 57 27 92 34 4040 Professor ASV verif
Aubian Guillaume @ 4057 Teaching and Research Assistant ASD graphes
Avci Omur @ 01 57 27 92 83 4001 Administrative Assistant
Barszezak Yoann @ Teaching and Research Assistant PPS preuves , algebre
Baudart Guillaume @ 4026 Research Scientist - INRIA ISFP PPS picube , preuves , programmes
Bauer Esaie @ 3033 PhD Student PPS picube , preuves
Behr Nicolas @ 01 57 27 90 85 3030 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , preuves
Bermot Elie @ 4059 PhD Student ASD algocomp
Bernardi Giovanni @ 01 57 27 93 38 4021 Associate Professor PPS , ASV preuves , verif , programmes
Berthé Valérie @ 01 57 27 93 35 4014 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASV , ASD automates , combi
Blin Lelia @ 01 57 27 94 51 3015 Professor ASD distribue
Bouajjani Ahmed @ 01 57 27 92 64 4023 Professor ASV verif
Boufkhad Yacine @ 01 57 27 94 05 4018 Associate Professor
Boura Christina @ 3008 Professor ASD algocomp
Boutglay Wael-Amine @ 4059 PhD Student ASV verif
Bucciarelli Antonio @ 01 57 27 94 33 3045 Associate Professor PPS algebre , preuves
Buffiere Hector @ 4055 PhD Student ASV , ASD automates , graphes
Bui Thi-Thuy-Dung @ 3014 PhD Student ASD algocomp
Calvi Juliette @ 01 57 27 92 26 4005 Administrative Assistant - Communication
Carozza Eliana @ 3014 PhD Student ASD algocomp
Carton Olivier @ 01 57 27 92 54 4037 Professor ASV automates
Castagna Giuseppe @ 01 57 27 93 40 3039 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS PPS preuves , programmes
Catz Manu @ 4055 PhD Student PPS preuves
Cerda Remy @ 3057 Post-Doc PPS algebre , preuves
Chapuy Guillaume @ 01 57 27 94 04 4012 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASD combi , graphes
Charbit Pierre @ 01 57 27 92 41 4008b Associate Professor ASD graphes
Cherradi El-Mehdi @ 4054 PhD Student ASV , PPS automates , algebre , preuves
Choffrut Christian @ 01 57 27 94 45 4007 Professor Emeritus ASV automates
Colcombet Thomas @ 01 57 27 94 32 3042 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASV automates
Corteel Sylvie @ 01 57 27 94 06 4028 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASD combi
Couteau Geoffroy @ 01 57 27 92 45 3041 Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp
Csikos Monika @ 3036 Associate Professor ASD graphes
Curien Pierre-Louis @ 01 57 27 92 23 3013 Senior Research Scientist Emeritus - CNRS PPS picube , algebre , preuves
Dagand Pierre-Evariste @ 01 57 27 94 29 3012 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS programmes
Das Avinandan @ 4055 PhD Student ASD algocomp , distribue
De Faveri Arturo @ 4033 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves
De Montgolfier Fabien @ 01 57 27 92 41 4008b Associate Professor ASD graphes
De Rougemont Michel @ 01 57 27 94 48 4041 Professor Emeritus - Université Paris 2 ASD algocomp
De-Lacerda-Werneck Maria-Clara @ 3033 PhD Student ASV , ASD automates , combi
Degorre Aldric @ 01 57 27 92 32 4018 Associate Professor ASV verif
Delporte Carole @ 01 57 27 92 25 4006 Professor - directrice UFR informatique ASD distribue
Di Cosmo Roberto @ Professor - (en détachement à l'INRIA) PPS programmes
Di Donna Raffaele @ 3010 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves
Douteau Sylvain @ 3030 Associate Professor PPS algebre , preuves
Duboc Guillaume @ 3010 PhD Student PPS programmes
Duchi Enrica @ 01 57 27 92 33 4044 Associate Professor ASD combi
Ducros Clement @ 3028 PhD Student ASD algocomp
Dzamonja Mirna @ 01 57 27 92 51 3047 Associated Member - Chercheuse projet UE ASV automates
Edenhofer Roman @ 4060 PhD Student ASD algocomp
