Maître de conférences (sort of Associate Professor) at Université Paris Cité, in the PPS team of the IRIF institute.

Also member of πr² (pi.r2) and now picube, joint teams between INRIA / Université Paris Cité / CNRS.

Note : the Université Paris Cité is the result of the merge of Université Paris Diderot (a.k.a Paris VII) with other structures in 2019.

Phone (33) 1 57 27 93 37
Office 3040
Location Building Sophie Germain, 8 place A. Nemours, Paris 13e
Postal Address IRIF, Université Paris Cité, Case 7014, F-75205 PARIS Cedex 13
  • Key: 4096R/1CF4C6B9 (note the transition from my old key)
  • Fingerprint: 2831 EBE3 93BA B3DF CE7B D897 8C11 1AC5 1CF4 C6B9