Théorie des types et réalisabilité
Mercredi 8 décembre 2021, 14 heures, Salle 1007
Federico Olimpieri (Université de Leeds) Categorifying Intersection Types

We study a family of distributors-induced bicategorical models of lambda-calculus, proving that they can be syntactically presented via intersection type systems. We first introduce a class of 2-monads whose algebras are monoidal categories modelling resource management. We lift these monads to distributors and define a parametric Kleisli bicategory, giving a sufficient condition for its cartesian closure. In this framework we define a proof-relevant semantics: the interpretation of a term associates to it the set of its typing derivations in appropriate systems. We prove that our model characterize solvability, adapting reducibility techniques to our setting. We conclude by describing two examples of our construction.

Théorie des types et réalisabilité
Mercredi 24 février 2021, 14 heures, online (
Elaine Pimentel (UFRN - Brazil) On linear logic, modalities and frameworks

We start by presenting a local system for linear logic (LL) based on linear nested sequents. Relying on that system, we propose a general framework for modularly describing systems combining, coherently, substructural behaviors inherited from LL with simply dependent multimodalities. This class of systems includes linear, elementary, affine, bounded and subexponential linear logics and extensions of multiplicative additive linear logic (MALL) with normal modalities, as well as general combinations of them.

We then move to the question of giving an interpretation to subexponentials. We will show a game interpretation of affine linear logic with subexponentials, viewing the game as a playground for illuminating semantic intuitions underlying resource conscious reasoning. Interestingly enough, this led to the proposal of new sequent systems for capturing the notions of costs and budget in a fragment of linear logic with subexponentials, thus opening new possibilities for analysing the problem of comparing proofs.

We finish the talk by showing a computational interpretation of subexponentials in the process-as-formula fashion, where process constructors are mapped to logical connectives and computational steps are related to proof steps. In particular, we will show in detail the role of pre-orders in subexponentials for the adequate specification of different modalities in concurrent systems, such as time, space, epistemic and preferences. We end with a discussion about which new models of computation should arise from the extension of the concept of modality in linear logic.