Egger Christoph @ 3036 Post-Doc ASD algocomp
Ehrhard Thomas @ 01 57 27 92 17 4014a Senior Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , programmes , preuves , picube
Experton Samuel @ 06 95 12 94 76 Study ingenior ASD algocomp
Faggian Claudia @ 01 57 27 90 86 3032 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , preuves
Fauconnier Hugues @ 01 57 27 92 25 4006 Professor Emeritus ASD distribue
Férée Hugo @ 01 57 27 94 05 4011 Associate Professor PPS programmes , preuves
Flin Jules @ 3033 PhD Student ASD combi
Fortin Marie @ 01 57 27 94 00 4016 Research Scientist - CNRS ASV automates
Foughali Mohammed @ 01 57 27 94 49 4043 Associate Professor ASV verif
Fraigniaud Pierre @ 01 57 27 92 60 4019 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp , distribue
Frougny Christiane @ Professor Emeritus - Université Paris 8 ASV , ASD automates , combi
Gallego Emilio @ 01 57 27 92 24 4030 Starting research position - INRIA PPS picube , algebre , preuves , programmes
Gaucher Philippe @ 01 57 27 92 55 3049 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre
Geoffroy Guillaume @ 01 57 27 94 15 3019 Associate Professor PPS algebre , preuves
Gheerbrant Amelie @ 01 57 27 94 46 4039 Associate Professor ASV automates
Giusti Giulia @ 4055 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves
Goddé Mélissa @ Administrative Assistant
Gonzalez Colin @ 3044 PhD Student PPS programmes
Guatto Adrien @ 01 57 27 94 15 3019 Associate Professor PPS algebre , programmes , preuves
Guessarian Irène @ 01 57 27 92 59 3032 Professor Emeritus - Sorbonne Université ASV automates , verif
Guillou Lucie @ 4057 PhD Student ASV verif
Habermehl Peter @ 01 57 27 92 58 3009 Associate Professor ASV automates , verif
Habib Michel @ 01 57 27 94 42 3042a Professor Emeritus ASD graphes
Henriet Corentin @ 4033 PhD Student ASD combi
Herbelin Hugo @ 01 57 27 90 87 3029 Senior Research Scientist - INRIA PPS algebre , picube , preuves , programmes
Horn Florian @ 01 57 27 94 46 4039 Research Scientist - CNRS ASV automates , verif
Huang Xuejing @ 3018 Post-Doc PPS programmes , preuves
Iarifina Marie-Josée @ 01 57 27 92 49 4002 Head of Financial Management
Idir Olivier @ 4033 PhD Student ASV automates
Jacobo-Inclan Bernardo @ 3035 PhD Student ASV verif
Jafar-Rhamani Farzad @ 01 57 27 92 92 3026 Post-Doc PPS algebre , programmes , preuves , picube
Joly Thierry @ 01 57 27 92 55 3049 Associate Professor PPS preuves
Josuat-Vergès Matthieu @ 01 57 27 92 59 4049 Research Scientist - CNRS ASD combi
Jubert Moana @ 3034 PhD Student PPS picube , algebre , preuves
Jurski Yan @ 01 57 27 94 41 4027 Associate Professor ASV verif
Kerenidis Iordanis @ 01 57 27 92 63 4025 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp
Kesner Delia @ 01 57 27 92 38 3020 Professor PPS algebre , preuves
Kirst Dominik @ Post-Doc PPS preuves , picube , programmes
Kniazev Roman @ 3018 Teaching and Research Assistant PPS algebre
Koch Alexander @ 4058 Post-Doc ASD algocomp
Kochdumper Niklas @ 3057 Post-Doc ASV verif
Korman Amos @ 01 57 27 94 06 4028 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS - Currently on sabbatical at FILOFOCS ASD algocomp , distribue
Krivine Jean-Louis @ 01 57 27 92 39 3008 Professor Emeritus PPS algebre , preuves
Krivine Jean @ 4027 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , programmes
Kuoy Houy @ 01 57 27 92 19 3054 IT Administrator
Lancelot Adrienne @ 3026 PhD Student PPS preuves
Laplante Sophie @ 01 57 27 94 47 4040a Professor ASD algocomp
Laroussinie François @ 01 57 27 92 42 4034 Professor ASV automates , verif
