Groupe de travail Pôle Preuves, programmes et systèmes Équipe thématique Programmes et Langages (PL) Gestion des séances Programmation Jour, heure et lieu Le Lundi à 10h, IRIF, Sophie Germain Le calendrier des séances (format iCal). Pour ajouter le calendrier des séances à votre agenda favori, souscrire au calendrier en indiquant ce lien. Contact(s) Jean Krivine Prochaine séance Programmation Lundi 27 janvier 2025, 10 heures, 3071 Jules Viennot (IRIF) Implementation of purely functional catenable double-ended queue Twenty-five years ago, Kaplan and Tarjan established a striking result: there exist “purely functional, real-time deques with catenation”. In other words, there exists a data structure that supports the following operations: “push” and “pop” which insert and extract one element at the front end, “inject” and “eject” which insert and extract one element at the rear end and “concat”, the concatenation operation. Moreover, the data structure is persistent: none of the five operations modifies or destroys its argument. Finally, each operation has worst-case time complexity O(1). This presentation will provide an overview of the first ever implementation of the data structure, done in OCaml, and its verification in Rocq. Séances passées Année 2025 Programmation Lundi 13 janvier 2025, 10 heures, 3071 Giuseppe Lomurno (Università di Pisa) Quantum Bisimilarity via Barbs and Contexts: Curbing the Power of Non-deterministic Observers The development of distributed quantum architectures and protocols calls for adequate specification and verification techniques, which require abstracting and focusing on the basic features of quantum concurrent systems. Through the lens of process calculi, we will show that the observational limitations of quantum theory affect our capability of discriminating quantum-capable concurrent systems, yielding a coarser equivalence relation than the probabilistic case. In a nutshell, this is because a qubit value cannot be revealed without performing a measurement that inevitably alters its state. Most of the proposed behavioural equivalences fail to adhere to these prescriptions, as they allow revealing quantum states either explicitly, or implicitly by exploiting non-determinism. We have shown that this problem affects bisimilarities, as well as testing and trace equivalences and that constraining non-determinism is required for obtaining semantics that are faithful to the physical reality. Année 2024 Programmation Lundi 25 novembre 2024, 15 heures 30, 3052 Alexandre Moine (NYU) Reaching for Unreachability Properties in Separation Logic Unreachability is a property at the heart of garbage collection: if a location is unreachable, it can be safely deallocated. However, formally reasoning about unreachability is challenging. Indeed, to prove that a location is unreachable, one has to consider the whole heap and possibly multiple concurrent stacks, making local reasoning apparently out of reach. In this talk, I will present two projects tackling the challenge of unreachability. In the first part, I will present my PhD thesis work: an Iris-fueled Separation Logic with space credits, allowing for the verification of heap space bounds in the presence of concurrency and garbage collection. Crucially, this logic tracks the reachability of heap objects in a modular way, and allows for recovering space credits when the user proves an object unreachable. In the second part, I will present another line of work about disentanglement. Disentanglement is a property of parallel programs asserting that a location allocated by a task must remain unreachable by concurrently executing tasks. Making use of disentanglement, the MPL (MaPLe) compiler for parallel ML equips programs with a blazingly fast, task-local, garbage collector. I will present DisLog, an Iris-fueled Separation Logic for verifying disentanglement, and present ongoing work on TypeDis, a type system for automatically verifying disentanglement. Attention salle et horaire inhabituels Programmation Lundi 18 novembre 2024, 10 heures, 3071 Guillaume Baudart (IRIF) Natural Language Intermediate Representation for Mechanized Theorem Proving Formal theorem proving is challenging for humans as well as for machines. Thanks to recent advances in LLM capabilities, we believe natural language can serve as a universal interface for reasoning about formal proofs. In this talk, 1) we introduce Pétanque, a new lightweight environment to interact with the Coq theorem prover; 2) we present two interactive proof protocols leveraging natural language as an intermediate representation for designing proof steps; 3) we implement beam search over these interaction protocols, using natural language to rerank proof candidates; and 4) we use Pétanque to benchmark our search algorithms on different datasets. We will then discuss the limitations of our approach and possible future directions. Programmation Lundi 4 novembre 2024, 10 heures, 3071 Thierry Martinez (INRIA) Coq Deep Pattern-Matching using Small Inversion I will present joint work with Pierre Boutillier, Hugo Herbelin, and Meven Lennon-Bertrand. We are implementing a new algorithm, described in Pierre's PhD thesis and further developed during Meven's internship, for pattern-matching elaboration in Coq. This algorithm starts from a richer form of pattern-matching than what is currently available by default in Coq, handling deep and multiple pattern-matching with dependent types, as proposed by Thierry Coquand in the 1990s, while targeting the same elementary form of pattern-matching present in the Coq kernel. Most of the design challenges for this algorithm come from handling the equalities that appear at each level of deconstruction of dependent inductive values. I will compare three approaches: one proposed by Healfdene Goguen, Conor McBride, and James McKinna, which relies on the equivalence axiom between homogeneous and heterogeneous equalities (equivalent to the Uniqueness of Identity Proofs); a refinement proposed by Jesper Cockx, which avoids the need for axioms; and the encoding by small inversion, which moves the proofs of deconstruction of the dependencies from the term level to the type level. While these algorithms give an encoding of dependent pattern-matching into the Coq kernel, this discussion leads us to think about what could be a better primitive form of pattern-matching. Programmation Lundi 14 octobre 2024, 10 heures, 4071 Pierre-Evariste Dagand (IRIF) A type-theoretic model of smart contracts Smart contracts are programs that run on an interpreter cobbled together from a massively distributed network of mutually untrusting computers. Unsurprisingly, the unruly nature of the underlying execution engine has a profound impact on the behavior of the interpreter and thus the semantics of smart contracts. Caught once again by my incurable curiosity, I have set out to delineate precisely what set smart contracts aside in the realm of programming languages. This talk reports on some early results, modeling the semantics of smart contracts in a type-theoretic and monadic framework. The objective of this work is to support formal reasoning at the protocol level (that is, starting from a specification free from programming error). We shall strive to stay on track and in good taste: the presentation will not cover any financial aspect of smart contracts. Programmation Lundi 30 septembre 2024, 10 heures, 3071 Gabriel Scherer (IRIF) Pattern-matching on mutable values: danger! The OCaml pattern-matching compiler is unsound, it generates incorrect code in the obscure corner case where we match on a value with mutable fields, and those fields are mutated during pattern-matching – from when clauses, allocation callbacks, or an access race in concurrent execution. We recall the overall compilation strategy of the OCaml compiler, and explain how to weaken its optimization information to remain correct on mutable data. ## Extended abstract