All the past news 11.12.2024 Monday, 16 December 2024, SOC² is organizing a day dedicated to dataflow models of computation to celebrate the anniversary of the famous paper of Gilles Kahn on KPN, entitled « The semantics of a simple language for parallel programming » was published in 1974. The goal is to travel through the various research fields that has been opened by this paper. The original paper will be presented to start the day. The program and the registration link (free of charge) is here: 28.11.2024 The Ackermann Award recognizes outstanding dissertations for Logic in Computer Science at ACSL conference. This year, the prize has been awarded to two thesis supervised at IRIF: the laureates are Gaëtan Douéneau-Tabot supervised by Olivier Carton and Emmanuel Filiot at Université Paris-Cité (France) and Aliaume Lopez supervised by Jean Goubault-Larrecq and Sylvain Schmitz at ENS Paris-Saclay and Université Paris-Cité (France), respectively. They will receive their prize to CSL 2025, in Amsterdam, which will take place from 10 to 14 February 2025. 26.11.2024 Congratulations to our following members whose papers have been accepted for the 2025 POPL conference : Rida Ait El Manssour, Guillaume Baudart, Adrienne Lancelot, Giulio Manzonetto, Gabriel Scherer and Mahsa Shirmohammadi 12.11.2024 The LVP (Languages and Program Verification) working group of the GPL GdR of the CNRS will be holding its one-day conference on Thursday 14 November 2024 at IRIF, from 9am to 5.40pm. Emilio Jesús Gallego Aria, Inria researcher at IRIF, University of Paris, will be giving a talk on : ‘Flèche: Incremental Validation for Hybrid Formal Documents’. This event is free but registration is required. 5.11.2024 This year, three IRIF researchers are part of two projects that have won a 2025 Synergy Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). Many congratulations to Valérie Berthé, Hugo Herbelin and Paul-André Melliès ! IRIF wishes them successful results. 31.10.2024 IRIF is excited to host Dexter Kozen from Cornell University as a speaker in our Distinguished Talks series. The talk will take place on December 03, 2024, starting at 11a.m. More details to come! 24.10.2024 The Innovation Prize has been awarded to Sergio Rajsbaum, associate member of IRIF, in recognition of his significant contribution to Distributed Computing. The prize will be presented to him at the SIROCCO'25 conference in Delphi, Greece. 24.10.2024 Does Computer Science Have a Future? That is the question to be debated during the third conference, “We Turn Off, We Reflect, We Discuss,” organized at Université Paris Cité by François Laroussinie. José Halloy (LIED) and Anne-Laure Ligozat (LISN) are the invited speakers. It will take place on December 10, 2024, from 4:15 PM to 6:30 PM. This event is free of charge. 18.10.2024 We welcome Mélissa Goddé, the new administrative assistant, who has joined the administrative team. 4.10.2024 The 2024 edition of the Fête de la Science has begun! The IRIF will host, from October 4th to 14th, 13 elementary and middle school classes who will come to explore computer science through unplugged activities and programming. We also offer a quantum program created in collaboration with the Materials and Quantum Phenomena (MPQ) laboratory for high school classes. 30.9.2024 Jean-Louis Krivine, Professor Emeritus at IRIF, has published a book entitled ‘Les décompilateurs - L'Univers en tête’. In it you will find, among other things, a reflection on the origin of mathematics and the link between logic and theoretical computing, as well as some paradoxes in quantum mechanics. 25.9.2024 CNRS Computer Science is organizing the conference “Optimization: at the Heart of Challenges in Computer Science” which will take place on October 3, 2024, at the CNRS Headquarters. This event, aimed at industry professionals, decision-makers, and journalists, brings together the scientific community to exchange and share knowledge on this cross-disciplinary topic. Claire Mathieu, Simon Apers and David Saulpic will give talks. 19.9.2024 This year, IRIF has set a clear goal: achieving gender parity among 9th-grade interns. This is a real challenge, as the proportion of women in computer science is still significantly lower. That's why we are counting on our networks to attract more female applicants than in previous years! A week in our research lab will give interns the chance to discover the world of research and gain a clearer understanding of what computer science really is. 18.9.2024 Neha Rino (MPRI intern at IRIF in 2023), Eugène Asarin and Mohammed Foughali won the Best Paper Award at FORMATS. This work formulate and solve by an efficient algorithm the problem of quantitative monitoring: compute a real number characterizing to which extent the given trace of a real-time system satisfies its specification. 11.9.2024 Roberto Mantaci and Jean-Baptiste Yunès have published a book entitled “Basics of Programming and Algorithms, Principles and Applications”. It provides core content for teaching programming and algorithms, covering algorithm performance analysis and essential Python programming knowledge. 5.9.2024 The committee for the 2024 Principles of Distributed Computing Doctoral Dissertation Award has decided to share the award between two recipients, including Dr. Robin Vacus for his dissertation “Algorithmic Perspectives to Collective Natural Phenomena.” He completed his PhD under the supervision of Amos Korman and Pierre Fraigniaud, at the Université Paris Cité. His thesis applies a distributed systems approach to problems and models inspired by biology and sociology. 2.9.2024 Ashwin Nayak (Professor, University of Waterloo) will be visiting IRIF from September to October 2024. His research interests include quantum algorithms, complexity, and communication. He has collaborated extensively with Dr. Frédéric Magniez and other members of IRIF on these topics. Building on their research collaborations, Dr. Magniez and he led an international student exchange program between Canada and a number of EU institutions, and a PICS project between the Institute for Quantum Computing at U. Waterloo and IRIF. Ashwin is looking forward to renewing these ties in the upcoming visit. 26.8.2024 Delia Kesner is guest speaker at the Lambda World international conference to be held in Cadiz (Spain) from 2 to 4 October 2024. 29.7.2024 The videoconferencing software 'Galène', developed by Juliusz Chroboczek, IRIF member, was used for the LibrePlanet 2024 conference, organized by the Free Software Foundation (FSF). A feedback report was published on their site: 19.7.2024 The holydays have started and you're already missing science? The rebroadcast of Omer Reingold's talk is now available. His talk was on “The multitude of group affiliations: Algorithmic Fairness, Loss Minimization and Outcome Indistinguishability”. 16.7.2024 Giuseppe Castagna, Pierre-Louis Curien, and Jean-Jacques Lévy all contributed to writing a chapter of the new book “The French School of Programming.” Through a chapter, each of the 13 researchers was able to address the topic of their choice related to programming and software engineering. 11.7.2024 Mark your calendar for September 16th. The Day on Probabilities in Theoretical Computer Science is coming! 7 invited speakers will cover a wide range of areas related to TCS and probabilities, including quantum, cryptography, algorithms, and more. To join us, register (free but mandatory) here: 9.7.2024 Thomas Ehrhard is an invited speaker of the 28th AILA Logic Meeting, which will take place in Udine (Italy) from 3 to 6 September 2024.