
Research themes

The research activities of the pole “Automata, Structures, and Verification” concern in general the study of computer systems by investigating their computing power and the properties of their computations. These activities cover a large spectrum of research themes, from theory to applications, including:

  • the study of mathematical models allowing to describe at different levels of abstraction the behaviors of different classes of systems,
  • the definition of specification formalisms for expressing and reasoning about the properties of the behaviors of different types of systèmes, and the investigation of effective links between different classes of formal models and specification formalisms,
  • the study of decision problems concerning different classes of systems, formal models, and properties, and the design of algorithmic approaches allowing to solve efficiently and in an automated way these decision problems,
  • the development of innovating tools which implement theses approaches, targeting different types of concrete applications including: cyber-physical systems, embedded systems, modern system and networked infrastructures, data bases, etc.

The pole is gathering two teams, the “Automata and Applications” team and the “Modeling and Verification” team. These two teams are close and complementary, they share numerous objects of study (e.g., words, tree structures, orders, automata, logics, etc.) as well as questions concerning these objects and tools for tackling these question (e.g., decidability and complexity issues, expressiveness issues, establishing automata-logics links, model-checking, algorithms for solving games, etc.)

The research activities of the pole are organized in several axes that are transversal to the two teams of the pole:

  • Computation models and structures,
  • Data manipulating systems,
  • Quantitative reasoning,
  • Concurrent and distributed systems,
  • Dynamic systems applied to computer science.


Permanent members

Asarin Eugène @ 01 57 27 92 34 4040 Professor ASV verif
Bernardi Giovanni @ 01 57 27 93 38 4021 Associate Professor PPS , ASV preuves , verif , programmes
Berthé Valérie @ 01 57 27 93 35 4014 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASV , ASD automates , combi
Bouajjani Ahmed @ 01 57 27 92 64 4023 Professor ASV verif
Carton Olivier @ 01 57 27 92 54 4037 Professor ASV automates
Choffrut Christian @ 01 57 27 94 45 4007 Professor Emeritus ASV automates
Colcombet Thomas @ 01 57 27 94 32 3042 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASV automates
Degorre Aldric @ 01 57 27 92 32 4018 Associate Professor ASV verif
Fortin Marie @ 01 57 27 94 00 4016 Research Scientist - CNRS ASV automates , verif
Foughali Mohammed @ 01 57 27 94 49 4043 Associate Professor ASV verif
Gheerbrant Amelie @ 01 57 27 94 46 4039 Associate Professor ASV automates
Guessarian Irène @ 01 57 27 92 59 3032 Professor Emeritus - Sorbonne Université ASV automates , verif
Habermehl Peter @ 01 57 27 92 68 3009 Professor ASV automates , verif
Horn Florian @ 01 57 27 94 46 4039 Research Scientist - CNRS ASV automates , verif
Jurski Yan @ 01 57 27 94 41 4027 Associate Professor ASV verif
Laroussinie François @ 01 57 27 92 42 4034 Professor ASV automates , verif
Libkin Leonid @ 3042 Professor - Chaire industrielle ASV automates
Melliès Paul-André @ 01 57 27 92 48 3023 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASV , PPS automates , algebre , preuves , picube
Petrisan Daniela @ 01 57 27 94 00 4016 Associate Professor ASV , PPS automates , algebre , picube
Picantin Matthieu @ 01 57 27 94 49 4043 Associate Professor PPS , ASV algebre , automates
Pin Jean-Éric @ 01 57 27 92 18 4007 Senior Research Scientist Emeritus - CNRS ASV automates
Pouly Amaury @ Research Scientist - CNRS - Currently on leave ASV automates
Sakarovitch Jacques @ 01 57 27 90 86 3032 Senior Research Scientist Emeritus - CNRS ASV automates
Schmitz Sylvain @ 01 57 27 92 16 3048 Professor ASV automates , verif
Serre Olivier @ 01 57 27 94 18 4029 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASV automates
Shirmohammadi Mahsa @ 01 57 27 92 29 4017 Research Scientist - CNRS ASV verif
Sirangelo Cristina @ 01 57 27 92 35 4042 Professor ASV automates
Steiner Wolfgang @ 01 57 27 92 33 4044 Research Scientist - CNRS ASV , ASD automates , combi
Touili Tayssir @ 01 57 27 92 61 4028a Senior Research Scientist ASV verif
Treinen Ralf @ 01 57 27 92 44 3021 Professor PPS , ASV programmes , verif
Winter Sarah @ 4026 Associate Professor ASV automates
Yunès Jean-Baptiste @ 01 57 27 92 62 4047 Associate Professor ASV automates
Zielonka Wiesław @ 3015 Professor Emeritus ASV automates
van Gool Sam @ 01 57 27 94 05 4011 Associate Professor ASV , PPS automates , algebre

Non-permanent members

Ait-El-Manssour Rida @ 4053 Post-Doc ASV verif
Aristote Quentin @ 3010 PhD Student ASV , PPS automates , picube
Boutglay Wael-Amine @ 4059 PhD Student ASV verif
Buffiere Hector @ 4055 PhD Student ASV , ASD automates , graphes
Cherradi El-Mehdi @ 4054 PhD Student ASV , PPS automates , algebre , preuves
De-Lacerda-Werneck Maria-Clara @ 3033 PhD Student ASV , ASD automates , combi
Erlich Enzo @ 3014 PhD Student ASV , PPS automates , algebre
Guillou Lucie @ 4057 PhD Student ASV verif
Idir Olivier @ 4033 PhD Student ASV automates
Jacobo-Inclan Bernardo @ 3035 PhD Student ASV verif
Kochdumper Niklas @ 3057 Post-Doc ASV verif
Larroque Emile @ PhD Student ASV automates , verif
Laversa Laetitia @ 3044 Teaching and Research Assistant ASV automates , verif
Leclercq Loriane @ 3044 Teaching and Research Assistant ASV verif
Lin Shijie @ PhD Student ASV verif
Marques Jeremie @ 3028 Post-Doc ASV automates
Mollo-Cunningham Ignacio-Agustin @ Visitor ASV automates
Moreau Vincent @ 4033 PhD Student ASV , PPS automates , picube , algebre
Nagendra Srinidhi @ 4060 PhD Student ASV verif
Nosan Klara @ 4031 PhD Student ASV verif
Passemard Luc @ 4060 PhD Student ASV automates
Regaud Gaetan @ Intern ASV automates
Renkin Florian @ 3028 Post-Doc ASV verif
Rogova Alexandra @ 3035 PhD Student ASV automates
Roman-Calvo Enrique @ 4060 PhD Student ASV verif
Tarantino Umberto @ PhD Student ASV , PPS automates , algebre
Van Sint Jan Nicolàs @ 07 68 11 74 69 3035 PhD Student ASV automates
Wrigley Joshua @ Post-Doc ASV automates
Yilmaz Deniz @ 3034 PhD Student ASV automates
Zhang Maryline @ 4057 PhD Student ASV verif
Zhangeldinov Olzhas @ PhD Student ASV verif