Journées de rentrée ASV 2020 Friday 06 November and Monday 09 November 2020. Friday 6, morning Session 1 (chair Amaury Pouly): 9:30 Thomas Colcombet: Welcome 9:45 Amélie Gheerbrant: Property graph databases 10:00 Anantha Padmanabha: Consistent query answering for Self join queries 10:15 Paul-André Melliès: Higher-Order Parity Automata and Regular Languages of Infinitary Lambda-Terms 10:30 Olivier Carton: Ambiguïté et mots infinis (pause 15 minutes) Session 2 (chair Paul-André Melliès): 11:00 Antonio Casares Santos: Optimal transformations of Muller conditions 11:15 Pierre Ohlmann: A symmetric progress measure algorithm for parity games 11:30 Valerie Berthe: Balance in word combinatorics 11:45 Wolfgang Steiner: Strong convergence of multidimensional continued fraction algorithms 12:00 Amaury Pouly: Reachability, Invariants and control in linear dynamical systems Monday 9, afternoon Session 3 (chair Sam Van Gool): 14:00 Cristina Sirangelo: Query rewriting over incomplete data 14:15 Edwin Hamel: Language Operations: an Algebraic Point of View 14:30 Arthur Jaquard: A Complexity Approach to Tree Algebras 14:45 Mélodie Lapointe: Some free group automorphisms 15:00 Max Michel: Time&Space as an execution path of a uniform very fine grain structure (pause 15 minutes) Session 4 (chair Valérie Berthé): 15:30 Irène Guessarian: Congruence preservation 15:45 Christian Choffrut: Equational theory of ordinals as additive group with omega product 16:00 Sylvain Schmitz : Pre-spectral spaces 16:15 Sam van Gool: Residuation 16:30 Daniela Petrisan: Learning with categories