Quantum computing at IRIF This page lists the activities, programs and networks in which the IRIF participates in quantum computing, as well as the main permanent members involved since January 2023. Main lines of research related to quantum computing In quantum computing, IRIF is mainly recognized for its contributions to the design and analysis of algorithms, the study of computational models, and the foundations of programming languages. In addition, in 2014, IRIF co-founded the Paris Center for Quantum Computing (PCQC) in Paris. This center brings together computer scientists, theoretical and experimental physicists and mathematicians who work in work in and around Paris. More specifically, two IRIF groups are particularly active in this area of research: The Algorithms and complexity group designs quantum algorithms for new applications and establishes their limits. The Proofs and programs group builds the theoretical foundations of quantum programming languages. Main concerned permanent members of the IRIF From the Algorithms and complexity group: Simon Apers Christina Boura (starting September 2024) Geoffroy Couteau Pierre Fraigniaud Iordanis Kerenidis Sophie Laplante Frédéric Magniez Claire Mathieu Michele Orru Adi Rosén Miklos Santha David Saulpic Adrian Vladu From the Proofs and programs group: Giovanni Bernardi Thomas Ehrhard Claudia Faggian Delia Kesner Paul-André Melliès Alexis Saurin Academic networks Graduate School QuanTech of Université Paris Cité The Graduate School of Quantum Technologies trains students through a solid knowledge base in the fields of quantum information and technology. With the developed skills, students will be offered many opportunities in this rapidly expanding field, from the business world to research via doctoral studies. In particular we co-animate: QuanTech seminar for graduate and PhD students: 2022 poster, 2023 poster Quantum programming sessions at QuanTech@UPCité PCQC & PCQT Paris Centre for Quantum Technologies is a scientific consortium that includes 3 Parisian universities – Université Paris Cité, Université PSL, Sorbonne Université – together with the CNRS – National Centre for Scientific Research – and Inria – National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology. This consortium was created following the actions carried out in recent years by the CNRS Research Federation PCQC – Paris Centre for Quantum Computing – pilot and pioneering experiment for the structuring of the quantum information community in Paris. PCQC brought together researchers from CNRS, Université Paris Cité and Sorbonne Université. GdR TeQ The CNRS research network Quantum Technologies brings together the French scientific community whose research themes cover all aspects of quantum technologies, from physics to computer science, mathematics and chemistry. Its subjects encompass all the physical supports for quantum information, and combine theoretical and experimental developments covering the whole field, from highly exploratory aspects to the engineering of mature technologies. GdR IM The CNRS research network Mathematical Informatics has hosted a Quantum Computing Working Group since 2006. The GT IQ brings together the French computer science community whose work or interests focus on Quantum Computing in general. One of the main missions of the GT IQ is to create a synergy of its community dispersed in 20 laboratories with the aim of strengthening the number of French sites with international recognition on the theme of Quantum Computing. DIM IdF QuanTiP The Ile-de-France network QuanTiP – Quantum Technologies in Paris Region – led by the CNRS and coordinated by Hélène Perrin, from the Laser Physics Laboratory (LPL – CNRS/Université Sorbonne Paris Nord), has been labeled Major Research and Innovation Area (DIM) by the Île-de-France Region for a period of five years. It brings together in the competitive field of quantum technologies a set of academic groups at the best level in the world and a pool of startups and companies from the Paris region, able to promote the transition between fundamental research and valorization, in order to bring out breakthrough innovations. and new applications and to accelerate the transfer of quantum technologies to industry. European grants The European Commission has been supporting the quantum activities of the concerned members since 2000. The projects currently underway are: Quantum algorithms for optimization (QOPT): The aim of this project is to push the use of quantum computers for optimization tasks much further, developing new quantum algorithms which go well beyond the capability of even the best classical computers we have today. Quantum Computing and its Calculi (QCOMICAL): The topics of interest include Informational measures of non-classical correlations, Nonlocality, Quantum algorithms, Quantum foundations, Computability and quantum computing, Foundations of quantum programming languages (type theory, category theory, lambda calculus). National plan PEPR Technologies quantiques The EPIQ – Quantum Software project focuses on the specification and understanding of the software components necessary for the proper functioning of a quantum processor (compilation, manipulations, optimization, intermediate languages, certification, etc.). It also aims to develop new quantum algorithms in areas such as machine learning, optimization or chemistry, as well as to facilitate the simulation of current machines to better understand their operation. In particular the IRIF is involved in the axes Algorithms: Understanding the advantages as well as the limits of quantum computing, whether through research on quantum complexity or discoveries and improvements in algorithms. Languages, formal methods and calculation models for quantum computing: Define the framework in which quantum calculations will be made thanks to the introduction of high-level languages, the comparison of calculation models and the exploitation of their relations to optimize the execution of programs. QuantEdu-France QuantEdu-France is funded by the ANR program 'Skills and Future Professions (CMA) - France 2030.' Its objective is to address the growing needs of the Quantum industry through local and national initiatives aimed at students in bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programs from different backgrounds. The QuanTEdu-France project includes the implementation of pre-university awareness campaigns, the structuring of initial training offerings in this field, the development of cross-cutting and interdisciplinary course units, and the creation of MOOCs for continuing education. Plateformes de calcul Plateforme HPCQS The project High-Performance Computer and Quantum Simulator hybrid (HPCQS) seeks to integrate and couple two quantum simulators, each capable of controlling more than 100 qubits, with two existing European supercomputers in France and Germany. By joining efforts with those of academia, research and technology organizations and industry, Europe is developing its technological competitiveness for applications requiring complex simulations and the resolution of optimization problems. The HPCQS project plays a key role in enabling research entities and industries to exploit quantum technologies. Plateforme HQI HQI is an integrated initiative. It combines a hybrid computing platform coupling several quantum technologies to GENCI's Joliot Curie supercomputer at the TGCC (CEA), and a research program – academic and industrial, and dissemination of uses. The HQI initiative aims to serve the needs of French and European academic and industrial researchers, wanting to evaluate free of charge on a public infrastructure the potential of quantum computing for their applications as well as to develop international collaborations to promote open research.