The issue of determinism versus non-determinism is central in computer science. In order to better understand this gap, the intermediary model of Good-for-Games (GFG) automata is currently being explored in its various aspects. A GFG automaton is a non-deterministic automaton on finite or infinite words, where accepting runs can be built on-the-fly on valid input words. I will recall recent advances on this model, and describe a newly introduced generalisation: width. The width of an automaton can be viewed as a measure of its amount of nondeterminism. Width generalises the notion of GFG automata, which correspond to NFAs of width 1. I will describe how GFG or deterministic automata can be built from non-deterministic automata, with width being a crucial parameter in the construction. I will finally mention results and open problems related to the computational complexity of computing GFGness or width of automata.