VASS (Vector Addition Systems with States), which are equivalent to Petri nets, are automata equipped with natural variables that can be decremented or incremented. VASS are a powerful model which has been intensively studied in the last decades. Many verification techniques have been developed to analyse them and the frontier between the decidable and undecidable problems related to VASS begins to be well known. One interesting point is that the model-checking of linear temporal logics (like LTL or linear mu-calculus) is decidable for this model but this is not anymore the case when considering branching time temporal logics. However some restrictions can be imposed on the logics and on the studied system in order to regain decidability. In this talk, we will present these results concerning the model-checking of VASS and the techniques leading to the decidability results. We will then show how these techniques and results can be used to analyse some extensions of VASS with probabilities, namely probabilistic VASS and VASS Markov Decision Processes.