Pole Thematic team Algorithms and complexity Thematic team Combinatorics Thematic team Distributed computing Thematic team Theory and algorithmics of graphs Algorithms and discrete structures Head Marie Albenque Research themes The research groups of the Department cover a comprehensive range of research topics related to the study of algorithms, ranging from algorithmic modeling through algorithm design and analysis. Some of the research questions addressed by the Department include: Foundations of Algorithms and Data Structures New challenges arising from emerging technologies, as well as challenges related to big data processing, both centralized and distributed Applying algorithmic thinking and combinatorial tools to expand research horizons in other disciplines of science, extending beyond their use for processing scientific data, to gain a better understanding of these disciplines The Department's groups interact closely with each other in three major areas of common interest: algorithms, probabilities, and graphs. Some topics include random graphs, complex networks and other complex biological systems, efficient algorithms, distributed algorithms, structural properties of networks and graph algorithms. Close research ties are also maintained with the two other Departments of the Institute in several lines of research, with collaboration in the following subject areas: algebraic rewriting and combinatorics, algorithms for databases, complex biological systems, verification of distributed systems, combinatorics on words and symbolic dynamics. The scientific objectives of the Department focus on the design, optimization, and analysis of algorithms, calling for deep insights into the combinatorial structures involved in these algorithms. Our research involves not only fundamental challenges of theoretical computer science, but also those arising from real applications (networks, databases) and from interactions with other sciences (mathematics, physics, and biology). Representative examples of projects carried out in the Department include: Quantum Computing (PCQC Federation, ERC project QCC) Combinatorics of maps and their interactions (Emergences Project, ERC CombiTop) Complex biological systems (ERC DBA) Algorithms for Networks (Inria GANG Project) Formal methods for the design of distributed algorithms (ANR FREDDA) Homomorphisms of signed graphs (ANR HOSIGRA) Events Seminars Algorithms and complexity Algorithms and discrete structures Enumerative and analytic combinatorics Graphs and distributed computing Meetings Algorithms and discrete structures Permanent members Name@PhoneOfficePositionPoleTeam Albenque Marie @ 01 57 27 92 63 4025 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASD combi Apers Simon @ 01 57 27 94 01 4026 Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp Berthé Valérie @ 01 57 27 93 35 4014 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASV , ASD automates , combi Blin Lelia @ 01 57 27 94 51 3015 Professor ASD distribue Boura Christina @ 3008 Professor ASD algocomp Chapuy Guillaume @ 01 57 27 94 04 4012 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASD combi , graphes Charbit Pierre @ 01 57 27 92 41 4008b Associate Professor ASD graphes Couteau Geoffroy @ 01 57 27 92 45 3041 Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp Csikos Monika @ 3036 Associate Professor ASD graphes De Montgolfier Fabien @ 01 57 27 92 41 4008b Associate Professor ASD graphes De Rougemont Michel @ 01 57 27 94 48 4041 Professor Emeritus - Université Paris 2 ASD algocomp Delporte Carole @ 01 57 27 92 25 4006 Professor - directrice UFR informatique ASD distribue Duchi Enrica @ 01 57 27 92 33 4044 Associate Professor ASD combi Fauconnier Hugues @ 01 57 27 92 25 4006 Professor Emeritus ASD distribue Fraigniaud Pierre @ 01 57 27 92 60 4019 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp , distribue Habib Michel @ 01 57 27 94 42 3042a Professor Emeritus ASD graphes Josuat-Vergès Matthieu @ 01 57 27 92 59 4049 Research Scientist - CNRS ASD combi Kerenidis Iordanis @ 01 57 27 92 63 4025 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp Korman Amos @ 01 57 