Sylvain Perifel

“Maître de conférences” (senior lecturer) in computer science at université de Paris (ex-Paris Diderot – Paris 7) and IRIF, member of the teams Algorithms and complexity and Automata and applications.

Research domains: algorithmic complexity, computation of polynomials, etc.

To contact me

Office 4017 at IRIF, 4th floor of Sophie Germain building.

Postal address:
Université de Paris
Bâtiment Sophie Germain, case 7014
8 Place Aurélie Nemours
75205 Paris Cedex 13

Tel: 01 57 27 92 29

E-mail: sylvain (dot) perifel [at] irif (dot) fr

Book on algorithmic complexity

My book (in French) on algorithmic complexity is freely available online in pdf here.