Monday April 29, 2024, 2PM, 3052 and bbb Link
Hugo Herbelin (Picube) Où se cache le calcul dans les topos élémentaires ?

Il est connu que les topos élémentaires ont la force logique de la logique d'ordre supérieur HOL, c'est-à-dire la force logique du système Fω. Plus concrètement, Lambek caractérise la logique des topos élémentaires comme étant une variante intuitionniste de HOL, incluant extensionnalité des propositions, extensionnalité des fonctions et axiome du choix unique. Pour chacun de ces ingrédients, et y compris pour son cœur logique qu'est Fω, on sait moralement associer un contenu calculatoire, mais où se cache-t-il dans la définition de topos élémentaire ? C'est le genre de questions qu'on se posera mais sans avoir toutefois toutes les réponses encore.

En tout cas, on commencera par voir le classificateur de sous-objet comme un hProp imprédicatif, par isoler le rôle de l'extensionnalité des propositions (= univalence pour hProp) dans la correspondance entre représentations fibrées et indexées des prédicats dans les topos, et par comprendre comment la somme disjointe peut se simuler en combinant le pouvoir de décision de la définition imprédicative de la disjonction avec le pouvoir de représentation des types par des parties singleton.

Tuesday March 26, 2024, 2PM, 1020 and Renater
Lasse Blaauwbroek A machine learning platform for proof synthesis in Coq

Tactician is a proof synthesis platform that aims to make machine learning models practically accessible to Coq end-users. To this end, it makes a wide range of Coq's internal knowledge available to solving agents in a machine-learning friendly manner, including information on definitions, theorems and proofs. When the user invokes Tactician's 'synth' tactic, the solving agent is asked exploit this knowledge to complete the current proof. A wide variety of solving agents are available in the platform, including k-nearest neighbor solvers, graph neural networks, language models and random forests. Several solvers have state-of-the-art proving capabilities, far outperforming existing general purpose automation techniques. Much of this performance is due to Tactician's unique capability to learn from new knowledge on-the-fly. It can amend its models with new definitions, lemmas and proofs and immediately exploit this information during proof synthesis.

In this talk, I will give a general tutorial on Tactician. We start with a usage demonstration from an end-user perspective. Then we'll take a look at Tactician's internal architecture. There are several data formats for machine learning, including a novel graph-based representation of the Calculus of Existential Inductive Constructions, where every node in the graph represents a unique term modulo alpha-equivalence. This data is made available both as an offline dataset and through interaction with Coq using a rich remote procedure calling (RPC) protocol. We'll see how we can easily implement our own external solving agent in Python.

Monday March 18, 2024, 2PM, Grenoble
Gdr Ifm Journées nationales du GDR (pas d'exposé)

Monday March 11, 2024, 2PM, 3052
Gabriel Scherer Random generation of well-typed terms: a constraint-based approach

“Fuzzing” is a popular testing approach where we throw random inputs at a program and check that it respects some expected properties on all inputs. Fuzzing a metaprogram such as a compiler requires producing random input programs. To exercise interesting behaviors of the compiler, we want our input programs to be well-formed in a strong sense, in particular to be well-typed. Generating random well-typed program is difficult when the type-system is powerful, there is a whole scientific literature on the topic, see for example [Testing an Optimising Compiler by Generating Random Lambda Terms, Pałka, 2012].

Most existing generators integrate a large part of the implementation of a type-checker, “inverted” to assist in top-down random term generation by efficiently discarding choices that result in ill-typed programs. Scaling this approach to a full language would result in implementing two sophisticated type-checkers, once in the compiler and once in the program generator. This is one type-checker too many!

In this talk I will present preliminary work on reusing the constraint-based type inference approach [The Essence of ML-based type inference, Pottier and Rémy, 2004] to write a single type-checker that can be used for both purposes: to check types of user-provided programs, and to efficiently guide a random program generator. This only requires a fairly simple modification to constraint generators: parametrizing them over a search monad.

(Relevant previous work is [Making Random Judgments: Automatically Generating Well-Typed Terms from the Definition of a Type-System, Fetscher, Claessen, Pałka, Hughes, Findler]. They start from Redex, a Racket DSL to implement simple type systems, and derive a random program generator. The limitation of this approach is that Redex only works with fairly simple type system, in particular we do not expect it to scale to ML-style type inference with polymorphism, which is the part that hand-crafted generators also struggle on. Our work builds on top of constraint-solving approaches that are known to scale well to ML-style polymorphic; but it is preliminary and we have only implemented support for the simply-typed lambda-calculus for now.)

Monday March 4, 2024, 2PM, 3052 and bbb Link
Guillaume Baudart Schedule Agnostic Semantics for Reactive Probabilistic Programming

Synchronous languages are now a standard industry tool for critical embedded systems. Designers write high-level specifications by composing streams of values using block diagrams. These languages have been extended with Bayesian reasoning to program state-space models which compute a stream of distributions given a stream of observations. Yet, the semantics of probabilistic models is only defined for scheduled equations – a significant limitation compared to dataflow synchronous languages and block diagrams which do not require any ordering.

