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The kick-off meeting of the ANR project FREDDA will happen January the 10th 2018. Talks will happen in room 1013 of the building Sophie Germain. Program in PDF

10h10 - Arnaud Sangnier Presentation of project FREDDA

10h20 - Corentin Travers On the renaming problem

11h00 - Benedikt Bollig Research perspective I: LSV-IRIF

11h15 - Ahmed Bouajjani Robustness in concurrent systems

12h00 - Lunch Break

13h30 - Matthias Fugger Degrading Consensus in Unstable Times

14h10 - Arnaud Sangnier Research perspective II: IRIF

14h25 - Pierre Fraigniaud On decision problems in distributed systems

15h05 - Pause

15h20 - Anca Muscholl On verifying consensus within the heard-of-model

16h00 - Benedikt Bollig Gossiping in message-passing systems

16h40 - Discussion