FICS 2024 - Fixed Points in Computer Science Informal proceedings Back to FICS'24 main webpage The list below contains links, depending on the type of submission, to a preliminary version of the extended abstract, which will be updated and revised before publication in EPTCS proceedings, or to the short abstract submitted (not to be included in the post-proceedings): Matteo Acclavio, Gianluca Curzi and Giulio Guerrieri. Non-Uniform Polynomial Time and Non-Wellfounded Parsimonious Proofs (short abstract) Bahareh Afshari, Giacomo Barlucchi and Graham E. Leigh. The Limit of Recursion in State-based Systems (extended abstract) Bahareh Afshari and Johannes Kloibhofer. Cut Elimination for Cyclic Proofs: A Case Study in Temporal Logic (extended abstract) Esaïe Bauer and Alexis Saurin. Cut-Elimination for the Circular Modal $\mu$-Calculus: the Benefits of Linearity (short abstract) Florian Bruse, David Kronenberger and Martin Lange. Characterizing the Exponential-Space Hierarchy Via Partial Fixpoints (extended abstract) Rémy Cerda. Nominal Algebraic-Coalgebraic Data Types, with Applications to Infinitary $\lambda$-Calculi (extended abstract) Gregory Chichery and Luigi Santocanale. Lifting Final Coalgebras and Initial Algebras, a Reconstruction (short abstract) Zeinab Galal and Jean-Simon Pacaud Lemay. Combining Fixpoint and Differentiation Theory (short abstract) Mohamed Hamza Bandukara and Nikos Tzevelekos. Nominal Logics for Fresh Register Automata (short abstract) Daniel Hausmann. Faster Game Solving by Fixpoint Acceleration (extended abstract) Daniel Hausmann, Nir Piterman, Irmak Saglam and Anne-Kathrin Schmuck. Fixpoints for Fair Parity/$\bot$ Games (short abstract) Farzad Jafarrahmani and Noam Zeilberger. A Fibrational Characterization for Unicity of Solutions to Generalized Context-Free Systems (short abstract) Tadeusz Litak. Ruitenburg's Theorem Mechanized and Contextualized (extended abstract) Ralph Matthes, Kobe Wullaert and Benedikt Ahrens. Substitution for Non-Wellfounded Syntax with Binders through Monoidal Categories (short abstract) Leonardo Pacheco. The $\mu$-calculus' Alternation Hierarchy is Strict over Non-Trivial Fusion Logics (extended abstract) Paige Randall North and Maximilien Peroux. Coinductive Control of Inductive Data Types (short abstract) Borja Sierra-Miranda. Cyclic Proofs for iGL via Corecursion (extended abstract)