
In this week's IRIF Newsletter, you have until next monday to ask a funding for conference organisation of 2024.
Sylvain Perifel will defend his HDR soon. The 2024 Pint of Science applications are open!
The focus is giving you important details for next week HCERES organisation.

Enjoy reading and have a nice weekend!

Direction's announcements

  • Financial year-end: the deadline to use non-grant funding is on November 30, this applies to all money not linked to ANR or IUF grants. For mission reimbursments, all the files and receipts have to be handed out to secretariate before December 11, Incomplete or late requests will be adressed whem the service opens again in the end of January 2024.
  • 2024 Conference support: If you would like to support for conferences you organize in 2024 year, please send all information to direction@irif.fr by Monday 27 November, since they must be included in the CNRS AAP. After Monday it will be too late.
  • [VERY IMPORTANT] If you wish to add images or pictures on a webpage hosted by IRIF, you must be sure that you have the right to use it and you have to put full credits: it is not an hypothetic issue, since we are currently working with CNRS legal services to answer a refunding request of several hundred euros for a photo that was used three months on a secondary page of a GdR hosted by IRIF.
  • Renovation work :
    • Postponement of the removal of the footbridge over the main entrance, originally scheduled for Saturday 18 November, to Saturday 25 November.
  • AAP INS2I LAST CALL: We have to prepare the answer to the INS2I project call (appel unique INS2I) by the end of the month. Please contact the head of your group by MONDAY the 27th if you have a project to propose for one of the following topics:
    1. Development of international relations with a future aim of international network, project or research laboratory ;
    2. Emergence of innovative scientific projects or projects relating to a new, ground-breaking theme;
    3. Economic development and transfer to the socio-economic world, including in the form of free software;
    4. Support for researchers and lecturers with a thematic mobility project;
    5. Organising scientific conferences.


  • HDR Defense: Sylvain Perifel will defend his habilitation to direct research [HDR] on Monday 4 December 2022 at 2pm in the Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Amphitheatre of the Condorcet building. His subject is Algorithmic techniques for the verification of counter systems and parameterised networks.
  • diiP Distinguished Lecture: On 6 December, Prof. Joseph Sifakis (Verimag, CNRS), Turing Award winner, will give a talk on Testing System Intelligence. It will be done online at 4pm. You can find all the necessary information and the abstract here. You can log directly via this zoom link.
  • Stages de décembre : du lundi 18 au vendredi 22 décembre, nous accueillerons des élèves de 3ème au sein de notre laboratoire. Entre exposés vulgarisés, rencontres avec des chercheurs et des doctorants, initiations à la programmation, nous avons besoin de votre mobilisation pour leur faire découvrir le monde de la recherche et de l'informatique ! Si vous souhaitez participer, proposer une activité ou un exposé, merci de contacter communication@irif.fr.
  • Accepted papers CSL 2024: Congratulations to the following researchers whose papers have been accepted for the CSL Conference:
    • Quentin Aristote. Active learning of deterministic transducers with outputs in arbitrary monoids
    • Laura Fontanella, Guillaume Geoffroy and Richard Matthews. Realisability models for large cardinals
    • Éric Goubault, Roman Kniazev and Jérémy Ledent. A many-sorted epistemic logic for chromatic hypergraphs
    • Francois Laroussinie, Loriane Leclercq and Arnaud Sangnier. QLTL Model-Checking
    • Vincent Moreau and Lê Thành Dũng Nguyễn. Syntactically and semantically regular languages of lambda-terms coincide through logical relations
  • Accepted papers QIP 2024: Congratulations to the following researchers whose papers have been accepted for the QIP Conference:
    • Adam Bouland, Bill Fefferman, Soumik Ghosh, Tony Metger, Umesh Vazirani, Chenyi Zhang and Zixin Zhou. Public-key pseudoentanglement and the hardness of learning ground state entanglement structure
    • Jonathan Allcock, Jinge Bao, Aleksandrs Belovs, Troy Lee and Miklos Santha. On the quantum time complexity of divide and conquer
    • Simon Apers and Sander Gribling. Quantum speedups for linear programming via interior point methods
  • Rapport de l'HCERES sur le CNRS : l'HCERES (Haut Conseil de l'évaluation de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement supérieur) a rendu son rapport sur une partie des activités du CNRS. Vous pouvez découvrir les résultats ici.
  • Mentorat en Sciences - UPC: le mentorat est un accompagnement personnel bénévole, à caractère confidentiel, apporté par une personne expérimentée - mentor(e) – à une doctorante – mentorée. Les mentor.e.s., enseignant-e.s-chercheur.e.s Université Paris Cité, visent à :
    • informer sur le projet de carrière et l’insertion professionnelle ;
    • faire part de leur expérience ;
    • établir un espace d’échanges avec la doctorante.
      Des binômes, mentor.e/mentorée, seront constitués pour une année civile et conduiront à un minimum de 3 échanges entre binômes.
      De plus, les doctorantes pourront participer à des ateliers collectifs (sujets liés à leur avenir et à leur insertion professionnelle) : 2 tables rondes (proposé au cours de l’année) et 2 réunions (lancement du projet et bilan en fin d’année).
      Les doctorantes participant à cette initiative pourront la valoriser en bénéficiant de 16h de formation à ajouter dans le cadre de leur cursus doctoral (12h de janvier à août – 4h de septembre à décembre).
      Si vous souhaitez participer à ce projet, merci contacter Claire Fave ou Amina Hariti en envoyant un mail à l'adresse suivante : mentorat.sciences@u-paris.fr
  • Hal publication: From 13 to 24 November, the HAL team at Université Paris Cité will be helping you to manage your digital identity on this platform. We remind you that it is obligatory for all lab members to add their publications to Hal.
  • Activity report for CNRS researchers: the deadline for submitting activity reports has been extended to December 14 at noon.
  • Pint of Science 2024: The Labex Who Am I?, the DIM BioConvS, the EUR G.E.N.E, and the Faculté des Sciences of Université de Paris join forces to organize events during the next edition of the Pint of Science 2024 festival (May 13 to 15, 2024). They are looking for people wishing to be involved: to give a talk (short presentations on your research topics for the general public, in French or English) and/or to participate in the organization and animation of the events (integrate the organization team and ensure the smooth running of the evenings). If you are interested or have questions, contact Valérie Drouet before midnight on December 17, 2023.

