Complexity and Algorithms Working Group

fr / en

The aim of the CoA working group of GdR IM (see also myGDR) is to bring together all researchers in computer science and mathematics interested in the design and analysis of algorithms, i.e. the design of methods and tools for:

  • design efficient algorithms, including the identification of new algorithmic paradigms and/or analysis techniques;
  • establish lower bounds on computation time, circuit size, approximation factors and qualities, quantity of bits exchanged, etc.

The CoA working group focuses on all forms of algorithms, including sequential, parallel or distributed algorithms, online algorithms, streaming algorithms, approximation algorithms, parameterized algorithms, probabilistic algorithms, quantum algorithms, etc., approached from the joint point of view of design (upper bounds, new paradigms, etc.) and analysis (lower bounds, complexities, etc.). The CoA working group is also interested in algorithms motivated by and applied to alltypes of environments: graphs, networks, biological systems, images, combinatorial objects, etc.

Some of the the leading international CoA-related conferences are: STOC, FOCS, SODA, PODC, SPAA, CCC, ICALP, ESA, DISC, etc., as well as specialized workshops such as WAOA, IPEC, Approx-Random, SIROCCO, etc.

People and laboratories involved in CoA: CoA webpage on myGDR.

  • Édouard Bonnet (LIP, Lyon), member of CoA's scientific committee, received the CNRS bronze medal in 2023
  • Carola Doerr (LIP6, Paris), member of CoA's scientific committee, received the CNRS bronze medal in 2022
  • Sébastien Tavenas (LAMA, Université Savoie Mont Blanc), member of CoA's scientific committee, received the Best Paper Award of FOCS 2021.
  • Marthe Bonamy (LaBRI, Bordeaux), member of CoA's scientific committee, received the CNRS bronze medal in 2021
  • Claire Mathieu (IRIF, Paris), CoA member, received the CNRS silver medal in 2019

Future Events:

Past Events:

The registration procedure is as follows:

  1. Click on “Laboratoires” to check that your laboratory is present in the database. Please note: If you are not affiliated with any French laboratory, but only with an institution abroad, you must use “Laboratoire à l'étranger”.
    • If your laboratory is present in the database, proceed to point 3.
    • If not, please contact CoA as you cannot register. To this end, please send them your laboratory's full name, acronym and web address. Your laboratory will be added to the list, and you will be notified when this is done, so that you can register.
  2. Click on “Register”, and proceed to registration (preferably by professional email), following the instructions for creating a password, and memorizing your login and password.
  3. Log in with your login name and password.
  4. Fill in your form.
  5. Click on “IM”, and the list of GTs appears. Select the WG(s) to which you belong, and you're done.

CoA WG mailing list: add to list.

The CoA working group has been part of GdR IM since 2012.

Former CoA co-leaders:

Former members of the CoA Board (2018-2023):