Larroque Emile @ PhD Student ASV automates , verif
Laurent Mickael @ 3033 PhD Student PPS programmes , preuves
Laversa Laetitia @ 3044 Teaching and Research Assistant ASV automates , verif
Lechine Ulysse @ 3028 PhD Student ASD algocomp
Leclercq Loriane @ 3044 Teaching and Research Assistant ASV verif
Ledent Jeremy @ 01 57 27 92 58 3022 Associate Professor PPS , ASD algebre , distribue
Letouzey Pierre @ 01 57 27 93 37 3040 Associate Professor PPS picube , programmes , preuves
Lévy Jean-Jacques @ 01 57 27 92 68 4032 Senior Research Scientist Emeritus - INRIA PPS preuves , picube , programmes
Libkin Leonid @ 3042 Professor - Chaire industrielle ASV automates
Lin Shijie @ PhD Student ASV verif
Lopez Gaetan @ PhD Student PPS algebre
Lovejoy Jeremy @ 01 57 27 92 24 4030 Research Scientist - CNRS ASD combi
Luce Mael @ 3014 PhD Student ASD algocomp , distribue
Magniez Frédéric @ 01 57 27 94 02 4024 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp
Manara Giulia @ 3014 PhD Student PPS preuves
Manet Hugo @ 4057 PhD Student ASD combi
Mangel Eleonore @ PhD Student PPS picube
Mantaci Roberto @ 01 57 27 92 62 4047 Associate Professor ASD combi
Manzonetto Giulio @ 01 57 27 93 54 4015 Professor PPS algebre , preuves
Marcos Aurore @ 01 57 27 92 74 4003 General Secretary
Marques Jeremie @ 3028 Post-Doc ASV automates
Martinez Thierry @ 01 57 27 90 87 3029 Research ingenior - INRIA PPS preuves , picube
Marzaioli Miriam @ 4055 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves
Mascarenhas Tomaz @ 3054 Research ingenior
Mathieu Claire @ 01 57 27 94 39 4009 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp
Melliès Paul-André @ 01 57 27 92 48 3023 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASV , PPS automates , algebre , preuves , picube
Métayer François @ 01 57 27 94 29 3012 Associate Professor Emeritus - Université Paris Nanterre PPS algebre
Micheli Anne @ 01 57 27 94 38 4038 Associate Professor ASD combi
Milicich Mariana @ 3026 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves
Mitsou Valia @ 01 57 27 94 45 4034a Associate Professor ASD graphes
Mollo-Cunningham Ignacio-Agustin @ Visitor ASV automates
Moreau Vincent @ 4033 PhD Student ASV , PPS automates , picube , algebre
Nagendra Srinidhi @ 4060 PhD Student ASV verif
Narboux Julien @ 01 57 27 92 58 3022 Associate Professor PPS programmes , preuves
Naserasr Reza @ 01 57 27 92 24 4030 Research Scientist - CNRS ASD graphes
Natansh Mathur @ 4056 PhD Student ASD algocomp
Nayak Ashwin @ Visitor ASD algocomp
Ndiaye Yves @ PhD Student PPS programmes
Nematollahi Shamisa @ 4031 PhD Student ASD algocomp
Nguyen Mathieu @ Study ingenior ASD algocomp
Nguyen Minh-Hang @ 4031 PhD Student ASD graphes , distribue
Nosan Klara @ 4031 PhD Student ASV verif
Nourel Astyax @ 3044 PhD Student PPS programmes
Objois Etienne @ 3033 PhD Student ASD combi , graphes
Orru Michele @ 4027 Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp
Padovani Vincent @ 01 57 27 93 39 3045 Associate Professor PPS preuves
Pasquale Valentin @ PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves
Passemard Luc @ 4060 PhD Student ASV automates
Passos-Ibiapina Allen-Roossim @ 4053 Post-Doc ASD graphes
Petrisan Daniela @ 01 57 27 94 00 4016 Associate Professor ASV , PPS automates , algebre , picube
Picantin Matthieu @ 01 57 27 94 49 4043 Associate Professor PPS , ASV algebre , automates
Pin Jean-Éric @ 01 57 27 92 18 4007 Senior Research Scientist Emeritus - CNRS ASV automates
Poulalhon Dominique @ 01 57 27 94 38 4038 Associate Professor ASD combi
Pouly Amaury @ Research Scientist - CNRS - Currently on leave ASV automates