IRIF & Environnement

  • I&E Flyer: To better understand the purpose of the Commission, here is a flyer explaining our mission and goals.
  • According to your employer:
    • University sustainable mobility bonus: Employees who choose an alternative and sustainable mode of transport (cycling, car-pooling) will be eligible for a “sustainable mobility package”. The timetable is as follows:
    • CNRS mobility bonus: you have until December 31st to fill this form. See here for more information .

Focus on the 3 HCERES Days

From Tuesday 28 November to 30 November, the HCERES will be evaluating the laboratory. You are cordially invited to all the coffee lunches for an informal chat with the jury.

We will do a distribution of the badges around 12:30pm/1pm. During these three days, the HCERES committee asks that the members of IRIF wear them while meeting the committee (in particular during coffee breaks).

The full programme is available on the dedicated page. In particular, on the 29th, everyone in the lab is welcome to the poster session which will take place in MIR library, 8th floor, at the same time as the buffet lunch from 12.00 to 13.30. The posters will be displayed on shelves. Presenters must stay close to their posters as the jury will walk around and discover them. A short presentation of the posters will be requested by the jury members.

Here is the list of all the posters that will be presented:

Pôle ASD
Simon Apers - Quantum at IRIF
Sylvain Perifel - Lempel-Ziv: a «one-bit catastrophe» but not a tragedy
Enrica Duchi - Bijection between fighting fish, planar maps, and Tamari intervals
Matthieu Josuat-Vergès - Combinatoire: panorama du portfolio
Laurent Viennot - Équipe-projet Gang
Mikaël Rabie - Lower bounds for maximal matchings and maximal independent sets
Monika Csikos - Spanning paths with low crossing numbers
Matej Stehlik - Criticality in Sperner’s Lemma

Pôle ASV
Sam van Gool - Automata and profinite lambda-terms
Amélie Gheerbrant - GPC: A Pattern Calculus for Property Graphs
Mahsa Shirmohammadi - Can King cautiously eliminate Robin Hood?
Mohammed Foughali - Compositional Verification of Embedded Real-Time Systems

Pôle PPS
Nicolas Behr - Compositional Rewriting
Aymeric Walch - Cartesian Coherent Differential Categories
Giulio Manzonetto & Vincent Padovani - A Lambda Calculus Satellite
Hugo Herbelin - Proof theory, computation and beyond
Gabriele Vanoni - Higher-Order Bayesian Networks
Guillaume Duboc - Typing Elixir: set-theoretic types break into the mainstream
Pierre Letouzey - Some curious recursive functions : Hostadter’s G and after

Lab Posters
Valérie Berthé et Marie Fortin - IRIF Equalities Committee and beyond
Sylvain Schmitz - Exposition 50 Years of Theoretical Computer Science
Pierre Fraigniaud - Mentoring
Juliette Calvi - IRIF Communication
Geoffroy Couteau - IRIF & Environnement

Calls for tender and information from partners

  • Concours chercheurs et chercheuses CNRS : la date limite du dépôt des dossiers est fixée au 9 février. L’arrêté d’ouverture des concours ne sera publié que début décembre. Les jurys d’admission auront lieu fin juin-début juillet.
  • IEEE Xplore - CNRS : un accès expérimental et temporaire à IEEE Xplore, plateforme sur laquelle la grande majorité des 150 revues et 6000 conférences du domaine « Computing and Processing » est accessible, est ouvert via bibCNRS. Date limite d’utilisation : 7 décembre 2023.
  • [LAST CALLS] Research chairs of excellence FSMP : The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris offers research chairs of excellence and postdoctoral positions in Mathematics and in fundamental Computer Science for academic year 2024-2025, all located in Paris or in Paris area.

Partner newsletter : Les lettres arrivent sporadiquement aux membres de l'IRIF. Elles sont donc listées ci-dessous.

Agenda for the week of 27 November to 1st December

Combinatoire énumérative et analytique · Mardi 28 novembre, 11:00, Room 1007 ·
Pas De Séance (Évaluation Hceres!), Pas de séance (évaluation HCERES!)

One world numeration seminar · Mardi 28 novembre, 14:00, Online ·
Claudio Bonanno (Università di Pisa), Asymptotic behaviour of the sums of the digits for continued fraction algorithms

Séminaire des membres non-permanents · Jeudi 30 novembre, 16:00, Room 1007 ·
Mariana Milicich, Useful Evaluation, Inductively and Quantitatively

Graph Transformation Theory and Applications · Vendredi 01 décembre, 15:00, online ·
Pablo Arrighi (Université Paris-Saclay & INRIA), Past, future, what's the difference?