Coffee is organized by volunteers at IRIF. IRIF bought two coffee machines, one at each floor. But IRIF does not buy or sponsor coffee beans.

Thus you must get IRIF tokens in office 4001 before having coffee. No debt is possible.

Once you have tokens, you can exchange a coffee against one or two tokens (collected in the box near the coffee machine) as follows:

  • 1 coffee = 1 IRIF token
  • 1 double shot = 2 IRIF tokens
  • For visitors: please offer them a coffee using your tokens, or ask them to get their own tokens


In office 4001, the first two options to get IRIF tokens for coffee are:

  • BUYING (bank notes only): 10 € = 30 tokens
  • EXCHANGING (coffee beans only): 1 kg of good coffee at ~20 € = 60 tokens

Looking for volunteers: VOLUNTEERING

We look for volunteers for buying large amount of coffee in advance, and for descaling (détartrage). Volunteers get free tokens.

Contact or 4001 if you would like to volunteer.


Volunteers accept to pay and deliver at least 10kg of coffee when needed. They are reimbursed when money is collected. In the meantime they get some free tokens.

Here is the detailed protocol:

  • Buy and deliver to 4001 (at least) 10 kg of good coffee at ~20 €/kg (contact before any expense)
  • Be reimbursed when money is collected
  • Get 50 free tokens (5 per kg)

Volunteers proceed descaling when needed. They get some free tokens for each descaling.

Here is the detailed protocol:

  • When? Slow flow / Message / Red signal ‘P’
  • Instruction and products in the cabinet below
  • Get 10 free tokens

Which coffee?