Pu Sihang @ 3057 Post-Doc ASD algocomp
Pujol Cyril @ 4060 PhD Student ASD graphes
Rabie Mikael @ 01 57 27 93 38 4021 Associate Professor ASD graphes , distribue
Rajsbaum Sergio @ 01 57 27 94 44 4048 Associated Member ASD distribue
Ramos Miguel @ 3033 PhD Student PPS algebre , preuves
Ravelomanana Vlady @ 01 57 27 94 44 3025 Professor ASD combi , graphes
Reboullet Sarah @ 3034 PhD Student PPS preuves , picube
Renkin Florian @ 3028 Post-Doc ASV verif
Robin Cléophée @ 3032 Associate Professor ASD graphes
Rogova Alexandra @ 3035 PhD Student ASV automates
Roman-Calvo Enrique @ 4060 PhD Student ASV verif
Rosén Adi @ 01 57 27 94 40 4013 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp
Roulois Alexandre @ 01 57 27 92 19 3054 IT Administrator
Rozière Paul @ 01 57 27 92 57 3057 Pensioner - MCF Université Paris Cité PPS preuves
Ruet Paul @ 01 57 27 92 48 3023 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , programmes
Sakarovitch Jacques @ 01 57 27 90 86 3032 Senior Research Scientist Emeritus - CNRS ASV automates
Salibra Antonino @ Associated Member PPS algebre , preuves
Salvy Zephyr @ PhD Student ASD combi
Samtchar Jemuel @ 01 57 27 94 11 4005 Administrative Assistant
Santha Miklos @ 4041 Senior Research Scientist Emeritus - CNRS ASD algocomp
Saulpic David @ 4029a Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp
Saurin Alexis @ 01 57 27 93 37 3040 Research Scientist - CNRS PPS algebre , programmes , preuves , picube
Scherer Gabriel @ 4032 Research Scientist - INRIA PPS algebre , programmes , preuves , picube
Schmitz Sylvain @ 01 57 27 92 16 3048 Professor ASV automates , verif
Sellier Francois @ PhD Student ASD algocomp
Serre Olivier @ 01 57 27 94 18 4029 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASV automates
Shirmohammadi Mahsa @ 01 57 27 92 29 4017 Research Scientist - CNRS ASV verif
Siproudhis Adrien @ Study ingenior ASD algocomp
Sirangelo Cristina @ 01 57 27 92 35 4042 Professor ASV automates
Sorondo Amalia @ 4031 PhD Student ASD graphes
Stehlik Matej @ 01 57 27 93 36 4008 Professor ASD graphes
Steiner Wolfgang @ 01 57 27 92 33 4044 Research Scientist - CNRS ASV , ASD automates , combi
Susairaj Marie-Laure @ 01 57 27 94 08 4001 Administrative Assistant
Szabo Daniel @ 4059 PhD Student ASD algocomp
Tarantino Umberto @ PhD Student ASV , PPS automates , algebre
Theron Clement @ 4060 PhD Student PPS algebre
Tokka Nicolas @ 3035 PhD Student ASD combi
Torfs Renaud @ 4031 PhD Student ASD graphes
Touili Tayssir @ 01 57 27 92 61 4028a Senior Research Scientist ASV verif
Treinen Ralf @ 01 57 27 92 44 3021 Professor PPS , ASV programmes , verif
Vallee Brigitte @ 01 57 27 92 41 4008b Associated Member - DR CNRS émérite ASD combi
Vanoni Gabriele @ 4053 Post-Doc PPS algebre , preuves
Viennot Laurent @ 01 57 27 92 50 3042a Associated Member - Directeur de recherche INRIA ASD graphes , distribue
Vienot Ada @ 3044 PhD Student PPS algebre , programmes , preuves
Vladu Adrian @ 01 57 27 92 45 3041 Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp
Walch Aymeric @ 3026 PhD Student PPS algebre
Winter Sarah @ 4026 Associate Professor ASV automates
Yahi Younes @ 3033 PhD Student ASD combi
Yilmaz Deniz @ 3034 PhD Student ASV automates
Yunès Jean-Baptiste @ 01 57 27 92 62 4047 Associate Professor ASV automates
Zhang Maryline @ PhD Student ASV verif
Zhao Junyao @ Post-Doc ASD algocomp
Zhou Huan @ 4057 PhD Student ASD graphes
Zielonka Wiesław @ 3015 Professor Emeritus ASV automates
van Gool Sam @ 01 57 27 94 05 4011 Associate Professor ASV , PPS automates , algebre
van Wijland Ernest @ PhD Student ASD algocomp