In talk I will present two schedule agnostic semantics for a probabilistic synchronous language. The key idea is to interpret probabilistic expressions as a stream of un-normalized density functions which maps random variable values to a result and positive score. The co-iterative semantics extends the original semantics to interpret mutually recursive equations using a fixpoint operator. The relational semantics directly manipulates streams and is thus a better fit to reason about program equivalence. We use the relational semantics to prove the correctness of a program transformation required to run an optimized inference algorithm for state-space models with constant parameters.

This is joint work with Louis Mandel and Christine Tasson.

Monday February 26, 2024, 2PM, 3052
Julien Narboux (Université de Strasbourg) Formalization of geometry, and automated theorem proving using constraint solving

In this talk, we will present a quick overview of our work (with Michael Beeson, Pierre Boutry, Gabriel Braun and Charly Gries) about formalization of geometry and the GeoCoq library. We will delve into the axiomatic systems of influential mathematicians such as Euclid, Hilbert and Tarski and present formalization issues. A special focus will be placed on the formalization of continuity axioms and parallel postulates. We will highlight details and issues that can be seen only through the lens of a proof assistant and intuitionistic logic. We will present a syntactic proof of the independence of the parallel postulate. From axiomatic foundations to computer-assisted proofs, we will explore the interplay between synthetic and analytic geometry, and different kinds of automation. Finally, we will present our recent work on Larus (with Predrag Janičić): a theorem prover based on coherent logic and constraint solving which can output proofs that are both readable and machine checkable, along with illustrations generated semi-automatically.

Monday February 12, 2024, 2PM, 3052 and bbb Link
Esaïe Bauer (IRIF, Université Paris Cité & INRIA Picube) Cut-elimination for the circular modal mu-calculus: linear logic and super exponentials to the rescue

Contrarily to Girard's linear logic which is equipped with a rich proof theory, Kozen's modal mu-calculus has an underdeveloped one: for instance the modal mu-calculus is lacking a proper syntactic cut-elimination theorem.

During this talk, I will present a strategy to prove cut-elimination theorem for the modal mu-calculus. This strategy is to prove cut-elimination for a “linear translation” of the modal mu-calculus (that is to define a translation of the statements and proofs of the modal mu-calculus into a linear sequent calculus) and to deduce the desired cut-elimination results as corollaries.

While designing this linear translation, we come up with a sequent calculus exhibiting several modalities (or exponentials). It happens that the literature of linear logic offers tools to manage such calculi, for instance subexponentials by Nigam and Miller and super exponentials which is a work I did with Olivier Laurent.

We actually extend super exponentials with fixed-points and non-wellfounded proofs (of which the linear decomposition of the modal mu-calculus is an instance) and prove a syntactic cut-elimination theorem for these sequent calculi in the framework of non-wellfounded proof theory.

Back to the classical modal mu-calculus, we deduce its cut-elimination theorem from the above results, investigating both non-wellfounded and regular proofs.

This is a joint work with Alexis Saurin.

Monday January 22, 2024, 2PM, 3052 and bbb Link
Houda Mouhcine (Inria Saclay) & Micaela Mayero (Université Paris 13, Lipn, Love) Double exposé

1. [Premier exposé : Micaela] Title: An overview of the real numbers in theorem provers: an application with real analysis in Coq

Abstract: Formalizing real numbers in a formal proof tool represents a particular challenge. It is not only a question of representing numbers in computers but also of preserving all mathematical properties needed to make proofs. We will review the history of real numbers formalization in different proof assistants and the different ways of formalizing them, before giving an overview of real numbers libraries that exist today in provers. As application, we will finish by presenting real analysis developments in Coq.

2. [Deuxième exposé : Houda] Title: Formal proofs in applied mathematics: Formalization of Tonelli Theorem and Lagrange Finite Elements

Abstract. Numerical analysis, as an essential tool for solving complex mathematical problems through the use of algorithms and numerical approximations, is further fortified in this work by rigorously formalizing Tonelli's Theorem and Lagrange Finite Elements. These basic concepts are defined and validated using formal proof techniques, enhancing their credibility in various mathematical applications. In the field of integration, important results such as Tonelli's Theorem and the Lebesgue Induction Principle are covered. Furthermore, in the field of numerical resolution of partial differential equations, we explore finite elements, covering the general definition of finite elements, and geometric transformations, up to the full definition of simplicial Lagrange finite elements, including the unisolvance property.

Monday January 8, 2024, 2PM, 3052 and Galène Link (password: tensor)
Loïc Pujet (University of Stockholm) Choice Principles in Observational Type Theory

Observational Type Theory is an internal language for types equipped with a proof-irrelevant propositional equality. As such, it natively supports extensionality principles, UIP, and quotients of types by proof-irrelevant relations (à la Lean).

Unfortunately, it is difficult to use these quotients without any choice principles to extract information from proof-irrelevant truncations. In this talk, I will discuss the various choice principles one could hope to have in OTT, and I will use ideas from Higher Observational Type Theory to sketch a version of OTT with unique choice.