27 94 06 4028 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS - Currently on sabbatical at FILOFOCS ASD algocomp , distribue Laplante Sophie @ 01 57 27 94 47 4040a Professor ASD algocomp Ledent Jeremy @ 01 57 27 92 58 3022 Associate Professor PPS , ASD algebre , distribue Lovejoy Jeremy @ 01 57 27 92 24 4030 Research Scientist - CNRS ASD combi Magniez Frédéric @ 01 57 27 94 02 4024 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp Mantaci Roberto @ 01 57 27 92 62 4047 Associate Professor ASD combi Mathieu Claire @ 01 57 27 94 39 4009 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp Micheli Anne @ 01 57 27 94 38 4038 Associate Professor ASD combi Mitsou Valia @ 01 57 27 94 45 4034a Associate Professor ASD graphes Naserasr Reza @ 01 57 27 92 24 4030 Research Scientist - CNRS ASD graphes Orru Michele @ 4027 Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp Poulalhon Dominique @ 01 57 27 94 38 4038 Associate Professor ASD combi Rabie Mikael @ 01 57 27 93 38 4021 Associate Professor ASD graphes , distribue Ravelomanana Vlady @ 01 57 27 94 44 3025 Professor ASD combi , graphes Robin Cléophée @ 4049 Associate Professor ASD graphes Rosén Adi @ 01 57 27 94 40 4013 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp Santha Miklos @ 4041 Senior Research Scientist Emeritus - CNRS ASD algocomp Saulpic David @ 4029a Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp Stamoulis Giannos @ 3036 Research Scientist ASD graphes Stehlik Matej @ 01 57 27 93 36 4008 Professor ASD graphes Steiner Wolfgang @ 01 57 27 92 33 4044 Research Scientist - CNRS ASV , ASD automates , combi Vladu Adrian @ 01 57 27 92 45 3041 Research Scientist - CNRS ASD algocomp Non-permanent members Name@PhoneOfficePositionPoleTeam Arana Carmen @ PhD Student ASD graphes Aubian Guillaume @ 4057 Teaching and Research Assistant ASD graphes Bermot Elie @ 4059 PhD Student ASD algocomp Bhushan Kaartik @ Visitor ASD algocomp Braun Lennart @ 3057 Post-Doc ASD algocomp Buffiere Hector @ 4055 PhD Student ASV , ASD automates , graphes Bui Thi-Thuy-Dung @ 3014 PhD Student ASD algocomp Carozza Eliana @ 3014 PhD Student ASD algocomp Das Avinandan @ 4055 PhD Student ASD algocomp , distribue De-Lacerda-Werneck Maria-Clara @ 3033 PhD Student ASV , ASD automates , combi Dupre-La-Tour Max @ Visitor ASD algocomp Edenhofer Roman @ 4060 PhD Student ASD algocomp Experton Samuel @ 06 95 12 94 76 Study ingenior ASD algocomp Henriet Corentin @ 4033 PhD Student ASD combi Karantaidou Ioanna @ Post-Doc ASD algocomp Koch Alexander @ Post-Doc ASD algocomp Lechine Ulysse @ 3028 PhD Student ASD algocomp Luce Mael @ 3014 PhD Student ASD algocomp , distribue Manet Hugo @ 4057 PhD Student ASD combi Mathieu-Bloise Benjamin @ PhD Student ASD algocomp Migliaro Francesco @ 4017 Visitor ASD algocomp Natansh Mathur @ 4056 PhD Student ASD algocomp Nematollahi Shamisa @ 4031 PhD Student ASD algocomp Nguyen Minh-Hang @ 4031 PhD Student ASD graphes , distribue Nigussie Fufabeyene @ Visitor ASD combi Notarantonio Hadrien @ Post-Doc ASD combi Objois Etienne @ 3033 PhD Student ASD algocomp , graphes Passos-Ibiapina Allen-Roossim @ 4053 Post-Doc ASD graphes Pouillart Lucas @ Intern ASD combi Pu Sihang @ 3057 Post-Doc ASD algocomp Pujol Cyril @ 4060 PhD Student ASD graphes Rajsbaum Sergio @ 01 57 27 94 44 4048 Associated Member ASD distribue Riahinia Mahshid @ Visitor ASD algocomp Salvy Zephyr @ PhD Student ASD combi Sellier Francois @ PhD Student ASD algocomp Serandour Antoine @ Intern ASD algocomp Siproudhis Adrien @ Study ingenior ASD algocomp Sorondo Amalia @ 4031 PhD Student ASD graphes Szabo Daniel @ 4059 PhD Student ASD algocomp Tokka Nicolas @ 3035 PhD Student ASD combi Torfs Renaud @ 4031 PhD Student ASD graphes Tudor Ivan @ Intern ASD algocomp Vallee Brigitte @ 01 57 27 92 41 4008b Associated Member - DR CNRS émérite ASD combi Viennot Laurent @ 01 57 27 92 50 3042a Associated Member - Directeur de recherche INRIA ASD graphes , distribue Yahi Younes @ 3033 PhD Student ASD combi Zhao Junyao @ Post-Doc ASD algocomp Zhou Huan @ 4057 PhD Student ASD graphes Ziccardi Isabella @ Post-Doc ASD algocomp , distribue van Wijland Ernest @ PhD Student ASD algocomp